
Djdamiencash Music � Exec. | Dj | �Mixtape Architect |Record Label Developer�| A.K.A. �+�|�vibratehigher, love above all else!

When it comes to Narco culture Chicago and beyond I don’t think that there’s anyone that could tell you bigger stories t...

When it comes to Narco culture Chicago and beyond I don’t think that there’s anyone that could tell you bigger stories than I. Like Fat Joe likes to say, “THE BIG, BIG, BIG, BIGGGGGGGG SHOW.” That was me and my crew! Nobody did it as big as us. Sorry 50 Cent but BMF ain’t got s**t on us!! From North to South, East to West, from Chicago neighborhoods to United States Coasts, to working with the best in the music industry like Kanyewest and almost signing Drake we had this bitch covered from all angles.

Just one story of many, covered by my guy Al Profit

Follow my Page, CA$H’S COUCH COMING SOON!!!



FRANK MATTHEWS PART 2:, Kanye West, R Kelly, all were part of the massive financail orbit of the Flores Twins in the early ...

Building a healthy lifestyle through the culture of tennis. Socialize, Sweat, Serve. Private lessons, semi private lesso...

Building a healthy lifestyle through the culture of tennis. Socialize, Sweat, Serve. Private lessons, semi private lessons, group lessons. All skill levels. Learn to play or just come have a good time with friends in an inviting community.

Theatre AgoraLelystad, Netherlands, 2002–2007 🔴Can a building communicate with its community? Although the relationship ...

Theatre Agora
Lelystad, Netherlands, 2002–2007 🔴

Can a building communicate with its community?

Although the relationship between culture and commerce can often prioritise the former over the latter, we must recognise the many complex, hidden interdependencies between them in contemporary society. Rather than moments of dissension, we see them as opportunities. The many latent effects of cultural projects may not be obvious, but play a large role in reshaping cities.
We need more structures that communicate with us here in Chicago and all of its communities .. Structures that allow theatre or performance of any art in any medium the liberty to ooze from the structure and out into our communities. Some architecture hinders our creatives and their ability to project message and cause beyond the walls of the structures they are performed in.

Museum Of Contemporary Art…. The couch in this photo inspired me to explore the color Red and all the emotions it conjur...

Museum Of Contemporary Art…. The couch in this photo inspired me to explore the color Red and all the emotions it conjures up within me..

A penny for your thoughts Mr. Cash ?
Drop a comment below as to what you think I could possibly be thinking in this photo while taking my inner creative on a date to the museum.

MONEY -vs- LOVE MONEY WINNNNNNSSS!!! Every time..When I say that money wins every time it isn’t to say that it’s more im...

Every time..

When I say that money wins every time it isn’t to say that it’s more important than love. I'm really saying that all relationships are in jeopardy as long as money disagreements go unaddressed. Disagreement also comes in the form of not talking about it at all, looking the other way or simply having a spat and sweeping it under the rug.

All the love in the world isn't going to solve a money problem - money is a relationship in itself or a subcategory as I like to call it within Love. Money symbolizes security and happiness because, to some extent money does provide these things indirectly. My father would always tell me you can’t live on love and love alone someone has to pay the bills son. When your funds are illicit and come by means that your spouse or family doesn’t really approve of you’re caught in a jam, a th*****me with yourself money and love.

Fantasy can be misread - a concept I am exploring for an upcoming art project. The fake and empty smiles when you think you’re providing stability in all things material; a car note, handbags, fancy dinners, the best hotels, front row at the game or the best seats at a concert, a certain level of living. You’re blinded by who you think she thinks you are - you yourself, lose touch with who you really are. The talents you possess that are suppressed and limited. You think that the money is the solution to all of the problems - what keeps everything afloat. Your ability to choose between the power and superficial and most times temporary self esteem that money brings or just being YOU is the determining factor. None of the hype, none of the jewelry, the cars, etc. I will say healthy communication is key! No-one wants to be on a one way ticket to hell ride with no stops.

We must remember that the true currency in life isn’t money but LOVE and the ability to share that love with the people you care about most. CA$H

Beijing BMW museum  🏎 blow💨

Beijing BMW museum
🏎 blow💨

Red makes you feel passionate and energized. Red is the warmest and most dynamic of the colors—it triggers opposing emot...

Red makes you feel passionate and energized. Red is the warmest and most dynamic of the colors—it triggers opposing emotions. It is often associated with passion and love as well as anger and danger. It can increase a person's heart rate and make them excited and or aggressive. There’s no wonder why a dope boy yearns for a red car or red in his wardrobe. The very game we call ourselves playing evokes opposite polar feelings like I love her but at the same time a hate her. I’m gonna provide for mine but jeopardize my freedom and possibly be taken away forever. A game that yields you very little loyalty but far more disloyalty. treachery. faithlessness. perfidiousness in return. It’s ironic that while we are in the game we don’t have time for anything but when we caught we have plenty and can get be sentenced to all the time in the world…As vivid and full of energy as this color can be while in the world it can be equally treacherous when they are in the form of blood sweat and or tears coming rolling of your face.

If my life was produced into an opera: Title: “DOPE BOY RED” Produced By: Access Opera Creative Director: Damien CashMus...

If my life was produced into an opera: Title: “DOPE BOY RED”
Produced By: Access Opera
Creative Director: Damien Cash
Music produced by: Kanye West & Boogz da beast
Narration by: YG & THE GAME 🅱️
Theatre Agora
Lelystad, Netherlands, 2002–2007
Multifunctional Theatre 🔴
UNStudio’s design creates a multifunctional theatre that is flexible, transparent and intelligent. The envelope is generated in part by the necessity to place the two auditoriums as far apart from each other as possible for acoustic clarity. Thus, a larger and a smaller theatrical space, a stage tower, several interlinked and separate foyers, numerous dressing rooms, multifunctional rooms, a café and a restaurant are all brought together within one volume that extends dramatically in various directions. The vertical foyer, which swings through the entire building, connects different theatre and congress halls on the different floors.

LIFE IS LIKE A BANANALife is like a banana.Sometimes we are green and not ready for consumption like those bananas rushe...


Life is like a banana.
Sometimes we are green and not ready for consumption like those bananas rushed to market. What we don’t realize that if we have patience and allow those bananas 🍌 (life) to ripen the banana has so much more benefits to offer us the riper the banana the more antioxidants the same goes for life. We must have patience in life for this very reason so we can fully receive everything the universe and it’s blessing has to offer us. We must let situations in life ripen give space where space is needed listen when spoken to talk when asked for advice. Become present or invisible in someone’s life whom you think needs your presence or distance.
With every peel we peel back we reveal a different aspect of our lives to ourselves.
We can sometimes see the bruises that where not visible on the outside you know the mushy aspects of life the parts of life that beat you up and no one else can see but you know they are there. On the flip side of this hidden damage the outside can be completely brown and sport black spots and the banana can be completely fine for consumption on the inside. Life has a way of attacking us in both ways just on the surface like a ripening banana or deeply bruised on the inside without a sign externally from life’s many mishandlings. But what is true we can remove the stringy things from life’s attachments and cut of those mushy parts of life and move forward. This picture was a serious moment of focus and although we had a blast ( inserting prison joke here) with it. It bring me to these words for you!!

Upon my arrival last year the first person that was there for me was JC or as I know him Julio from Wrong To Strong 🌎 On...

Upon my arrival last year the first person that was there for me was JC or as I know him Julio from Wrong To Strong 🌎 Online Coach] . The change I found in him was inspiring it was a safe place for me. We settled any differences we had between us almost instantly as if nothing from the past mattered. This past weekend he came to Chicago for the first time in about 19 years and and I welcomed him home with open arms. The energy was all over the place the stress of making weight for his competition the first time back at home and seeing friends and family after so long all together it was amazing to actually hug a friend physically and spend time with him physically after so long but it was very high strung. The comforting aspect of a stressful situation was that this person knows me knows us and who we used to be and we knew him in those same ways. There’s comfort in friends that have traveled down your road with you side by side a bind that can’t be broken. This post is for possibly my friend turn led brother through this pact we call the streets through blood sweat and tears we are Wrong To Strong 🌎 Online Coach] and we bleed the same 🩸. Love you my brother can’t wait for the next competition and for more growth between us as brothers and men of change…

It’s been 19 years since I we seen our brother in person. Today we welcome him back home to chicago where this thing of ...

It’s been 19 years since I we seen our brother in person. Today we welcome him back home to chicago where this thing of ours started we are about to work y’all. 📸

Truth over harmony poses that too often we interact in ways that shade the truth, or simply avoid the truth all together...

Truth over harmony poses that too often we interact in ways that shade the truth, or simply avoid the truth all together by omitting. .. Some people view omissions as more than just white lies, but as outright lying, because by omitting information, you're no longer being transparent. maintain some semblance of working harmony in an organization or team. Often, the naked truth about a person or of a person's current situation , or their commitment, or their ideas, can be hard to deliver.

PRINCIPLES OVER BOUNDARIESAlthough both things determine the way you act and take decisions, rules are imposed from the ...


Although both things determine the way you act and take decisions, rules are imposed from the outside and must be obeyed to avoid incurring some kind of penalty (a punishment, a fine, a layoff, a season in jail, etc.) whereas principles are internal, and force you to do what you think it is right or correct.

Love overcomes all obstacles. This saying is found in the works of the ancient Roman poet Virgil.                       ...

Love overcomes all obstacles. This saying is found in the works of the ancient Roman poet Virgil.

I have failed miserably at many things in life. I have had my successes Grammy & Emmy nominations, record deals, worked ...

I have failed miserably at many things in life. I have had my successes Grammy & Emmy nominations, record deals, worked with some of hip hops elite. But in my failures I grew exponentially. The success was great it was a temporary high sitting at the mountain top. While at that mountain top however I could not help but think and look down at those low points those valleys those nooks and crannies that made this mountain top possible. Pain plus pressure equals breakthroughs renders success you can’t have one without the other. There is no miscalculation in that.

Obstacles Or OpportunitiesWe can get caught up in trying to “fix” our problems or focus on the negative ask or TE of it ...

Obstacles Or Opportunities
We can get caught up in trying to “fix” our problems or focus on the negative ask or TE of it all instead of seeing the opportunities in it for growth.

Possibly the hardest thing for me while in prison was letting go of my first wife of 12 years. Trying to control things ...

Possibly the hardest thing for me while in prison was letting go of my first wife of 12 years. Trying to control things on the outside seemed to be the typical mental space of someone diving into prison life for the first time. Slowly but surely you settle into your feelings and your reality in jail and it hits you like a “ton of bricks” ahh the irony between those quotation marks 😎. You cannot control the slightest thing in the outside world. You become emotional support not physical and for a man this is a hard pill to swallow. I can’t take the garbage out anymore, carry in the groceries, or cut the grass. Can’t Be a father an uncle, brother or a son. Definitely can’t pay the bills. I Can’t even hold you when things get rough or be there for first steps or first birthdays for nieces, nephews, sons or daughters. I can only tell you over the phone or email and that’s if I’m good at communicating or writing. Making the choice of letting you go as opposed to holding on I believe not only gave me freedom but allowed me to do time in a healthier way if that’s even possible in prison. For her I believe it liberated her as well to be able to make some of life’s hardest choices alone without feeling judged or manipulated by my fears and insecurities while inside. From getting a divorce to eventually moving on with someone else. I believe giving her space and actually letting go was the right thing to do and eventually she realized how hard this was and how much love I had to have for her to accomplish this.

“I’m in prison not you” is what we say. You can be in prison while being free and vice versa. It’s all a mind state. And those who love you truly tend to go beyond them walls and do that time with you. They lower their standards to clippings and letters in the mail and excessive calls in a day within your limited 300 min a month of course. To loving an ugly purse made with ugly leather by you. We settle for the moon and stars tucking us in and we say it’s enough but it isn’t. We say we let go but did we really?

Growth the natural progression of things. People evolve while on their journey I know i have. What’s crazy is that I sti...

Growth the natural progression of things. People evolve while on their journey I know i have. What’s crazy is that I still feel the same I did when I first started hustling mixtapes. Today it’s domino usb tomorrow will be something else I started with a box a tapes and no stores and Grew to the largest distributor of mixtapes in Chicago to well over 14 states without touching a single drug. Drugs came after as a last resort. We all know how that ended but I was great at slanging keys just as if it was music. I don’t know what’s next… I’m back ten toes down….
I’m coming for the crown !!! Like my guy KATO still around…👑as he would say: ITS ABOUT TO BE ONE!!! miss you brother🙏🏼

For you as a listener, or fan of the DJ listening to one of my sets should take you somewhere or will be similar to hear...

For you as a listener, or fan of the DJ listening to one of my sets should take you somewhere or will be similar to hearing one of your favorite rappers take u on a trip like a

When I play a dope boy record, a trap classic or a hustlers anthem it will be received differently - it will hit different than when a regular DJ plays it. If you’ve watched my videos or experienced anything like I have in my life, the goose bumps will be present!! Even if you haven’t, and you just have a hustlers spirit in you it should hit different. Music and life are vibrational there’s a sonic energy exchanged between the dj and the crowd. I hope the transfer of energy from one dope boys records to another dope boys turntables and instruments that relay these songs to an audience some how enhances your experience. It’s like playing my own truths, references to my own life, hard facts!

Can get bout 50 in the Hummer
The birds fly down south to Georgia for the summer ~jeezy~

Swear to God the minivan do tricks
Hit the brakes, hit the lights and voila, there go them bricks ~jeezy~

Y’all think Uber’s the future, our cars been autonomous/Mules move the drums, take ‘em to the different spots/We just call the shots by simply moving our thumbs” ~Jayz~

I’m a different breed of DJ, I bring different energy. You see I not only owned a few mini vans that did tricks or an excursion that fit 100 or called plays with my thumbs as Jigga states. I’m not claiming to be battle dj or DMC champion or one of those YELL over the mic type of DJ’s…I will leave that to some of my very best homies in the game. I bring a different element to this thing we call DJ’ing that’s been missing. I’m not just a DJ, I used to be a DOPE BOY and I did all that saucy s**t your favorite rappers rap about! Your rappers favorite rapper….trappers favorite trapper. I bring authenticity to dope boy music!!!

My Family was in the building to make s**t comfortable for me. I believe what people don’t know abour me is that I was r...

My Family was in the building to make s**t comfortable for me. I believe what people don’t know abour me is that I was really shy through high school and I had terrible stage fright which is what deterred me from DJ’ing publicly and I strictly kept it as a hobby. It’s not the lack of opportunity cause my uncle had all the biggest parties back then so getting access or opportunity was easy. I think everything I’ve been through in life now has it to where those fears are no longer there. Jail, streets, loosing friends to prison for life sentences, loosing friends that have passed away over the years. All these things tend to make you numb and although the butterflies are there still it’s manageable. Thanks to all who came and supported me… 📸

 has something here when I got on the decks for the first time in a while July 9th for a quick pop up event the vibes th...

has something here when I got on the decks for the first time in a while July 9th for a quick pop up event the vibes the atmosphere was all good….. The posters on the wall read like this:
Fight the power!!!!!
Ain’t no such things as half way crooks!!!
Everyday I’m Hustling!!!!
Words to live by man I love hip hop and every line in it that I have lived out in real life. You see when you rap along it means something to you different than it does to me from a fans perspective your caught up in the moment. When you have lived these lines out and all the life they rap about is yours you are the moment and it hits different. F**k the frail s**t, uh, 'cause when my coke come in
They gotta use the scale that they weigh the whales with. ~Jadakiss~💯💯💯💯 📸

Loyalty is something you can see in me deeply. Not just with my family & friends by I have remained true to this art of ...

Loyalty is something you can see in me deeply. Not just with my family & friends by I have remained true to this art of music since a yungjn. Loyalty is given where it’s earned in the case of music she has Beverly let me down she’s been there for me especially when those roads for rough.. 🙏🏼 Thank You Music for being the most constant and steady thing in my life.. 📸

My first night back on the decks in 22+ years. Thanks to all the friends who came out to support. Pilsen nights  capture...

My first night back on the decks in 22+ years. Thanks to all the friends who came out to support. Pilsen nights captured by the one the only when you are on a journey like mine it is important that you have the right person picking up all the details documenting your life along the way.. Thanks 🙏🏼 kid… 📸

Re-Learning this craft has taken everything out of me. I didn’t exactly miss the technology wave while I was gone to fed...

Re-Learning this craft has taken everything out of me. I didn’t exactly miss the technology wave while I was gone to federal prison. But reconnecting to my favorite music when it was all feel back in the day, all vinyl, all ear has been a challenge. To now rely on a bpm and screen takes all the muscle memory out of it for me. I will adjust to it but I will not conform to it. I must and will accumulate my vinyl collection slowly but surely so that I can feel again so that I’m not typing in a search bar for a particular record rather than digging through endless crates or shelving and getting paper cuts from record sleeves. The smell of old records never leaves my senses. I love new, I love technology but not when it takes the feel out of things. A cdj was the first sign that things where changing to this day I cannot stand the feel of a track wheel on these controllers but I try and I jump on my boy rig and every few minutes he’s like stop with the push in this ain’t vinyl or when I’m trying to speed up or slow down a record I feel the latency sometimes and I know I’m not going crazy!!! But here we are it’s 2021 and we out here ready to take on whatever DJing has in store for the future. I love my craft and I’m just starting to take this serious. Look out world I hope your ready for me. 📸

I have had turntables in my bedroom since 1987. From my big inner set which where Gemini direct belt drive and long scra...

I have had turntables in my bedroom since 1987. From my big inner set which where Gemini direct belt drive and long scratchmaster Gemini with 16 bit soundefrect to when I graduated to and numark mixer in 1989. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with them. Today I still have them in my room and although it’s now serato and pioneer dj s-9 mixer it’s all like riding a bike with just a few extra bells and whistles. I feel blessed to be able to say that even after all I have been through in life the ups the downs prison that I still enjoy my first real love to this day over 34 years later. Thanks to for making the best turntable ever!!! 📸

I want to start by thanking the people that made this comeback possible. My brothers   and  first and foremost for comin...

I want to start by thanking the people that made this comeback possible. My brothers and first and foremost for coming through on their word loading me up with music helping make the right decisions with purchasing the right equipment software and specially the guidance. I lost my drive in a basement flood in 2005 where most of my decade long work in collecting music was stored. That was a fatal blow but with brothers like these who needs to cry over spilled milk. God Bless y’all and I couldn’t have done it without y’all.
The second part of this comeback starts around 1989 when I was a snot nose nephew to a then very prominent promotion company half owned by my uncle Frankie & my play uncle Rolando Martinez whom frequently hired hung out with and did business on a regular basis with my extended family in this music is huge and it goes back yes 30+ years. Thanks to him and the family for having me. Also for an embracing whom I also know from 20+ years ago from the , days . ⭕️❤️

DOORS I’ve discovered a new love for doors and the openings they fill. The duality of them and how they allow entry and ...

I’ve discovered a new love for doors and the openings they fill. The duality of them and how they allow entry and or the exact opposite - depending on the side of the door you stand on both sides can render the same function but look completely different on the inside than the outside. As I walk the city landscape and commute much differently than when I had 3 or 4 cars at one time to my disposal… all across Chicago neighborhoods I’m drawn to these unique thresholds filled with amazing textures, grains of wood and the wide range of color palette they are painted in.
On this new form of travel I have grown fond of and in tune with the beauty, diversity and uniqueness of each individual home or business that these doors hold and loan to each of the dwellings personality.  The walking and public transit as my new form of commute have been humbling and challenging at times. I take it as an opportunity for not only the exploration of the many doors the city has to offer but in tandem I take the time for the self exploration of my mind and soul. I realized I have come back home from federal prison with a strong need for change and I try to find a way to process what my mind and eyes see and convert it from symbolic references like “doors” to physical opportunities for my travels through life.       
So doors and the keys that open them as metaphoric as that sounds is borrowed from one of my favorite Clipse records. We sometimes loose our keys we sometimes walk in rain or snow or inclament weather like we do in life - in it’s situations and pitfalls. Other times we walk in the beauty that is sunshine and clear blue skies, enjoying the sun beaming through the blinds and touching our skin as we wake. It’s true that we all must take this walk, but along our walks we have the opportunity to see and find beauty in things that surround us. Perhaps different things that we hadn’t noticed before, things that are different now. We experience different paths and or doors along the way. Whether it be a detour, a long winding road or a wrong turn I am grateful for doors. Doors that can open up new possibilities no matter where you’ve started, or what road you end up on. 🚪

Yugh! Make your skin crawlPress one button, let the wind fallWho gon' stop us? F**k the coppers, the mind of a kilo shop...

Yugh! Make your skin crawl
Press one button, let the wind fall
Who gon' stop us? F**k the coppers, the mind of a kilo shopper ~malice~



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