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ReHeart Events Self development and spiritual events & community of likeminded people


Šodien pēdējā diena pieteikties šim pasākumam 🫶

💃tās ir apzinātās dejas nodarbības ar transformējošu efektu

Deja kopā ar meditācijas un somatikas tehnikām, kur katra daļa sekojoši ieved dziļāk savā ķermeni, kur varam beidzot sajust sevi, savas emocijas, dziedināt tās, ļaut sev brīvi izpausties.

strādāsim ar 4 elementiem, lai sabalansētu enerģijas ķermenī.

Tā kā šobrīd esmu ceļā uz sertifikāta iegūšanu, sesijas būs par ļoti draudzīgam cenām, bet tikpat jaudīgu rezultātu 🔥

Kam? Sievietēm, kuras vēlās iet dziļāk savā pašizaugsmē (jo ja ķermeņa līmenī nestrādājam, efekts būs vājš no praksēm), sajust savu ķermeni, izpausties autentiski dzīvē.

10.augustā 18:00-19:30
Enerģijas apmaiņai un vides izveidošanai: 10€ + atsauksme
📍miera iela 36
🇱🇻1.sesija būs latviešu valodā

Piesakies rakstot privāti 🔥


Palika pēdējās 2 vietas uz svētdienas sieviešu branču, raksti, lai pieteiktos

Kas var būt dziedinošāks par to, ka sievietes uzklausa viena otru ar atvērtu sirdi un jūtas droši, lai izpaustos autenti...

Kas var būt dziedinošāks par to, ka sievietes uzklausa viena otru ar atvērtu sirdi un jūtas droši, lai izpaustos autentiski? Ieraugot citus visskaistāk, varam pamanīt arī savu iekšējo MAĢIJU.

Mēs spejam sevi patiesi saredzēt tikai caur citiem - kas mūs iedvesmo, trigerē, pievelk vai atgrūž - tas viss nav par citiem, bet par mums.

Tāpēc, lai mēs spētu spoguļot viena otru, iedvesmot un rādīt izaugsmes iespējas, es ORGANIZĒJU BRANČUS!

Iepriekš bija jau 8 branči, vairāk kā 70 dalībnieki un katru reizi tas bija citāds maģisks ceļojums.

🌸Manu branču unikalitāte ir tāda, ka mērķis ir savienoties caur sirdi, nevis caur ego. Sajust, ka ir droši rādīt sevi tādu, kāda esat.

DATUMS: 2. jūnijs (svētdiena)

LAIKS: 11:00 (3-4h)

VIETA: Cozy Eats, Blaumaņa 34

IEKĻAUTS: gardas vegāniskas vēlās brokastis un daudzveidīga programma

MAKSĀJUMS: 40eur (20eur priekšapmaksa)

VALODA: latviešu (ja nav starptautisku dalībnieku)

Piesakies šeit:

Vairāk par mani:

Ladies😍, I have amazing news. After 8 brunches and 6-month pause, I am restarting brunches😎SAFE SPACE FOR AUTHENTIC EXPR...

Ladies😍, I have amazing news. After 8 brunches and 6-month pause, I am restarting brunches😎

What can be more healing than women hearing each other out with open hearts and feeling safe to express themselves authentically? By seeing others most beautifully, we can also notice our inner MAGIC.

DATE: June 2nd (Sunday)
TIME: 11:00 (3-4h)
PLACE: Cozy Eats, Blaumaņa 34
INCLUDED: delicious vegan brunch & diverse program
PAYMENT: 40eur (20eur pre-payment)
LANGUAGE: Latvian (unless there are international participants)
ONLY 10 spots avilable. JOIN HERE:

or DM for more info & questions

‼️few spots left! This Sunday🔥🔥🔥REHEART GAME EVENT IS…A 3h event to play a game that opens your heart, allows you to tap...

‼️few spots left! This Sunday🔥🔥🔥


A 3h event to play a game that opens your heart, allows you to tap into your intuition, get answers, raise your vibration and try different self-development tools within a circle of like-minded women.

Getting wisdom from:
▪️metaphorical cards with aesthetic goddess design
▪️chakras which will reveal what you need to focus on
▪️self-reflection questions for the MIND, movement exercises for the BODY, and spiritual rituals for the SOUL

📍sacred, aesthetical studio to feel most connected to your higher self
🌸healing interaction of women
✨tea & snacks and other details for your comfort

Game created by .mezmale, spiritual & self development event organiser, conscious dance & bachata teacher

3h that can change your inner state ❤️‍🩹

Next event coming soon ✨
More info here:

ReHeart Events

GAME + SPIRITUALITY = Let's play and raise our vibration!A therapeutic signature game designed to open your heart and ta...

GAME + SPIRITUALITY = Let's play and raise our vibration!

A therapeutic signature game designed to open your heart and tap into your intuition, revealing the answers you seek.

The game features cards symbolizing chakras, and action cards for mind, body & soul with reflection questions, spiritual practices, body work.

All of that in an intimate circle of likeminded people to strengthen your intention and effects of the practices.Your intention and intuition will guide the flow of the game, that’s why it will be very unique

If you feel, you come... instructions will be explained during the event..

For you:

- if you want to raise your vibration and connect with like-minded people on the soul level

- if you want to get answers about your authentic path, finances, and relationships from your higher self

Then it's your sign to join!

28.04 11:00-13:00

Rūpniecibas iela 5

30eur (15 eur pre payment)

Only 7 spots available.


Are you joining us tomorrow?✨ECSTATIC DANCE is literally calling🤙☸️CHAKRAS HARMONIZATION through movement This time ther...

Are you joining us tomorrow?✨

ECSTATIC DANCE is literally calling🤙

☸️CHAKRAS HARMONIZATION through movement

This time there will be not only dance, but also a deep chakra healing through dance with guidance.

❌If chakras are blocked you can have all sorts of problems with health, relationships or finances.

When we unblock all energy centres in our body:
♠️your body & mind becomes clear and can attract more health, wealth and love
♠️you feel inspired & creative
♠️you feel connected to the source and at peace.

17:30 Doors open
17:50 Start
18:00 Theory of chakras and their activation
18:30-20:00 Ecstatic dance with guidance & free dance
20:00-20:30 Meditation & closing circle

🍎There will be snacks, water, yoga mats, pillows, spiritual items, oils for the most profound experience.

🗓️7.04 at 17:30
📍Miera street 36, Bachata Riga studio, 3rd floor
✨Languages: English/Latvian

👀Beginner friendly


With Code “bachatachakra” get discount. 💸


This is how the most recent event went 🔥 boosted our feminity, connected to our hearts and expressed our wild selves, together with Marija Cirule😍

Nepalaid garām iespēju! Pievienojies vēlajām brokastīm šo svētdien ar iedvesmojošiem cilvēkiem! Kopā parunāsim pa to, kā...

Nepalaid garām iespēju! Pievienojies vēlajām brokastīm šo svētdien ar iedvesmojošiem cilvēkiem! Kopā parunāsim pa to, kā dzīvot autentisku dzīvi un drosmīgi izpausties!

Dalies ar šo pasākumu ar citiem☺️



It was magical experience to meet all these ladies in person. It’s completely different than online.. Making new friendships, feeling support and connection to something bigger.

So many compliments received about the special guests:
▪️Ruta Virbule, psychotherapist, who gave an inspiring presentation about female archetypes and helped us to understand what energies prevail in ourselves 🙌🏻
▪️Samanta Samanta Alise Rasmuse from who led a mini aromatherapy session😍 which allowed girls to figure out the scents they like that can help them in self healing✨

Delicious waffles, atmosphere and juicy program made it an unforgettable experience and soo many insights.

In the end all that matters is PEOPLE. Not your goals, not money, not travel… without people all of this is boring. And when you find the right ones you should stick to them 😍

Come and join us at RIGA BRUNCH CLUB for the next brunch on 29.07 with another special guest and we will talk about relationships 🔥



Video from todays brunch🔥


It was a blast🤩

-video from Entrepreneur Brunch-

To me it felt like a “higher self meet-up” - everyone dressed up so nicely, met at the highest point in Jurmala, amazing service & food, exciting activities and conversations.

It’s incredible how likeminded people can empower each other, cheer up, support, show your growth areas. Even though we are all very different, we go through the same problems when we choose to go our authentic path:
- judgement from other people
- monetising your hobby
- working less but smarter
- boundaries with work & clients
- and ultimately how to be happy (because to me business without that doesn’t matter)

Alone we can do 100%, together we can do 200%, get abnormal results and enormous support. Thank you everyone who joined🥰

Next event already on June 10th 🔥
Female Archetypes Brunch, more info in Latvian here:

⏰10. jūnijā plkst. 12:00-15:00
📍Mākonis | Coctails & Desing, Stabu iela 42
💎Cena: 45 eiro (iekļautas brokastis un dzērieni)

Ļoti gaidītais pasākums par sieviešu arhetipiem ir klāt! Mēs ne tikai piepildīsimies ar sievišķo energiju, bet baudīsim lielisko meistarklasi par sieviešu arhetipiem:
✨”Grieķu dievietes un mūsdienu sievietes”✨

Ar īpašo meistarklases vadītāju - Rutu Virbuli🔥
Piesakies rakstot privati


‼️70% spots for brunch taken 🔥

I believe that your spiritual growth & inner work should be reflected in material world. One of the ways to make it happen is through business. That’s why I decided to play “business game” & believe that by harnessing the power of your potential you can create GRAND things in life, reach millions of people and by doing so grow as a person.

📍Seaside Bar in Jurmala SPA hotel
🗓28th of May at 12:00

It will be all about how to scale your potential, your ideas, mission & see it manifest in something real & tangible that can be valuable to the world. We will look at each of your specific cases & help you grow😍

▪️team management
▪️mindset & levelling up

For entrepreneurs & future entrepreneurs (you don’t have to be one to come, just have some ideas in mind)

‼️Very limited spaces to maintain small circle & quality conversations. DM to sign up



It was an honour hosting the second brunch the last Saturday. From students to multi millionaires, successful business owners or people with beautiful energy & strong empathy, this was a crazy mix of participants😁

Different personalities, backgrounds and genders gave a very diverse perspective. Let me tell you that we even had an argument during the brunch 🤣 spicy conversations, learning to turn off your ego and see other person’s perspective, learn to express yourself and listen to others.

Brunch represents LIFE - how you talk, how you listen, what triggers you, what inspires you - it all is a valuable reflection of your life. That’s why in a short amount of time you can get a lot of insights and realisations about yourself.

Honestly speaking, I’m sometimes surprised - really how is this super successful person interested in my brunches… but every time I see how it can bring so much value to very different people, as long as we are on the same vibe and I am truly grateful for everyone who shows their interest, it’s a miracle to me having the opportunity to host such events🤍

Some personal insights from brunch:
▪️Men are also humans 😳(I mean I knew but 🤣 it was so valuable to hear how they cope with stress, how much responsibilities they have, how they FEEL too
▪️Nothing is more precious than feeling good. As some of the successful male representatives told - it’s easier to earn a lot of money than being truly happy
▪️Building business might not mean freedom, if you focus on status and prestige rather than feeling good and having freedom, you might end up being a slave in your own kingdom. Never forget WHY you started it in the first place.
▪️Ego prevents us from making impulsive decisions, from listening to the other person without judgement. Let go all expectations about yourself and say goodbye to ego to be truly happy.

Wow, I’m amazed by these insights myself 😆
‼️Next brunch on 6.05. Only 2 spots left. DM to sign up



▪️Kad? 22.04.23 12:00-16:00
💡Tēma: Izaugsme karjerā caur iekšējo darbu ar enerģiju un domāšanu. Sievišķā & vīrišķā enerģija karjerā/biznesā.
-Kā realizēt savu garīgo misiju ar jaudu 3D passulē
-Kā pelnīt ar to, kas patīk
-Kādas prakses palīdz augt viegli un gūt labākās idejas
-Kā tik galā ar šķēršļiem ar atvērtu sirdi un pieņemšanu
-Nauda & garīgums
-Ekoloģisks mārketings

💎Būs gan mana pieredze, gan citu dalībnieku pieredze vai jautājumi. Līdz ar to var nākt gan tie, kas jūtas šajos jautājumos ļoti pazuduši, gan tie, kas jau ir ar gūto pieredzi, tāpat gan tie, kas jau ir pašnodarbināti, gan tie, kas vēl nav, bet nākotnē ļoti grib. Bet nebaidaties tās nebūs sausās biznesa sarunas, bet ļoti dvēseliskas un iedvesmojošas:)

📍Vieta tiks precizēta, bet tas būs Rīgas centrā
📌Cena: 40 eur, ja piesakās līdz 8.04. - viss iekļauts gan ēdiens (būs arī vegan/vegetarian opcijas), gan dzērieni.

✍🏻Piesakies, rakstot privāti.
Atlikušās vietas 6/10⏰


🍽Garšīgās vēlās brokastis, sarunas par Bali un īpašie viesi!

Marts simbolizē ne tikai pavasara ienākšanu, bet arī astroloģiskā jaunā gada sākumu! Tāpēc pirmā oficiālā branča tēma ir par to, kā jaudīgi uzsākt jaunu posmu savā dzīvē un piepildīt savus sapņus!

📍Fabrikas Restorāns
💡Tēma: jauns sākums & sarunas par Bali
☑️Iekļauts cenā:
-Brokastis & deserts
-Aizraujošā pasākuma programma & īpašie viesi

Būs jaudīgi, iedvesmojoši un enerģiski 🤩🔥


Atskats uz iepriekšējiem brančiem😍
Tie bija jaudīgi brīvdienu rīti, kad spējām runāt 6h no vietas, iziet ar mirdzošām acīm un gūt enerģiju, lai piepildītu savus sapņus!

Jauns pasākums jau martā! Vairāk informācijas sekos drīzumā📢




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