It’s the most romantic day of the year and also one of the busiest days in restaurants around the world. If you haven’t planned anything ahead, don’t worry. We’re here to give you some cool date ideas that you can still use to surprise your partner today.
🤍 Create a playlist of your favorite songs and order a pizza to enjoy at home
🤍 Buy a nice bottle of champagne (in Portugal, we recommend the ones from Bairrada) and sip while watching the sunset.
🤍 Choose a movie to watch while sipping some wine and munching on some popcorn (or just use the old movie excuse to make out, your choice)
🤍 Rent a cool AirBnB for the night and prepare a nice dinner for the two of you.
It’s also ok if you want to share this post with your loved one and let him/her be the one to prepare the surprise for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Hoje é o dia mais romântico do ano, e também um dos dias mais cheios nos restaurantes mundo a fora. Se não tiveste tempo para planear nada, não te preocupes. Estamos cá para dar-te algumas ideias de date que ainda podes usar para surpreender o/a teu/tua parceiro/a hoje.
🤍 Cria uma playlist com as vossas músicas preferidas e curte-a comendo uma pizza em casa
🤍 Comprem uma garrafa de espumante (ainda melhor se for da Bairrada!) e bebam enquanto veem o pôr do sol.
🤍 Escolham um filme e assistam juntinhos enquanto bebem um vinho e comem pipocas (ou usem o filme como desculpa para namorar, vocês quem mandam)
🤍 Aluga um AirBnB fixe e faz um jantar para curtir com o teu amor.
E também podes encaminhar este post para o/a teu/tua parceiro/a e deixar que seja ele/a a planear a surpresa. Feliz Dia de S
Can you feel the energy filling the room? That’s because we’re about to present our dear Vera (@vera_sycheva). A Russian young lady who fell in love with Portugal and has been living in the country since [year]. Before being a wedding celebrant, Vera was an actress and founded her own theater company. Her first wedding came as a consequence of her work on the stages, and she discovered another profession that she loved.
Vera’s favorite thing about being a wedding celebrant is seeing over and over again that special little moment when the two partners see each other for the first time at opposite ends of the aisle.
Have you been married by Vera? Leave a comment, we’re sure she’s going to love hearing from you!
Чувствуете, как энергия наполняет комнату? Это потому, что мы собираемся представить нашу Веру (@vera_sycheva). Эта русскоязычная девушка, влюбилась в Португалию и живет в этой солнечной стране с 2016 года. Прежде чем стать свадебной ведущей, Вера была актрисой и основательницей собственной театральной труппы. Ее первая свадьба стала продолжением работы на сцене, открыв для Веры еще одну любимую профессию.
Верин самый любимый момент свадебной церемони, это когда пара видит друг друга впервые у алтаря. Каждый раз ее сердце замирает и внутри бушует море непередаваемых эмоций.
Вера была вашей ведущей
Are you ready to meet another member of the YEWC team? Today we get to present our sweet Vanessa. She has German and English origins, and has been living in Portugal for the past 6 years. As a person who’s used to a multicultural environment from a very young age, she knows what couples expect when they come to Portugal to get married.
Vanessa has a background in Psychology and a natural interest for people’s life stories. She started as a wedding celebrant in 2018 and in these years, after marrying many couples, one of the biggest lessons she learned is that everyone has a story worth telling. Vanessa celebrates weddings ceremonies in German and English.
Did Vanessa celebrate your wedding? Leave a comment and she’ll be super happy to read!
Seid ihr bereit, eine weitere Traurednerin aus unserem YEWC Team kennenzulernen? Heute stellen wir euch unsere liebe Vanessa vor. Sie hat deutsche und englische Wurzeln und lebt seit über 6 Jahren in Portugal. Als jemand, der schon von klein auf in einer multikulturellen Umgebung aufgewachsen ist, kann sie gut nachempfinden, was für Paare, die in Portugal heiraten möchten, wichtig ist.
Vanessa ist studierte Psychologin und war schon immer fasziniert von den Lebensgeschichten anderer Menschen. Sie begann 2018 als Traurednerin. Nach all diesen Jahren und nachdem sie bereits mit vielen Paaren den Hochzeitstag zelebriert hat, ist einer der wichtigsten Erkenntnisse für sie, dass jeder eine Geschichte hat, die es sich lohnt zu erzählen. Vanessa verfasst Traureden auf Deutsch und Englisch.
War Vanessa eure Traurednerin? Schreibt ihr hier einen
Kommentar und sie wird sich sehr freuen!
Say hello to the biggest smile in the Your European Wedding Celebrant team, Shahnaz (@thecramooz)! She is, in her own words, “a Swiss-Bolivian-Iranian mutt living in Portugal”, and she’s been in our team since 2019. Shahnaz is, among the many hats she wears, a writer. One of the things she likes the most about being a wedding celebrant is meeting people from all around the world, getting to know their life - and love - stories, and being able to integrate all this into their wedding ceremony.
Besides love, Shahnaz also likes to talk about food, travel, the environment and sustainable living, and more. She celebrates weddings in English, French and Spanish (with a touch of Portuguese if and as needed!).
Have you been married by Shahnaz? Leave a comment, because she’ll love to hear from you!
¡Saluda a la sonrisa más grande del equipo de “Your European Wedding Celebrant”: Shahnaz (@thecramooz)! Ella es, en sus propias palabras, "una mezcla suizo-boliviana-iraní que vive en Portugal", y forma parte de nuestro equipo desde el año 2019. Shahnaz es, entre muchas otras cosas, escritora. Una de las cosas que más le gusta de ser "celebrante de bodas" es conocer gente del mundo entero, descubrir sus historias de vida y de amor, y poder integrar todo esto en sus ceremonias.
Además del amor, a Shahnaz también le gusta hablar de comida, viajes, el medio ambiente y cómo vivir de forma más sustentable. Celebra bodas en inglés, francés y español (¡con un toque de portugués si es necesario!).
¿Te ha casado Shahnaz? ¡Deja un comentario, porque seguro que le encantará saber de ti!
📸 @luminous
A big round of applause to our celebrant of the day! Our dear Sara (@sara__sem_h) is Portuguese-French and, long before she became a wedding celebrant, she was already a French and Portuguese teacher. She joined YEWC’s team as a celebrant in 2018 and didn’t think twice before accepting the challenge, since she was already familiar with the celebrant’s role and always loved weddings.
Sara believes that, if her couples remember their wedding day, all the love and smiles of that day, they can use that energy to overcome whatever challenge they may face. She celebrates weddings in Portuguese and French.
Have you been married by Sara? Leave a comment! She’ll love hearing from you!
Tous vos applaudissements pour notre officiante du jour! Notre chère Sara (@sara__sem_h) est franco-portugaise et, bien avant d'être une officiante de mariage, elle était déjà professeure de Français et Portugais. Elle a rejoint l'équipe YEWC en tant qu'officiante en 2018 et n'a pas hésité à relever le défi, car elle connaissait déjà le rôle de l'officiant et a toujours adoré les mariages.
Sara est convaincue que si ses couples se souviennent de leur mariage, de tout l'amour et les sourires partagés ce jour-là, ils pourront utiliser cette énergie pour dépasser tous les défis que la vie peut leur offrir. Elle célèbre des mariages en portugais et en français.
Avez-vous été marié par Sara? Si c'est le cas, laissez un commentaire. Elle va adorer vous lire!
#weddingcelebrant #multiculturalwedding #mariageauportugal #semarierauportugal #cérimonielaïque #officiantedemariage
Asking the right questions and giving the couple the opportunity to speak their minds is a key part of our job as wedding celebrants. This is the first step to establishing a true connection with our couples.
R and B, thank you so much for including us as part of your wedding day and for the trust you put in our work, allowing us to create a ceremony that did justice to your love story.
Fazer as perguntas certas e deixar o casal dizer o que pensa é uma parte essencial do nosso trabalho como celebrantes de casamentos. Este é o primeiro passo para estabelecer uma conexão real com os nossos casais.
R e B, muito obrigada por nos incluir como parte do vosso dia de casamento e pela confiança que tiveram no nosso trabalho, permitindo que criássemos uma cerimónia que fizesse jus à vossa história de amor.
#celebrantedecasamentos #cerimoniasimbolica #bespokeceremony #destinationweddingportugal #cerimoniapersonalizada
Are you ready to meet another one of our celebrant team members? This is Raquel, she is a Brazilian journalist, who’s been living in Lisbon for the past 5 years. Although being a wedding celebrant was something she never considered as a professional possibility, once she came across the opportunity to become one, she grabbed it right away. Being a wedding celebrant has a lot in common with being a journalist: essentially, both professions are about listening to people’s stories, connecting with them and sharing the stories with a group of people. Raquel loves meeting couples and celebrates weddings in Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish.
Have you been married by Raquel? Leave a comment, she’ll love to hear from you!
Estás pronto para conhecer mais uma das nossas celebrantes? Esta é a Raquel, uma jornalista brasileira que vive em Lisboa há cerca de 5 anos. Apesar de nunca ter considerado ser possível ser uma celebrante de casamentos, ela agarrou imediatamente a oportunidade de o ser. Ser uma celebrante de casamentos tem muito em comum com ser uma jornalista: basicamente, as duas profissões envolvem ouvir as histórias das pessoas, conectar-se com elas, e depois partilhar as suas histórias com um grupo de pessoas. A Raquel adora conhecer os casais e celebra casamentos em português, inglês, italiano e espanhol.
A Raquel celebrou o teu casamento? Deixa um comentário, ela irá adorar ler!
📷 @luminous
#weddingcelebrant #celebranteprofissional #celebrantedecasamentos #multiculturalwedding #casamentospt
Couples have different dynamics and can live their relationship in many ways. But one thing is for sure: if the presence of the other doesn’t make you feel good, it’s not worth it. Share this post if you agree!
“Vocês são o porto seguro um do outro durante uma tempestade, e a companhia um do outro é fundamental para o vosso bem-estar. De agora em diante, as aventuras ficarão ainda maiores e mais excitantes!”.
Os casais têm dinâmicas diferentes e podem viver a sua relação de várias maneiras. Mas uma coisa é certa: se a presença do outro não te faz sentir bem, não vale a pena. Partilha este post se concordas!
#cerimoniaspersonalizadas #symbolicceremony #celebrantedecasamentos #casamentosportugal #casamentospt #bespokeceremony #multiculturalwedding
Living in a long term relationship and making it work isn’t always easy. There will be days when you’ll be upset, angry, irritated, and the same goes for your partner. But don’t let these small things get in the way of everything you built together. Listen to the music life is playing for you and just dance to it.
Do you like this post? Share it with your loved one!
Estar numa relação longa e fazer as coisas correrem bem não é uma tarefa sempre fácil. Vai haver dias em que vais estar chateado/a, com raiva, irritado/a, e o mesmo vale para o/a teu/tua parceiro/a. Mas não deixes que isto atrapalhe tudo aquilo que vocês estão a construir juntos. Ouve a música que a vida está a tocar e dança.
Gostas deste post? Partilha com a pessoa que amas!
#customizedceremony #bespokeceremony #cerimoniadecasamento #multiculturalweddings #celebrantesdecasamentos #elopement #elopementwedding #casamentoadois #destinationweddingportugal #casamentospt #portugalwedding
Today we get to present to the world our dear celebrant @dona_isabel_. Born in Porto, she studied to be an actress, and after many years on theater stages, she found her life purpose in celebrating weddings and spreading love throughout the world. Isabel loves being a wedding celebrant because she has the chance to meet new people with inspiring love stories. She celebrates ceremonies in Portuguese and English.
If you were married by Isabel, leave a comment! She’ll love hearing from you.
Hoje temos o prazer de vos apresentar a nossa querida celebrante @dona_isabel_. Natural do Porto, ela estudou para ser atriz e, depois de vários anos a ocupar os palcos de teatros em Portugal, encontrou o seu propósito espalhando amor pelo mundo como celebrante de casamentos. A Isabel adora fazer este trabalho porque tem a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas com histórias inspiradoras. Ela celebra cerimónias em português e inglês.
Se a Isabel celebrou a tua cerimónia de casamento, deixa um comentário! Ela irá adorar ter notícias tuas!
📷 @luminous
#celebrantedecasamentos #bespokeceremony #multiculturalwedding #cerimoniapersonalizada #tailormadeceremony #weddingcelebrant
Do you know what a Blessing of the Hands is? The hand blessing is a wedding ceremony ritual that draws the couple closer to one another. In the past, people believed that the hands had arteries that went straight to the heart. So blessing the hands would be a symbolic way of blessing the couple’s hearts and bringing their hearts close to each other.
Do you like this ritual idea? Talk to your celebrant and discuss with her the best way to include it in your wedding ceremony!
Sabes o que é uma Bênção das Mãos? Este é um ritual incorporado à cerimónia de casamento que aproxima ainda mais o casal. No passado, acreditava-se que havia uma artéria que saía das mãos e ia diretamente dar ao coração. Portanto, abençoar as mãos é uma maneira simbólica de abençoar os corações do casal e trazê-los para perto um do outro.
Gostas desta ideia de ritual? Conversa com a tua celebrante de casamento para verem a melhor maneira de o incluir na tua cerimónia!
#weddingcelebrant #celebrantedecasamentos #bespokeceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada #tailormadeceremony # #symbolicceremony #cerimoniasimbolica
C and J were one of the couples who had to postpone their wedding due to the Covid pandemic. And they postponed it again, but for the best of reasons: C got pregnant, and their baby was born in 2021! Finally, in 2022, we had the great honor of being part of their wedding day. We couldn’t have been happier about their feedback!
A C e o J foram um dos casais que tiveram de adiar o seu casamento devido à pandemia da Covid. E depois adiaram de novo, desta vez pelo melhor motivo: a C engravidou, e o bebé nasceu em 2021! Finalmente, em 2022, tivemos a grande honra de participar do seu dia de casamento. Não poderíamos ter ficado mais felizes com o feeback que eles nos enviaram!
#cerimoniaspersonalizadas #symbolicceremony #celebrantedecasamentos #casamentosportugal #casamentospt #bespokeceremony #multiculturalwedding
Our gem of the day is the sweet Hélenè, one of the members of the YEWC team. She is French and has been living in Portugal for the past 7 years. Hélenè believes that the world needs more love, and being a wedding celebrant is her way of contributing to bring more of this much needed feeling to people’s lives.
If she could grant one wish to all couples, she would wish that they know how to overcome difficulties. Life has problems, marriages have problems, and the secret is in working together to cross them all.
Hélenè celebrates weddings in French, English and Portuguese.
Notre pépite du jour s’appelle Hélène, membre de l’équipe YEWC. Elle est française et vit au Portugal depuis 7 ans. Hélène est d’avis que le monde a besoin de plus d’amour. En étant célébrante de mariage, elle contribue à sa façon à apporter plus de ce sentiment si précieux dans la vie des gens.
Si elle pouvait accorder un vœu à tous les couples, ce serait de savoir comment surmonter les difficultés. La vie a son lot de soucis, le mariage a ses épreuves, et le secret pour en triompher et de travailler ensemble.
Hélène célèbre des mariages en français, en anglais et en portugais.
#weddingcelebrant #destinationweddingportugal #portugalweddings #multilingualceremony #mariageauportugal #semarierauportugal #cérimonielaïque
Although it’s almost natural to think of a party when we think of weddings, a marriage is a big responsibility. But with it comes also the priceless feeling of knowing that, no matter what, you’ll always have your someone by your side.
“O casamento traz consigo sacrifício e responsabilidade, mas também alegrias e satisfações. Estar casado/a é saber que, independentemente da estrada por onde vocês viajarem, nunca estarão sozinhos.”
Apesar de ser quase natural pensarmos em festa quando pensamos em casamento, a verdade é que dar este passo requer uma grande responsabilidade. Mas vem também com aquele sentimento de saber que, em todos os momentos, vocês sempre terão alguém ao vosso lado.
#destinationweddingportugal #celebrantespt #multiculturalwedding #cerimoniapersonalizada #celebrantedecasamentos #multilingualwedding #lovelanguage
As part of our Meet the YEWC Team series, today we proudly present our dear Rita. Besides being a wedding celebrant, she’s also our team manager and the person who keeps everything running smooth.
Rita joined the team in 2019. A fun fact is that Rita was brought to YEWC to fill the team manager role. But as soon as she watched her first wedding ceremony, she fell in love with being a celebrant and decided to take on this challenge too. Rita celebrates weddings in Portuguese and English.
If you ever got in touch with us at YEWC, you probably spoke to Rita and got to see for yourself the amazing person she is. And if you got married by Rita, leave a comment. She’ll love to read it!
Como parte da nossa série Conhece a Equipa YEWC, hoje temos o orgulho de apresentar a nossa querida Rita. Além de ser uma celebrante de casamentos, a Rita é também a nossa gerente da equipa e a pessoa que garante que tudo está a funcionar perfeitamente.
A Rita juntou-se à equipa em 2019. Um facto curioso é que ela veio até à YEWC para preencher a posição de gerente da equipa. Mas logo depois de assistir ao primeiro casamento, apaixonou-se pelo trabalho de celebrante e decidiu tornar-se uma. A Rita celebra casamentos em português e inglês.
Se já entraste em contato connosco, provavelmente falaste com a Rita e viste a pessoa maravilhosa que ela é. Se a Rita celebrou o teu casamento, deixa um comentário. Ela irá adorar lê-lo!
📷 @luminous
#celebrantedecasamentos #bespokeceremony #multiculturalwedding #cerimoniapersonalizada #tailormadeceremony #weddingcelebrant