During this time the planner in me is motivated to keep busy.
I am working with Broward College to design a 8-Week remote learning Certficate Program and taking online courses to learn new skills and upgrade existing skills this has been a busy "planning" time.
Here is a look jnto my as posted by the Palm Beach County Convention Center
Join the Palm Beach County Convention Center in participating in and get to know the team behind creating your event.
Introduction: Jacqueline Lovell-Santos, Catering Director
(Social bookings; contracts; client catering needs for future events)
Favorite things to do while spending time at home: Able to take some courses to upgrade, and expand, my current knowledge as well as to make some virtual connections and exchange business practices with colleagues as we all experience similar situations and how they are dealing and what steps they are taking (both local and international). As well as now being able to set myself up with a standard ‘heart healthy’ exercise program.
Fun facts: My dogs have finally gotten over being annoyed that I am infringing on their personal time by being home and now enjoy the fact that they can get 4 walks a day as opposed to the normal 2 or 3. My children and I have setup some weekly (sometimes daily) “kitchen warrior” quarantine challenges as well as pantry challenges and getting into the cooking and ingredient exploring world – Top Chef Family here we come.
Thank you Jackie for all you do for our team!