CHICO RESIDENTS: As the LGBTQ Rep on the Police Advisory Board, we would like as many people in the LGBTQ community to complete this survey. If you could help spread the word, we would really appreciate it and the information will be used to improve the police department. Thank you!
Update: The survey will close on April 21, 2024
Chief Billy Aldridge and the Police Community Advisory Board (PCAB) are pleased to announce the launch of a community survey to gather valuable feedback for the Chico Police Department. The survey aims to understand the perceptions of the police department, areas of improvement, and the prioritization of police services.
The survey can be accessed by clicking the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Chicopd-survey
The survey can also be accessed through
• The Police Department website
• The Chico Police Department Facebook and Instagram pages
• The City of Chico website
• Paper copies available at the police department (1460 Humboldt Rd.) or through a PCAB board member
Chief Aldridge and PCAB would like to express their appreciation in advance to those who complete the survey. To ensure the accuracy of the data, we kindly ask participants to complete the survey only once.
To learn more about PCAB, please visit chico.ca.us/Your-Government/Other-Local-Committees/Police-Community-Advisory-Board