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Fox & Cunningham Stay up to date on all of our comedy events in Thunder Bay!


"Due to the current COVID19 situation, open mic comedy at The Foundry, The Itai, and the Fastlane will be postponed indefinitely until we learn more regarding the situation, but we hope to start up again as soon as possible.

Everyone be safe and smart in the meantime. Stay home. Watch a movie with the family. Hold your families close...well, don't if you're sick. If you are sick, then just pat them on the head with a really long stick or something from the other room, I guess. Watch Bubble Boy. Have you ever seen the movie Bubble Boy? Why isn't that movie trending right now?

Anyway, thank you to everyone for your continued support and don't die out there... unless you really want... wait, no... scratch that... just watch Bubble Boy. The movie isn't good, but what else are you going to do? Seriously?"

We just wanted to announce to everyone that the Shoeless Joe's open mic on Friday nights has been cancelled.Thank you to...

We just wanted to announce to everyone that the Shoeless Joe's open mic on Friday nights has been cancelled.

Thank you to the patrons and especially the staff for letting us use your establishment for our comedy/karaoke and let me say, we had a blast doing it while it lasted.

Don't worry though, we still have 3 other open mics you can hit up at The Foundry (STARTING TONIGHT), The Itai, and also The Fastlane! So if you want to keep up to date on show nights, be sure to follow our page for all updates and be sure to check out Trevor Green's open mic Monday nights at The Bar opposite to The Foundry's.

Thank you and peace out.


There is no bartender tonight at The Itai, so the open mic comedy/karaoke will be postponed. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll be back up again next Thursday on the 20th!


The Weird Al Karaoke tonight at the Fastlane will be cancelled because of the snow storm and will be rescheduled to a future date

If you do need to drive, just don't.

Stay home instead. Be with your families. Hold them close. Tell them you love them. Hug one of them too hard. Smother one of them by accident. Perform a satanic ritual or something to try and bring them back. Watch Pet Cemetary with your new demon child and learn why this wasn't a good idea. The end is nigh. We're all going to die. And have yourself a Happy New Year.

Or maybe you can just sing some Weird Al into your shower head and enjoy the excuse to not leave your house.

Anyway, Carole and I are going to get day drunk now and probably be in bed by 8. Do we know how to party or what?

Be safe tonight and say hi to Satan for me. Byyyyyye.

We would like to thank everyone for coming out last night and making a fundraising success for Thunder Pride! For the fi...

We would like to thank everyone for coming out last night and making a fundraising success for Thunder Pride! For the first time the crowd was more fierce than the weather, but every comedian pulled through and though there were a few casualties (Eric sent some very self-reflective messages to everyone and we KNOW he had no pants on) and Carole made herself hoarse shouting YOU WANTED KARAOKE, SUCK ON MY KARAOKE but we wouldn't have it any other way. A deep, hard, special and dehydrated thanks to our comedians who were on the show - you are our family, you take us at our worst and hopefully at our best if we ever get there. Thank you to our closer, Jimmy Skinner, who came all the way from Winnipeg to see Thunder Bay in winter. Thank you to The Fastlane, City Wide Sound and staff. A huge thanks to everyone who came out last night and donated money to this great cause, and even the ones who shouted at us all night - because who else would we think of everytime we take a s**t?

From Eric and I, we wish you a wonderful holiday season x Enjoy a pic of us being unattractive.

Only 9 more sleeps until this bang-buster of an event! Come inside to keep warm with no cover charge at the door because...

Only 9 more sleeps until this bang-buster of an event! Come inside to keep warm with no cover charge at the door because admission for this event is FREE!

Feel even warmer by downing a couple shots of Fireball and then making a donation towards Thunder Pride's Crosswalk Fund. That doesn't have to be done in any particular order either: make a donation and then down a couple shots of Fireball. WHO CARES AND WHO'S COUNTING?! Well, the bartender might be... please drink responsibly...

Anyway! We have comedy, we have Christmas carol parodies, Richard Pepper has a guitar, Megan Geddert has kids (not at the bar, but she'll have stories about them there), we all probably have daddy issues, we even have comedian Jimmy Skinner coming all the way from Winnipeg to spend Christmas with you!

So come on out and spend December 21st with your Fastlane Comedy Family and if you don't want to come for the comedy, Eric will probably take his pants off at one point in the night... so there's that...


Some guy on Facebook talked about how he hated "themed comedy," so Laughton & Cunningham would like to PROUDLY present t...

Some guy on Facebook talked about how he hated "themed comedy," so Laughton & Cunningham would like to PROUDLY present to you Thunder Bay's biggest themed comedy show:

"ERIC AND CAROLE'S BIG SPECTACULAR X-MAS THEMED OPEN MIC COMEDY, MUSIC AND VARIETY SHOW (that is still comedy, but different than the open mic, but definitely still comedy) SUPER! TURBO! HD! REMIX! And etc. EXTRAVAGANZA!!!"

(Details of event in description below. Event page coming soon)

That's right! Hold on to your Christmas hats because Santa's sleigh is full of nitrous and co***ne and your hat will blow off as quickly as we'll blow your socks off with this heck of a show!

We got open mic comedy, followed by Christmas carol parodies, musical comedy, Eric's going to take his clothes off at one point, Carole's going to do a science experiment to see how much Fireball whiskey one human Carole can handle, and there will be much, much more.

So come on out to the Fastlane December 21st for the best damn comedy Christmas themed show in town!

Admission is free, but we will be taking money donations! All money donations will go to support Thunder Pride's LGBTIQ2S Crosswalk Fund.

Date: December 21st
Open mic sign up: 8:30pm
Open mic starts at 9:00pm
Comedy music and variety show to follow.

Luckily, we don't have to make eye contact to write a post thanking everyone so much for the fun and successful show we ...

Luckily, we don't have to make eye contact to write a post thanking everyone so much for the fun and successful show we had on Saturday!

Special thanks to Lola and Tracy Pollard for showing us how an actual professional can be sexy on stage, and City Wide Sound for dealing with our last minute sound changes, requests, and outright panic. We raised just over $200 for Cambrian Theatre Players at this non-ticketed event so keep us in mind for any fundraising efforts you may have in the future!

Thank you to Trevor Green for hosting while fighting off the flu and dealing with Carole being anxious about stripping and not shutting up the entire night. Thank you to Megan Geddert for thrilling the audience, as always. And thank you to Hanna Laaksonen for filling in on short notice to sing Eric's clothes off.

A man came up to us after the show to let us know he has been coming to Comedy Nights at The Fastlane since we started them, and this show was the best he has seen! You know, the show where we shut up and took our clothes off. And thank you to Ken Horton and Michael Abraham for taking your clothes off anyway, despite not being on the show.

Laughton & Cunningham would like to present to you a one of a kind comedy show, DANCE FOR ME CLOWNS: "When Comedians Mee...

Laughton & Cunningham would like to present to you a one of a kind comedy show, DANCE FOR ME CLOWNS: "When Comedians Meet Burlesque." A special night where comedians try their best to be sexy through the seductive art of burlesque!!! (even though half of them didn't know what burlesque was until a week ago and we're also pretty sure that even after explaining to them what burlesque is, they still don't know. So just go home and watch the movie, okay?)

And while the comedians will be trying their best to put on a sultry show for you, this show will also feature appearances from members of Thunder Bay's very own burlesque troop, Frankly Scarlet's Les Coquettes Rouge! So along with your laughter, there will also be pretty people to look at! A.K.A- b***s. There will be b***s. Big b***s, little b***s, man b***s, just b***s... and LAUGHS!... but also b***s.

Also your host for the evening will be professional comedian all the way from, Winnipeg, Carole Cunningham! (Winnipeg Comedy Festival, CBC's the Debaters)

The show price is a "pay what you can" and all donations will be going towards Thunder Bay's longest running volunteer theatre group, Cambrian Players for their "Raise the Roof" fundraiser.

See you all there!

Date: Saturday, October the 19th
Time: 9:00PM
Location: The Fastlane Bar and Grill
Host: Carole Cunningham




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