The Vegetarian Gourmet

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The Vegetarian Gourmet Fabulous plant-based world cuisines, created with love and expertise from local organic ingredients Our menus are custom-tailored to suit your needs and budget.

The Vegetarian Gourmet specializes in the finest vegetarian and vegan cuisines from around the globe, prepared with love from locally sourced, sustainably grown ingredients.

⁣As a kid growing up in Switzerland, I loved going to the homes of my friends, because their Moms served up treats that ...

⁣As a kid growing up in Switzerland, I loved going to the homes of my friends, because their Moms served up treats that were forbidden in our home: a thick slice of white bread, slathered in butter, and a generous sprinkling of white sugar . . . heaven! Too much? My mother would have thought so, even though it was probably no more than a teaspoon. ⠀

Consider this. The American Heart Association’s recommendations for daily intake of added sugar are as follows: no more than 9 teaspoons (38 grams) for men and no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) for women. Most people exceed that limit by multiple factors . . the average American adult consumes 77 grams of sugar a day, and the average child a whopping 81 grams! Much of the added sugar comes from sweetened beverages; a 12-oz. can of soda contains on average 8 teaspoons of sugar.⠀

What about fruit, which is also high in sugar? Here’s the difference. When eating a piece of fruit, say watermelon, you’re also consuming a lot of fiber, which slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream. When drinking a soda, on the other hand, the sugar is absorbed immediately, putting your blood sugar into roller-coaster mode, and putting you at risk for diabetes, among other problems.⠀

⁣Afternoon tea – what could be more English? But did you know that tea came to England through the Portuguese?⠀⠀When Cat...

⁣Afternoon tea – what could be more English? But did you know that tea came to England through the Portuguese?⠀

When Catherine of Braganza – daughter of Portugal’s John IV – married England’s Charles II, she brought with her a large dowry from exotic ports of call, which included spices and teas. Tea at that time came exclusively from China – tea from India would not be known until the 1830s – and the British did not have trade with China. The Portuguese, however, did have a direct trade route to China by way of Macau, and tea had become popular among the Portuguese aristocracy.⠀

Initially, tea brought to England was prohibitively expensive and only accessible to the very wealthy. But as we know, the habits of the elite are soon emulated, and the aristocracy began consuming tea, drinking it from small beautiful cups and pairing it with other exotic foods from Portugal, like marmalade made from Portugal’s exquisite oranges.⠀

Feel like getting royal? We provide the teas, antique tea sets, and exquisite spread to celebrate your next baby shower, book club gathering or other special occasion. You’ll be the Cat’s Miao!⠀


It seems like no topic is off the table these days – if you don’t believe me, just turn to your local TV station – so let’s talk POTTY HABITS.
A recent study on the frequency of bowel movements – published in the journal Cell Reports Magazine -- has turned up some interesting correlations. Frequencies vary from 1-2 bowel movements per week (a sign of constipation) to 1-3 bowel movements per day (“high normal”), and are influenced by genetics and gut microbiome, as well as age, gender and BMI (body mass index). Frequency is also correlated with consistency, which ideally is that of a ripe banana.
There is a causal link between the frequency of bowel movements, gut microbial metabolism, and organ damage. For example, the connection between constipation and chronic kidney disease has been known for some time.
There’s a saying that "You are what you eat" . . . about 30% of the food we ingest, goes to feeding our gut microbiome. A diet high in fiber – lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, pulses, whole grains – will allow beneficial microbes to ferment that fiber, and turn it into short-chain fatty acids, helping to maintain intestinal homeostasis, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.
There’s another saying that "You are what you don’t s**t" . . . when the stool moves through the gut too slowly, the gut microbes will use up all available dietary fiber. Once the fiber is gone, the microbes start fermenting proteins – very often including the mucosal lining of the gut, which is made up of proteins – a process that produces toxins which can enter the bloodstream.
OUR HEALTH IS OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET, and we have a lot more control over our health than we might think. Knowledge is power, and choosing a path out of a dietary rut is empowering. The surest way to ensure regular bowel movements – and an improved sense of wellbeing – is to choose a fiber-rich diet of fresh, real foods, adequate hydration, and regular exercise. As the saying goes . . . IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Fabulous plant-based world cuisines, created with love and expertise from local organic ingredients

⁣Too much of a good thing may not be such a good thing after all. Take antibiotics. When I was in Biology at UCSB in the...

⁣Too much of a good thing may not be such a good thing after all. Take antibiotics. When I was in Biology at UCSB in the early ’80s, our professors warned of the day when the overuse of antibiotics would create superbugs that are RESISTANT TO ALL KNOWN ANTIBIOTICS. Well, congratulations – we have arrived! And here’s the kicker – no new classes of antibiotics have been developed in over 30 years.⠀

A new report released by the CDC concludes that drug resistant microbes are a much bigger threat than previously believed. By CDC’s estimate, drug resistance sickens over three million people annually and kills over 48,000 (a scientist at Washington University puts that number at over 150,000).⠀

So what is "overuse"? Overuse includes the prescription of antibiotics for conditions that don’t respond to antibiotics, like colds and flu. But the biggest culprit is the commercial livestock industry, with its rampant feeding of antibiotics to commercially raised animals. It fattens them up faster, and . . . guess what? Yeah, you!⠀

Penicillin was discovered less than 100 years ago, one of the most significant advances in modern medicine, which enabled the curing of previously incurable diseases, like pneumonia, tuberculosis, and wound infections. Now it’s back to the dark ages.⠀

⁣Traditionally made with hashish, Majoun is a tasty treat created from dried fruits (dates and raisins), toasted nuts, r...

⁣Traditionally made with hashish, Majoun is a tasty treat created from dried fruits (dates and raisins), toasted nuts, ras el hanout, butter, and rolled in sesame seeds. With no added sugar, it makes a delightful alternative to sweets. The version created by The Vegetarian Gourmet is vegan by substituting coconut oil for the butter . . . sorry folks, no contraband ingredients!⠀

⁣Did you know that 20% of calories consumed in America come from soybean oil? And what’s the big deal, anyway?⠀⠀Soybean ...

⁣Did you know that 20% of calories consumed in America come from soybean oil? And what’s the big deal, anyway?⠀

Soybean oil is high in omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid – which most Americans already consume in overabundance. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 1:1, but in many diets the ratio can be as high as 20:1. Soybean oil – often mixed with corn oil and sold as “vegetable oil” -- is CHEAP, in the worst sense of the word. Because of the challenges of extracting the oil from soybeans, the process is facilitated with heat, chemical solvents, bleaching, and deodorizing. ⠀

Health issues associated with regular consumption of soybean oil include obesity, diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, and immune toxicity. Now where do you find the stuff if you don’t have a bottle of it in your pantry? The main sources of soybean oil are PROCESSED FOODS and FAST FOODS. Deep fat fryers in commercial establishments typically contain soybean oil and fire retardants. And processed food products contain soybean oil because it’s cheap.⠀

How to avoid it? Eat real food. Stay away from processed and fried foods. And stay tuned for our next blog on healthy cooking oils.⠀

Personally, I’m not opposed to gluten – I love a piece of crunchy French bread with a slab of sweet butter. For the unin...

Personally, I’m not opposed to gluten – I love a piece of crunchy French bread with a slab of sweet butter. For the uninitiated, gluten is the protein present in wheat, barley, and rye. It’s the substance that reacts with yeast to give bread that delightful texture: moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside (in case you’re wondering why gluten-free bread tends to be dry and boring).

For people with celiac’s disease, gluten can be deadly, and for others it’s become a fad. Enter the food manufacturing giants, always eager to oblige. Gluten-free, no problem! Ingredients that used to be derived from wheat are now sourced from rice flour. So far, so good, right? Not really – there’s a couple flies in the ointment.

A study is currently underway by epidemiology researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago. It turns out that rice flour readily absorbs heavy metals, like arsenic and mercury, thanks to chemical farming practices, and many of the gluten-free food products now have traces of arsenic and mercury. In addition, rice flour products tend to be bland, necessitating the addition of more sugar, salt and fat.

Your best bet? Eat real food. Choose organic, whenever possible. And stay away from the stuff that comes in a box with 30 ingredients you can’t pronounce.

When people talk about guilt and food, it drives me crazy. A local store now carries cookies promising “reduced guilt” ....

When people talk about guilt and food, it drives me crazy. A local store now carries cookies promising “reduced guilt” . . . stop it already! Guilt around food is uniquely American, something I’ve not encountered elsewhere. Why talk about guilt when eating something delicious and decadently rich, like our chocolate mousse? Sure, it’s loaded with calories and fat; it’s not one of those low-fat, low-carb concoctions that you can eat by the gallon (and not gain any weight, haha). What is the guilt really about – the extra calories or . . . the pleasure? Do you feel the same way about great s*x . . . No? I didn’t think so.

Back to the chocolate mousse and all those calories. Enjoy. Savor. Save some for another day . . . you don’t have to eat the whole thing in one sitting, for crying out loud! Practice serial gratification . . . enjoy some gratification in the moment, and defer some for another day. There – isn’t that something you can live with?

⁣When eating out, I tend to choose foods that I don’t normally cook for myself -- which often becomes a source of inspir...

⁣When eating out, I tend to choose foods that I don’t normally cook for myself -- which often becomes a source of inspiration. I recently had lunch at a local Cambodian restaurant and absolutely loved loved loved the curried noodles. So the next time I had a hankering for curried noodles, I recreated my own. Here is the result. I used Annie Chun brand rice noodles and soaked them in cold water for an hour. In the meantime, I stir-fried some garlic, mushrooms, and mustard greens in coconut oil with curry and other spices, and then added the now soft rice noodles. They need to simmer for a few minutes, and then can be served with chopped fresh herbs (green onion, Thai basil, mint) and a few shredded raw vegetables (daikon radish, bean sprouts, shredded cabbage) . . . so simple, and so good!⠀

⁣Whether planning a party or a simple dinner, vegetarians are bound to show up. An easy way to satisfy your vegetarian g...

⁣Whether planning a party or a simple dinner, vegetarians are bound to show up. An easy way to satisfy your vegetarian guests is to make a frittata – some of the preparations can be made the day before. Here is one of my favorites, a Swiss chard frittata with pine nuts, currants, and pecorino. ⠀

The Swiss chard can be lightly steamed in olive oil or butter the day before – you want to wash the leaves, cut off any funky bits, and cut the leaves and stems into ½ inch ribbons. When you’re ready to cook the frittata, mix the cooked chard with the currants and pine nuts, then add the well beaten eggs (about the same volume as the cooked chard). Add a little salt and pepper and mix well. Heat some butter and olive oil in a non-stick pan, over medium heat, and add the egg mixture. As the frittata cooks, pull the mixture away from the sides to allow the uncooked portion to cook. In order for the top to set, you can either flip the frittata over to finish cooking it, or place it in the oven for a few minutes. Serve on an attractive platter and top with pecorino. A frittata is best served slightly warm or at room temperature.⠀

WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN  . . . . . a question I’m often asked when talking about eating a primarily plant-based di...

WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN . . . . . a question I’m often asked when talking about eating a primarily plant-based diet. Protein is essential for muscle strength, something we share with all other mammals. The notion that the only worthy protein comes from animal sources is BUNK . . . where do you suppose cows and horses get their protein? Do they sneak out at night to grab a burger? They’re big animals, and it takes a lot of fuel to keep them healthy and strong. Think about it . . . do you really believe that you have to eat dead critters in order to meet your protein requirement?

Happy summer, everyone! If you're looking for some fabulous all-vegan menu options for a gathering with friends, we are ...

Happy summer, everyone! If you're looking for some fabulous all-vegan menu options for a gathering with friends, we are continually adding vegan favorites to our menus. How about samosas with a mix of curried cauliflower, potato, peas and onion -- served with a garlicky, spicy mint chutney? You don't have to be vegan to enjoy them!

⁣“My child has decided to become a vegetarian” . . . it’s a story I hear more and more frequently. My own grandson, aged...

⁣“My child has decided to become a vegetarian” . . . it’s a story I hear more and more frequently. My own grandson, aged 7, recently became a vegetarian ("It's not fair to the animals, Nana"). Thankfully, my daughter is a wonderful cook, and a vegetarian in the family does not pose a problem.⠀

But for many parents, this can be a challenge. Newby vegetarians often gravitate toward a diet heavy in pasta and cheese . . . there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with pasta and cheese, but it should not be the main staple. Between trolling the internet and the large selection of delicious fake “meats” available at the supermarket, there are now many options for ensuring a vegetarian child’s optimum nutrition. And “complete protein” meals can be achieved with a combination of grains and legumes -- or rice and beans -- the main staple of many of the world’s cultures.⠀

Try a Syrian Mujaddara, a combination of rice and lentils, seasoned with cumin, cinnamon and lots of caramelized onion, and topped with cilantro and a dollop of Greek yogurt.⠀

⁣Señorita momentita sounds so much better than “Senior Moment”, don’t you think? But memory loss is no laughing matter. ...

⁣Señorita momentita sounds so much better than “Senior Moment”, don’t you think? But memory loss is no laughing matter. It currently affects 5.7 million Americans, and that number is expected to increase to over 14 million Americans by 2050.⠀

Is it inevitable? What we know is this. According to, trace elements and chemicals found in packaged foods have been found to damage brain chemistry. A study published in the University of Minnesota’s Chemical Research & Toxicology Journal found that . . . “regular intake of diacetyl influences the buildup of beta amyloid proteins in the brain”. This buildup, which causes clumping, is now considered one of the PRIMARY CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO THE ONSET OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.⠀

Diacetyl, you say . . . never touch the stuff. Think again . . . how many times do you eat “buttered” popcorn? Diacetyl is a chemical that delivers the “buttery” flavor in popcorn and many other packaged foods. Wonder why you didn’t know that . . . it’s because there is NO MANDATE FOR PRINTED WARNINGS. The lesson? Stay away from processed foods – and avoid food products with “natural flavorings”. Michael Pollan: “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”⠀

⁣This astounding statistic comes from the CDC and International Monetary Fund. The four most expensive health challenges...

⁣This astounding statistic comes from the CDC and International Monetary Fund. The four most expensive health challenges are high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, and chest pain. Many of these health challenges can be mitigated with a change in diet – eliminating processed foods and sodas (huge contributors to poor health), reducing consumption of red meats, and moving toward a more plant-based diet. Offering employees tools to achieving a healthier lifestyle and safer workplace creates greater employee satisfaction. A healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce.⠀

⁣A hearty soup from the shores of the Mediterranean. Traditionally made with lamb, it combines chick peas, lentils, vege...

⁣A hearty soup from the shores of the Mediterranean. Traditionally made with lamb, it combines chick peas, lentils, vegetables, and exotic spices – without the lamb, it is vegan and still highly nutritious. The soup is eaten by Jews and Muslims alike upon breaking a fast. Here is the recipe!⠀

⁣Just a Spoonful of Sugar is said to make the medicine go down. But it takes more than a spoonful of sugar to make indus...

⁣Just a Spoonful of Sugar is said to make the medicine go down. But it takes more than a spoonful of sugar to make industrially produced food products go down . . . try four teaspoons of sugar per cup of spaghetti sauce, for example. Foods processed in giant factories come out like hospital food – would you buy that? Of course not, and neither would anyone else. So how are they “enhanced” to make them attractive to the consumer? Bring on the four horsemen of the apocalypse – lots of sugar, lots of fat, lots of salt and lots of advertising.⠀

If you want to reclaim your health, EAT REAL FOOD. Stay away from industrial food products – anything that comes in a box, a package, or a can. Learn how to cook a simple meal – it’s not rocket science!⠀

⁣Persnickety guests? Try this simple Asian noodle salad that will be sure to win some fans, regardless of their dietary ...

⁣Persnickety guests? Try this simple Asian noodle salad that will be sure to win some fans, regardless of their dietary preferences. Start with rice noodles or yam noodles (available in Asian markets); I used Annie Chun’s rice noodles. The noodles are very long and wiry – they’re best cut with a pair of scissors after they’re cooked.⠀

Boil the noodles according to package directions – don’t overcook – drain, and immediately toss in sesame oil. I like the Spectrum brand sesame oil, both the plain and the toasted; go easy on the toasted sesame oil. Season to taste with gluten-free Tamari soy sauce and rice vinegar. Once the noodles have cooled, fold in your favorite vegetables, finely chopped, e.g. minced garlic, green onion, sugar snap peas, radish, cilantro, fresh (or frozen) corn, bean sprouts, cherry tomato, etc. Add pieces of mango or pineapple, and top your creation with toasted peanuts. Enjoy!⠀

⁣If it came out of a package with a long list of ingredients you can’t pronounce, it’s not food, Dude! It’s a food produ...

⁣If it came out of a package with a long list of ingredients you can’t pronounce, it’s not food, Dude! It’s a food product, scientifically formulated by one of the manufacturing giants to deliver the right amount of addictive flavor to keep you coming back for more and more . . . long after you’re full. ⠀

The magic flavor hook is delivered by prodigious amounts of sugar, fat and salt. Cravings induced by sugar, according to an article in the NY Times, are “comparable to those induced by addictive drugs like co***ne and nicotine.” You may think you’ve chosen your meal, but it has chosen you. “Convenience” foods may be convenient in terms of saving time and effort, but they take a huge toll on your health. And when your health suffers, all your energy and resources go into trying to get well again. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. If you want to remain healthy and vital, eat real food.⠀

⁣I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty fed up reading about the shameless greed of big pharma. Let’s not kid ou...

⁣I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty fed up reading about the shameless greed of big pharma. Let’s not kid ourselves – it’s not about your health, it’s about money. Period.⠀

Your best bet? Stay healthy – your health is your most valuable asset. Eat real food. Stay away from packaged “convenience” food products; they’re full of cheap sugars, cheap fats and a ton of salt. Michael Pollan ( says is best: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.⠀

⁣While we’re on the subject of industry-sponsored “scientific research”, here’s a related story published in Time Magazi...

⁣While we’re on the subject of industry-sponsored “scientific research”, here’s a related story published in Time Magazine. A recent study conducted at UCSF found that Big Soda-funded “research” does not link sodas to obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (which is now a childhood epidemic!). The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine identified 96 national health organizations that received money from Big Soda in order to shift health messages away from diet and exercise.“This industry seems to be manipulating contemporary scientific processes to create controversy and advance their business interests at the expense of the public’s health,” the study authors concluded in their report . . . that's one way to put it, I guess.⠀

Non-industry sponsored studies do link the consumption of sugary drinks to obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Big Soda claims the article infringes on their freedom of speech . . . REALLY??⠀

Traditionally made with hashish, Majoun is a tasty treat created from dried fruits (dates and raisins), toasted nuts, ci...

Traditionally made with hashish, Majoun is a tasty treat created from dried fruits (dates and raisins), toasted nuts, cinnamon, cloves and butter. With no added sugar, it makes a delightful alternative to sweets. The version created by The Vegetarian Gourmet is gluten-free and vegan by substituting coconut oil for the butter . . . sorry folks, no contraband ingredients!

⁣Bring some international flair to your table with a delicious and easy Middle Eastern relish. I love the combination of...

⁣Bring some international flair to your table with a delicious and easy Middle Eastern relish. I love the combination of simple and exotic . . . Muhammara’s main ingredients are roasted peppers, garlic, pomegranate molasses, and walnuts. It can be served alongside an antipasto platter, with crudités and breads for dipping. Or include it as part of your Arabian Nights themed corporate party!⠀

Empanadas, dim sum, pasties, piroshky . . . the list goes on. Many cuisines feature tasty little packages of meat and ve...

Empanadas, dim sum, pasties, piroshky . . . the list goes on. Many cuisines feature tasty little packages of meat and vegetables wrapped in dough – the perfect finger food – which can be served as an appetizer or with a salad for a light meal. Our vegan empanada is a new favorite from The Vegetarian Gourmet, served with chimichurri sauce. The filling has a nice little bite to it, made of a mix of caramelized onion, yams, black beans, cilantro, garlic and Field Roast Mexican chipotle sausage. Our chimichurri sauce has lots of parsley, mint, cilantro, garlic, olive oil, salt and a splash of red wine vinegar.

Gone are the days when vegetarians had to content themselves with overcooked pasta, a smattering of pathetic looking veg...

Gone are the days when vegetarians had to content themselves with overcooked pasta, a smattering of pathetic looking vegetables and a megadose of cheese. No longer regarded as a bunch of kooks subsisting on rabbit food, vegetarians are now valued as a class of consumers to be catered to. Here in the Bay Area, the vegetarian movement began in earnest in 1968 with the beginnings of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Since then, notables like Deborah Madison, “mad cowboy” Howard Lyman, and John Robbins have put vegetarianism on the map in big, bold letters.

Restaurants specializing exclusively in plant-based cuisines abound, from high-end eateries like Greens and Millennium to countless family-owned businesses offering exotic ethnic fare. In this kind of company, many local restaurants have stepped up to the plate, offering substantial selections of all-vegetarian and vegan specialties.

For someone used to a mostly vegetarian diet for much of my life, creating a nutritious, delicious plant-based meal is not rocket science. But for many people in today’s busy world, it’s quite a challenge. People feel that they “should” eat more vegetables, but don’t know how to get started. Our aim with this column is to educate and share our knowledge and know-how for a greener, more sustainable planet.

As Michael Pollan aptly states: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” An optimal diet is rich in variety and local flavor, with lots of seasonal produce. Like feng-shui, a well-balanced meal wants color. If everything on your plate is beige, there is no energy. Here in the Bay Area, we are blessed with easy access to a huge variety of fresh, organic, fabulous foods. So experiment, enjoy and Bon appétit!


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Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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