Expecting Parents & Baby
Expecting Parents & Baby & Family Fun & Activities Expo is the fastest growing on the East Coast, with in 2018 coming to Boston, Massachusetts, Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina, Nashville, Tennessee, Staten Island, New York, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Queens, New York and Long Island, NY. The continued growth of our community, on and through our original video content, articles and even our print Magazine has our vendors, sponsors and attendees tuned in an excited for what's coming next.
2018 Schedule Released!: http://www.expectingparentsandbaby.com/parents-baby-events/
As retail and big box locations struggle to compete with online sales, our and provide consumers a chance to touch, feel and sometimes taste new and existing products. This is enhanced by our commitment to quality presented by professionals on subjects like and more. Our attendees have a chance to win and learn about everything from to & with your .
This approach to provide a 360 degree solution allows small and local businesses to reach their target audience unlike ever before! Our base exhibitor experience includes a chance to meet face to face with attendees with the 6' Exhibit Table, a Quarter Page Ad in our FULL Color Print , shout outs on or Social Media Channels, a banner ad on the website, and a interview at the expo that they can use to promote themselves via their channels and even embed on their website.
Other and brag about the size of their audience which leads to disappointment when your brand or has to deal with a stampede of seekers and then navigate useless leads... our format and community is specifically targeted to put a quality audience at your feet over the course of the day which allows you to have meaningful conversations that convert into sales, that's right actual sales!
Our audience NEEDS your services, we target based on demographics and interest specific to our community, which is your target audience... once we adjust for income and habits it generates genuine interest for our and that help them raise happy and healthy families.
Contact Us and learn why our events help build your business, not your expenses...
Phone: (347) 699-6040 email [email protected]