These images are some of my favorite moments as a lifestyle photographer. I really can’t describe the feeling or honor of getting to be in this moment with two parents. The most intimate moments in someone’s life and I get to be there with my camera.
Behind my camera I hear the pain of her moans and the prayers of her husband praying over her. I hear the beeping monitors and the unborn heartbeat, I see the blood and sweat, I feel the pain and suffering as I have also been in that exact moment delivering my own two babies.
Support, endurance, strength, patience, faith, trust, suffering, pain, sacrifice and after it all comes LIFE. There is no greater earthly picture of our Lord and what He did for us on the cross, then seeing a glimpse of it through labor and delivery, through pain, sacrifice and deliverance.
Thank you to & for having me be apart of your most intimate moments. Seeing the two of you work together to bring your babe into the world was so beautiful.