Coming Soon!
When I joined the Church in 2008, I was excited to start my journey towards deepening my relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the years, my faith continued to grow and testimony blossomed. 3 years after my baptism, I was heading into another eternal relationship, marriage! It was a very exciting time during our engagement and also very challenging for many reasons. Navigating through different ideas of what our wedding day should be like while managing hurt feelings of non-member family and friends was exhausting and disheartening. So much of that time I felt lost.
Looking back, I wish I had someone who helped me along the way that understood my thoughts and feelings, even though I had lots of support and love from my husband’s family. It is my greatest hope that through The Convert Bride Podcast that I can be that support to those who might feel lost like I did during that time. Through our episodes, we will talk about planning your wedding, including non-member family and friends, keeping true to you dreams while being faithful, and so much more.
I look forward to getting to know all of you and being a support to one another!
Stay tuned for our launch date!