2024 was a time of fluctuation and rebuilding, and I felt 2025 would be the year of finding grooves and stability, but I’m not so sure. I’m entering 2025 knowing who I am, more than ever, but still unsettled.
In 2024, I left my corporate job to fully invest in the art that sets my heart on fire.
I took some of my favorite photos I have ever taken, booked elopements that changed my life, had some photo plans fall out from under me, and met so many new people. I overhauled my website (again) to match my vision in what my business means to me and where it’s going.
Blake and I traveled to New York and did bagels in Greenwich, coffee in Central Park, cursing at a Rangers game, falling in love at the Met, and everything in between.
Ophelia and I went paddle boarding at the lake countless times and good wine, cheese, and olives basically became my entire personality.
Shey and I got to see Noah Kahn at the Gorge this summer.
My mom was diagnosed with AND beat breast cancer this year. I also had a breast cancer scare.. but my cancer journey ended at my biopsy, while my mom’s cancer journey continued.
We went to Disneyland (twice!!) this year.
Blake and I had a weekend in Hawaii to celebrate friends and memories.
And I explored more of our state that we love so much.
I don’t have a good way to end this 2024 wrap up, other than it truly was full of the ups and downs I expected, even if the content of those ups and downs was impossible to predict. I wish I was entering 2025 more settled than I currently am, maybe because I turn 30 in a couple of weeks, with so many items on my checklist that I don’t know how or when are going to be checked. But I’m torn with how much I’ve achieved that I am thankful for, and the feeling that I haven’t given enough.
Maybe this is just 30, maybe this is 2025, maybe this is being an entrepreneur. I am so thankful for the countless moments full of love 2024 brought me, but I’m still trying to find comfort in the unknown going into 2025.