A civil ceremony is first and foremost, the umbrella term for any kind of wedding ceremony which takes place outside the church setting. The term civil ceremony can refer to any registry or celebrant-led wedding.
In my own case, as an independent civil celebrant, I create and deliver a range of ceremonies that all have, at their heart, a good dose of Love. Whilst I mostly work in the wedding field, I also deliver commitment, renewal of vows and Baby Blessings amongst other possibilities.
A civil ceremony is a celebration of love. It is a non-legally binding event that has its protagonists at its heart, is secular yet all-inclusive and which offers each couple the chance to create a bespoke occasion that fits them like a glove in a display of True Love.
Do you travel for weddings?
Oh, yes, of course, one of my favourite parts of the job. In the case of Ireland, I have performed weddings on both sides of the invisible line and in a variety of gorgeous venues. But I have also delivered wedding ceremonies further afield, including England and Spain. Scotland is coming up very soon!
What are the symbolic options?
There are a number of symbolic additions that can be incorporated into a civil ceremony. These include, but are not limited to, hand fasting, sand ceremonies, ring warming, unity candle, tying the knot, jumping the broom and my very latest offering, the hand cast…
What do the symbols mean?
Any and all of the symbolic additions in my ceremonies are there as a visual and physical representation of unity, bonding, and of course, our favourite theme- Love. In the case of the hand fasting ceremony, for example- and indeed most of the others- the cords represent a bond never to be broken.
Is it a real marriage?
By the time my couples get to their actual wedding day, they will already have acquired their wedding licence from the registry office or town hall. The easiest way to explain this is by breaking this down into two parts- the legal part and the love part. The legal part means applying for their marriage notice and getting that legal bit of paper signed usually in the days leading up to The Big Day- the actual wedding in front of family and friends- The Love Part. And that’s my department!
So, it depends what you mean by real, I suppose. Are civil ceremonies legally recognised as a stand alone method to get wed, as the law stands at this moment- No. Are my couples actually wed by the time they walk back down the aisle and indeed before it. Yes.
Can I make the ceremony bespoke?
I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. Bespoke is my buzz word; my goal with each couple or family that I work with is to create a totally unique celebration of their love and commitment to each other. This means working with you to create the dream ceremony that’s in your head. As part of my service, i provide couples with resources including my self-penned Guide to writing Your Own Vows as well as a hefty poetry, prose reading pack to help get those creative juices flowing.
How long does a civil wedding ceremony last?
As with all aspects of my civil ceremonies, there is no set rule as to how long the ceremony will last. It depends on a variety of factors, from what time the bride arrives to how much content the ceremony contains. That said, as an average, 30-40mins is a good time.
How much is it going to cost?
Costs can and do vary for all variety of ceremonies with it being a bespoke service but prices start from £150. Quotes on request!
What is the difference between a wedding performed by a Civil Celebrant and a Humanist ceremony?
As an independent celebrant, I have chosen not to pertain to any type of religion or belief system, of which Humanism is one. There are certainly some similarities including the main focus should be on the couple, not their faith, however, humanism services are also restricted somewhat in their content and flexibility. My ceremonies, on the other hand, are not only all about the couple but also have complete freedom and creativity to make the occasion a very bespoke one.
Can you have a wedding anywhere?
Pretty much, Yes! From woodlands to beaches to hotels to gardens to anywhere else that tickles your fancy. As there are no legal stipulations attached to this type of ceremony, there is an added bonus that no permissions or licences are required in order to host the event as venue. Take your pick!
What are the next steps?
Get in touch to range your free consultation where I’ll happily fill you in on all you need to know but a bit more personally! You can get in touch through my webpage, social media or by calling me on 07833321753… I look forward to hearing from you!