Had a great time filming for @unitedwepledge. Keep a look out for the final video coming soon!#grabyourassets #unitedwepledge #digitalcontentcreator🎥
Raven is a very martial arts teacher! he has a Dojo in Hurricane, Utah. I would recommend you check it out. #pylethemoments #ravenselfdefenseacademy #martialarts
Went to lunch with a friend and heard Pizza Cart was good. Worth every dollar! 🍕🧱🤤 #pizzacartcedarcity #pylethemoments #digitalmarketing
It just keeps getting better with each speaker! Super voted for tomorrow. #forwardevent #pylethemoments
Had a blast filming everyone that performed. Such a good turn out.
DEFMOE did a great job and it was a blast watching them play. #defmoe #velourmusicgallery #bombshellflowers
Filming Bombshell Flowers at Utah Scandinavian festival. So much fun! Thrilled I had the opportunity to film them.
Filming Bombshell Flowers at Utah Scandinavian festival. So much fun! Thrilled I had the opportunity to film them.
Filming Bombshell Flowers at Utah Scandinavian festival. So much fun! Thrilled I had the opportunity to film them.
Filming Bombshell Flowers at Utah Scandinavian festival. So much fun! Thrilled I had the opportunity to film them.