Nothing like time to heal to make you consider what’s really important in your life. For me my husband, as sound of music would put it, is “my favorite thing.” I hope all of my couples feel this loving and giddy long past the honeymoon phase of marriage. For me it’s only gotten better, less giddy but more deep. I don’t know where I’d be without a full time partner looking out for me. The world fades, best friends fade, fads fade, careers fab, health fades, but if you pick the right person it won’t matter as long as you two stick close together. My advise talk about your days and lives with each other all the time, how you are changing who you want to become. Tell them what you don’t tell anyone else. Marriage isn’t JUST the “next step” in a relationship, it’s a decision to be connected to one soul for a lifetime so your soul never feels alone! How’s that for sappy on a Wednesday? Best of love to all my sweet couples!