Anyone in need of some unique Christmas decor or gifts? Jess is open for Christmas orders and would love to be a part of making your holidays so awesome! What's better than a hand made one of a kind custom piece?! Check out the post for a little freebie too!
It's time for Christmas🌲❄ orders🎁! (I'm kinda of freaking out about saying that, I enjoy my holidays in the proper season...) 🌟🌟 Pssstttt -Read on for a freeebie!! 💰
If you're looking for Chrostmas decor, get your orders in NOW! If you're looking for gifts 🎁, those also need to come in now but you've got til Thanksgiving 🦃🥧 to get them in and ensure that they will be ready for Christmas. I work full time, the holidays are insane for me and I make pretty much all the gifts I give, so if you want to ensure that you can give a one of a kind gift this year, get those orders in!
🎉Bonus🎉: Any orders that come in will receive 3 free assorted 🎁 🏷 made by me from ♻️ christmas cards:)