To celebrate A + S beautiful love, our celebrant Sara is conducting a unique bilingual ceremony in French and Portuguese 🧡
#weddings2025 #bespokeceremony #casaremportugal #mariageportugal #mariagebilingue #mariage2025 #cerimoniapersonalizada #celebrantedecasamentos #destinationweddingportugal
Happy Valentine's Day!
To celebrate the most romantic day of the year, here are a few suggestions on our side. And if the evening ends with a proposal, well, you know we are all about celebrating love!
Feliz Dia dos Namorados
Para celebrar o dia mais romântico do ano, aqui ficam algumas sugestões nossas. E se a noite terminar com um pedido de casamento, bem, sabem que adoramos celebrar o amor!
#valentinesday #diadosnamorados #bespokeceremony #casaremportugal #destinationweddingportugal #celebratelove #weddings2025
“For you, this day [the wedding] is about putting together all the people you love to appreciate the beauty of your love for one another and for all present.”
A wedding means different things for different couples. What does it mean to you?
“Casamento” é uma palavra que significa coisas diferentes para os diferentes casais. O que significa para ti?
Hashtags: #weddingcelebrant #celebrantedecasamentos #cerimoniasimbolica #bespokeceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada
Marriage means different things for different couples. What does it mean to you?
Casamento é uma palavra que significa coisas diferentes para os diferentes casais. O que significa para ti?
#weddingcelebrant #celebrantedecasamentos #cerimoniasimbolica #bespokeceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada
“To come and go, follow and lead, give and take
To get in and out of sync
To love the plot more than the end of the story”
It’s so easy to focus on the result and forget about the process. But a relationship is not a destination, it’s a journey. Remember that daily.
Es tan fácil enfocarse en el resultado y olvidarse del proceso. Pero una relación no es un destino, sino un camino. Acuérdatelo todos los días.
#weddingcelebrant #destinationweddingportugal #portugalweddings #celebrantedecasamentos #multilingualceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada #symbolicceremony #cerimoniasimbolica
“To come and go, follow and lead, give and take
To get in and out of sync
To love the plot more than the end of the story”
It’s so easy to focus on the result and forget about the process. But a relationship is not a destination, it’s a journey. Remember that daily.
Es tan fácil enfocarse en el resultado y olvidarse del proceso. Pero una relación no es un destino, sino un camino. Acuérdatelo todos los días.
#weddingcelebrant #destinationweddingportugal #portugalweddings #celebrantedecasamentos #multilingualceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada #symbolicceremony #cerimoniasimbolica
“To come and go, follow and lead, give and take
To get in and out of sync
To love the plot more than the end of the story”
It’s so easy to focus on the result and forget about the process. But a relationship is not a destination, it’s a journey. Remember that daily.
Es tan fácil enfocarse en el resultado y olvidarse del proceso. Pero una relación no es un destino, sino un camino. Acuérdatelo todos los días.
#weddingcelebrant #destinationweddingportugal #portugalweddings #celebrantedecasamentos #multilingualceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada #symbolicceremony #cerimoniasimbolica
It’s the most romantic day of the year and also one of the busiest days in restaurants around the world. If you haven’t planned anything ahead, don’t worry. We’re here to give you some cool date ideas that you can still use to surprise your partner today.
🤍 Create a playlist of your favorite songs and order a pizza to enjoy at home
🤍 Buy a nice bottle of champagne (in Portugal, we recommend the ones from Bairrada) and sip while watching the sunset.
🤍 Choose a movie to watch while sipping some wine and munching on some popcorn (or just use the old movie excuse to make out, your choice)
🤍 Rent a cool AirBnB for the night and prepare a nice dinner for the two of you.
It’s also ok if you want to share this post with your loved one and let him/her be the one to prepare the surprise for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Hoje é o dia mais romântico do ano, e também um dos dias mais cheios nos restaurantes mundo a fora. Se não tiveste tempo para planear nada, não te preocupes. Estamos cá para dar-te algumas ideias de date que ainda podes usar para surpreender o/a teu/tua parceiro/a hoje.
🤍 Cria uma playlist com as vossas músicas preferidas e curte-a comendo uma pizza em casa
🤍 Comprem uma garrafa de espumante (ainda melhor se for da Bairrada!) e bebam enquanto veem o pôr do sol.
🤍 Escolham um filme e assistam juntinhos enquanto bebem um vinho e comem pipocas (ou usem o filme como desculpa para namorar, vocês quem mandam)
🤍 Aluga um AirBnB fixe e faz um jantar para curtir com o teu amor.
E também podes encaminhar este post para o/a teu/tua parceiro/a e deixar que seja ele/a a planear a surpresa. Feliz Dia de S
"The world is vast and it fits in this window overlooking the sea. The sea is vast, and it fits in the bed and on the mattress made for love. Love is vast, and it fits in the brief span of a kiss.", by the Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Relationships are like worlds of their own. But one passionate kiss can mean everything you would like to say to your partner.
Os relacionamentos são como universos em si mesmos. Mas um beijo cheio de amor pode significar tudo aquilo que gostarias de dizer ao/à teu/tua parceiro/a.
#weddingcelebrant #celebrantedecasamentos #cerimoniasimbolica #bespokeceremony #cerimoniapersonalizada #weddingquotes #weddinginspo
Did you know that Raquel graduated in journalism? See how she became a wedding celebrant in the video. And if you want her to be your wedding celebrant, all you have to do is send us a message. She’s taking weddings for 2023 and eager to meet her couples!
Sabias que a Raquel é licenciada em jornalismo? Descobre como ela tornou-se numa celebrante de casamentos no vídeo. E se queres que ela seja a celebrante do teu casamento, só tens de enviar-nos uma mensagem. A Raquel está com a agenda aberta para 2023 e entusiasmada para conhecer os seus casais!
#customizedceremony #bespokeceremony #cerimoniadecasamento #multiculturalweddings #celebrantesdecasamentos #internationalwedding #symbolicceremony
Can you feel the energy filling the room? That’s because we’re about to present our dear Vera (@vera_sycheva). A Russian young lady who fell in love with Portugal and has been living in the country since [year]. Before being a wedding celebrant, Vera was an actress and founded her own theater company. Her first wedding came as a consequence of her work on the stages, and she discovered another profession that she loved.
Vera’s favorite thing about being a wedding celebrant is seeing over and over again that special little moment when the two partners see each other for the first time at opposite ends of the aisle.
Have you been married by Vera? Leave a comment, we’re sure she’s going to love hearing from you!
Чувствуете, как энергия наполняет комнату? Это потому, что мы собираемся представить нашу Веру (@vera_sycheva). Эта русскоязычная девушка, влюбилась в Португалию и живет в этой солнечной стране с 2016 года. Прежде чем стать свадебной ведущей, Вера была актрисой и основательницей собственной театральной труппы. Ее первая свадьба стала продолжением работы на сцене, открыв для Веры еще одну любимую профессию.
Верин самый любимый момент свадебной церемони, это когда пара видит друг друга впервые у алтаря. Каждый раз ее сердце замирает и внутри бушует море непередаваемых эмоций.
Вера была вашей ведущей
Are you ready to meet another member of the YEWC team? Today we get to present our sweet Vanessa. She has German and English origins, and has been living in Portugal for the past 6 years. As a person who’s used to a multicultural environment from a very young age, she knows what couples expect when they come to Portugal to get married.
Vanessa has a background in Psychology and a natural interest for people’s life stories. She started as a wedding celebrant in 2018 and in these years, after marrying many couples, one of the biggest lessons she learned is that everyone has a story worth telling. Vanessa celebrates weddings ceremonies in German and English.
Did Vanessa celebrate your wedding? Leave a comment and she’ll be super happy to read!
Seid ihr bereit, eine weitere Traurednerin aus unserem YEWC Team kennenzulernen? Heute stellen wir euch unsere liebe Vanessa vor. Sie hat deutsche und englische Wurzeln und lebt seit über 6 Jahren in Portugal. Als jemand, der schon von klein auf in einer multikulturellen Umgebung aufgewachsen ist, kann sie gut nachempfinden, was für Paare, die in Portugal heiraten möchten, wichtig ist.
Vanessa ist studierte Psychologin und war schon immer fasziniert von den Lebensgeschichten anderer Menschen. Sie begann 2018 als Traurednerin. Nach all diesen Jahren und nachdem sie bereits mit vielen Paaren den Hochzeitstag zelebriert hat, ist einer der wichtigsten Erkenntnisse für sie, dass jeder eine Geschichte hat, die es sich lohnt zu erzählen. Vanessa verfasst Traureden auf Deutsch und Englisch.
War Vanessa eure Traurednerin? Schreibt ihr hier einen
Kommentar und sie wird sich sehr freuen!