There was a young boy who was going for a walk with his Grandfather and they came upon a Eagle soaring in the sky and his Grandfather said to him can you hear the Eagle speaking to you grandson? He said no Grandfather i cannot hear the Eagle speak. Years later when this young boy grew up to be a teenager he and his Grandfather were taking a sweat in the sweat lodge and when they were finished and came out of the sweatlodge they seen a Eagle perched in a tree and Grandfather asked him do you hear the Eagle speaking to you grandson? The grandson said no Grandfather i do not hear the Eagle speaking. A few years later this young man now was a adult and his Grandfather had now passed to the next world a year earlier, he was at a spiritual camp with his people and he seen a Eagle flying overhead he was silent and while watching the Eagle he heard his Grandfathers voice, can you hear me speaking to you grandson? The young man said yes Grandfather i can hear you. His Grandfather said my dear grandson you are no longer lost on your path. Ekosi 🦅💕🦅