Who is that phrase for?
"My parents did the best they could." is a non fault phrase that we as healers need to thoroughly examine. I see it as an idea that keeps people stuck.
Is it true? Was THAT their best? Did your toxic parents:
-seek help?
-reflect on how things were going?
-make brave decisions on your behalf?
-leave abusers to keep you safe?
-ask what their part in things were?
-wonder why you were showing signs of trauma?
I call bu****it.
The phrase doesn't work for most of us, and I think it gets in the way of healing. It implies that had our parents been more informed, or had access to resources, things would have been different.
Narcissistic and codependent parents don't operate that way.
It's super generous to think they would.
It's ok for both survivors and clinicians to hold toxic parenting accountable.
Accessing and processing anger, rage, grief, sadness and above all - the truth is how healing works. We don't stay in those feelings forever - we move on.
"They did the best they could"- is just like childhood, where we overly focus on the toxic parent and not OUR experience.