Symposium "Pain & vision, a crucial interaction to optimize threat detection and body protection", organized by Valéry Legrain, Monika Halicka & Avgustina Kuzminova on June 26.
The International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) brings together scientists from around the world whose research activity focuses on the underlying cognitive and neural processes of the interaction between different sensory modalities to enable coherent perception of our environment and adaptive behavior https://imrf.mcmaster.ca/). On the sidelines of the IMRF congress organized next June in Brussels (https://imrf2023.sciencesconf.org/), Valéry and his team are organizing a satellite symposium on Monday, June 26 on the interaction between pain and vision.
Will be present as speakers Sara Touj (McGill University, Canada), Sara Coppi (Karolinska Institute, Sweden), Caitlin Naylor (University of Bath, UK), Carlotta Fossataro (University of Turin, Italy), Lieve Filbrich (KU Leuven , Belgium), Monika Halicka & Valéry Legrain (UCLouvain, Belgium)
More information to come soon