Here comes the beautiful bride #celebratinglove #weddingplannerlife #loveisintheair #nycweddingplanner #nycweddings #weddingday #lovemyclients #timetocelebratelove @thesanctuaryri
Today’s wedding showcasing this beautiful view #loveisintheair #celebratinglove #nycweddings #nycweddingplanner @thesanctuaryri #ilovewhatido #weddingplannerlife
So much love in the room and this beautiful the couple sharing their first dance #sparkleeventsbya #loveisintheair #celebratinglove❤️ #newlyweds💍 #congratulationstothecouple
Wedding day is here and we are ready to celebrate love #wedding #weddingplanner #sparkleevntsbya #weddingready❤️ #letscelebratelove
Here comes the beautiful bride 👰♀️
Walking down this beautiful isle with the sounds of nature
I love with this ceremony altar
Not your typical wedding and I am here for it. Love at the zoo 😍 #feedingjiraffes #zoowedding #loveatthezoo❤️ #weddingcouple #sparkleeventsbyalejandro @elmwoodparkzoo
Let the celebration begin
Ready to celebrate love ❤️
Sparkle Events By Alejandro Anniversary Photoshoot behind the Scene
I am so excited to share this with all of you. Thank you so much to all the vendors A Splash of Color by Xtina PhotographyMakeup by Roxy @Ornithea House of Flowers Steel Pixel Studios Bella Bridesmaids @Sweet Girlz Bakery Jesse Turek and spacial thank you to @Steel Pixel Studios for this amazing video.