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InnoVEX 2019 Pi Stage – 05/31 Morning Session

不小心錯過5/31早上的French Tech Pitch Session嗎?沒關係,主辦單位台北市電腦公會貼心地將完整場次記錄下來了。只要30分鐘,讓你一手掌握今年法國參展新創的創新科技,來看看吧!

Missed the French Tech Pitch Session on May 31st? That's alright, thanks to the considerate Taipei Computer Association, the full pitch session is available for replay online now. You can get to know all the innovative tech of our startups this year in just 30 minutes, come check it out!

連結請點這 Link here 👉

09:55-12:00 InnoVEX Global Demo Day * More InnoVEX 2019 video clips will be uploaded soon. Please follow and subscribe our channel to receive our notice!

【COMPUTEX 2019】法國四度參展 InnoVEX,獲獎新創精銳盡出

2019年台北電腦展上周圓滿結束,感謝TechNews科技新報展會期間的報導,也非常感謝InnoVEX三天展期中來法國科技La French Tech館支持拜訪的每個人!

2019 Computex Taipei wrapped up successfully last week! Thank you TechNews for an amazing coverage of the French Tech Space at InnoVEX, and also a huge thank you to everyone who supports and visited us this year!


In the coming weeks, we will share with you more articles about this year's French Tech Space at InnoVEX, don't miss them! :)

2019 年的 InnoVEX 參展的新創團隊數量創新高,除了有很多新團隊之外也有資歷豐富的老手。已經是第四次參展 InnoVEX 的法國國家館本屆陣容堅強,不少新創團隊都曾在 CES 等國際展會中摘下獎項。 法國早在 2013 年就開始推動新創....

Pitch Contest - InnoVEX - Asia's leading startup platform

[2間法國科技新創Adok & Mapwize入選InnoVEX Pitch Contest準決賽!!]
Two French Tech startups - Adok & Mapwize - selected to compete in the semi-finals of InnoVEX Pitch Contest!!

Adok與Mapwize兩間新創公司,從來自19個國家、143組的報名團隊中脫穎而出,進入Pitch Contest準決賽。他們將於5/29與5/30,在世貿一館Pi Stage與其他獲選新創同場較勁、角逐決賽門票。一起為Adok與Mapwize加油吧!

Adok and Mapwize are selected as semi-finalists in the InnoVEX Pitch Contest from 143 participating teams from 19 countries! On 5/29 and 5/30, they will be competing against other selected startups at TWTC Hall 1 Pi Stage, in order to earn a spot in the finals. Let's cheer for Adok and Mapwize!!

Pitch Contest官方公告:

InnoVEX is the startup arm of Asia's Iconic B2B exhibition, COMPUTEX TAIPEI. As Asia's leading startup platform, InnoVEX focuses on the commercialization, growth, and networking of startups in all stages through exhibition, pitch contest, forum, and matchmaking.


[2019產業升級創新平台輔導計畫 Bpifrance x TIIP 台法合作機制]
2019 Taiwan Industrial Innovation Platform Bpifrance x TIIP FR-TW Cooperation Mechanism

對國際研發合作有興趣,卻不知如何開始嗎 ? !
來了解經濟部工業局產業升級創新平台輔導計畫如何幫助您將創新研發推展到國際 !
Are you interested in accessing new markets and global value chain?
Taiwan Industrial Innovation Platform (TIIP), the R&D subsidy program under IDB, MOEA, provides direct support to businesses with international interests.

Partnering with the TIIP program, we support French and Taiwanese enterprises for their collaborations in R&D of innovative products and services. With the backup of R&D subsidy, innovation could progress further.

At least 1 French+1 Taiwanese company
The budget share of each side should not exceed more than 75%-25% of the total budget of the project.
Innovative products and application in tech sector
Program duration: Maximum of 3 years
An additional 20% in R&D subsidy will be granted to those who cooperate with French companies.

在此邀請對國際研發合作有興趣的您,一同於5月29日至31日到世貿一館InnoVEX法國科技館看看 !
From May 29th to 31st, we invite you to come visit the French Tech pavilion at InnoVEX, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1.

Please visit the website for more details.👉

#經濟部工業局 #產業升級創新平台輔導計畫 #法國公共投資銀行 #法國 #台灣 #研發補助


Virtual Room - The Ultimate Team-Based VR Experience

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Virtual Room】

Virtual Room開啟終極團隊VR冒險! Dive into the ultimate team-based VR adventure with Virtual Room!

Virtual Room是參與式虛擬實境遊戲的領導者,不僅自主開發遊戲內容,更在全球擁有20個以上體驗據點。超過20萬位玩家已體驗過Virtual Room的冒險。Virtual Room的遊戲體驗元素多元平衡,四十五分鐘的體驗時間讓玩家們得以完全沉浸於虛擬世界、與隊友們合作無間完成任務。Virtual Room同時自主產銷他們的三款遊戲,並可以授權予其他VR遊戲中心。一起合作,享受VR冒險的刺激有趣!

Virtual Room is the leader of collaborative VR games: the company develops its own contents and currently runs its games in self-operated centers in 20+ locations around the globe. There have been 200,000 players who already tested one of Virtual Room’s adventures. With well-balanced gameplay and an ideal duration of 45 minutes, Virtual Room allows players to have complete immersion and work with each other in the virtual world for an exciting team-based adventure. Virtual Room also produces, exploits and sells licenses of its 3 games. Share, collaborate, and be thrilled!

🏆獲獎紀錄&事蹟 Awards and recognitions🏆
獲選法國科技French Tech Japan VR Acceleration 計畫
TripAdvisor #1 Amusement park in Singapour, #2 Fun & Games in Los Angeles

酷炫介紹影片由此去 Cool intro video here ➡️
Virtual Room攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0810

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space! Blending the ESCAPE ROOM concept with a full 3D cinematic experience to deliver a unique, immersive and mind-blowing adventur...

Mapwize, indoor map provider for WebSummit - Full Version

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Mapwize】

智慧建築室內地圖解決方案,讓你在建築物與大型活動展會裡再也不迷路!Indoor mapping solution for smart buildings - no more being lost in buildings and big events and expos!

Mapwize的室內地圖平台為建築物創造新的數位服務。在平台上,使用者能相當容易地建立地圖,並能輕鬆地將其整合至路線尋找、工作空間管理、維修與安全等應用領域。主要的特色包含與室外地圖整合、搜尋及路線規劃引擎、即時資料顯示等。Mapwize目前已有來自20個國家、100家以上的客戶,其中有許多國際知名大展如Web Summit、Rise Hong Kong、Viva Technology,以及像是SNCF與Auchan等企業用戶。

Mapwize is the Indoor Mapping platform for the creation of new digital services within buildings. The maps are easy to build and even easier to integrate in Wayfinding, Workspace Management, Maintenance or Security applications. With practical main features such as seamless integration, search & direction engine and live data display, Mapwize has already served more than 100 clients in multiple domains from more than 20 countries, including big events like Web Summit, Rise Hong Kong and Viva Technology as well as enterprises and institutions like SNCF and Auchan.

🏆獲獎紀錄 Awards and recognitions🏆
Digital InPulse 2018
LMI Innovation Awards Lille Métropole Innovation 2017
Viva Technology DOJO Alibaba Challenge 2016

看看Web Summit展會使用案例 Take a look at the use case of Web Summit ➡️
Mapwize攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0904

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space!

WebSummit is the largest tech conference in the world according to Inc. More than 60.000 attendees met in Lisbon, Portugal in November 2017. Mapwize, French ...

Quantmetry - qui sommes-nous ?

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Quantmetry】

法國頂尖人工智慧公司Quantmetry運用AI加速診斷癌症和其他疾病!A French champion in artificial intelligence : Quantmetry uses AI to accelerate the diagnosis of cancer and other diseases !


Quantmetry develops itself in a market where mathematicians and computer scientists have an impact that could transform the economy. Now with a team of 90 members whose time is partly dedicated to R&D, Quantmetry specializes in Artificial Intelligence as a pure player of data that accompanies enterprises from design to implementation of AI solutions. The company has a state-of-the-art expertise in domains such as Deep Learning, computer vision and natural language processing, with applications in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 but most notably in MedTech.

🏆獲獎紀錄 Awards and recognitions🏆
2019 Hacking Health Camp: Prize awarded by SEMIA Générateur de Startups
2019 Hacking Health Camp: Prize awarded by CHRU de Strasbourg - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
2018 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA Winner
2017 Trophée de la Simulation Numérique - Prix Innovation, Forum Teratec
2017 Trophée de la Simulation Numérique - Grand Prix, Forum Teratec

網站請點我Check out their website ➡️
Quantmetry攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0905a

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space!

Fondée en 2011 avec un esprit pionnier, Quantmetry se développe dans un marché où les mathématiciens ont un impact qui transforme l'économie. Nous sommes une équipe de pionniers en quête de sujets d'exception.

Adok - Smart Projector & Meeting Assistant

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Adok】

智慧投影機與會議助理,輕鬆把任何平面變身觸控螢幕! Adok's SMART PROJECTOR and MEETING ASSISTANT can transform any surface into a tactile interface!


Adok is the perfect solution for efficient collaboration & decision making. It is the best touch projector in the world, able to turn any surface (wall, table, floor space...) into a great tactile interface.
This wireless projector with an embedded computer comes with an App hub to help you start decision making meetings faster, make them more dynamic and debrief them in no time.

🏆獲獎紀錄 Awards and recognitions🏆
2019 CES 創新獎 (CES Innovation Awards)

看看怎麼用 See how it works ➡️
Adok攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0909A

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space!

Adok is the first smart projector and meeting assistant. With Adok, stop wasting time and increase the focus in meetings. Adok est le premier projecteur inte...


【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館合作夥伴 - 經濟部工業局產業升級創新平台輔導計畫】
Taiwan Industrial Innovation Platform (TIIP) - partner of 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space

對國際研發合作有興趣,卻不知如何開始嗎 ? !
來了解經濟部工業局產業升級創新平台輔導計畫如何幫助您將創新研發推展到國際 !
Are you interested in accessing new markets and global value chain?
Taiwan Industrial Innovation Platform (TIIP), the R&D subsidy program under IDB, MOEA, provides direct support to businesses with international interests.

Partnering with the TIIP program, we support French and Taiwanese enterprises for their collaborations in R&D of innovative products and services. The TIIP program would provide necessary assistance and funding to selected projects.

在此邀請對國際研發合作有興趣的您,一同於5月29日至31日到世貿一館InnoVEX法國科技館看看 !
From May 29th to 31st, we invite you to come visit the French Tech Space at InnoVEX, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1.

點我前往計畫網站 ➡️
Please visit the website (FR) for more details ➡️

#經濟部工業局 #產業升級創新平台輔導計畫 #法國公共投資銀行 #法國 #台灣 #研發補助


Home - Hoomano

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Hoomano】

用人工智慧讓人類與科技互動更加直覺!Use AI to allow everyone to communicate instinctively with technology!

Hoomano自2014年起即開發機器人商務解決方案。Hoomano開發能應用於Pepper及Nao機器人的軟體,並與日本及歐洲的軟銀機器人公司 (Softbank Robotics) 為長期合作夥伴,同時亦與其他機器人硬體開發商合作。運用人工智慧,Hoomano提供可靠的評估與分析技術,讓使用Hoomano解決方案的機器人更能自主運作,引起使用者興趣與正面反應。不論是產品介紹、顧客關係經營或是企業流程改善,Hoomano讓你與社交機器人的互動更直覺。

HOOMANO has been creating robotics business solutions since 2014. A long-standing partner of Softbank Robotics in Japan and Europe, the company develops applications on the robots Pepper and Nao, while also collaborating with other robot manufacturers. Besides, using artificial intelligence research, the company offers a reliable attention evaluation technology: robots “powered by Hoomano” become engaging and autonomous interfaces that challenge and arouse emotion. Whether in product demonstration, customer relationship management or business processes improvement, Hoomano brings you more instinctive interactions with social robots.

🏆獲獎紀錄 Awards and recognitions🏆
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region Start-Up Trophy 2017 - 人工智慧類別

看更多介紹 Get to know more➡️
Hoomano攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0908

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space!

Hoomano - Robotics applications developer and designer of an autonomous social brain for interactive devices. Don't hesitate to contact us for your projects

【Announcement】Finalist for Pitch onstage in TTA x TIEC #1 Pitch and Match @ InnoVEX 2019-TIECTW 科技部計畫

【快訊 - 法國科技館新創Adok與Hoomano 入選TTA x TIEC Pitch on stage決賽🏆】
HUGE COMPUTEX News : FRENCH TECH startups ADOK and HOOMANO are finalists for the TTA x TIEC Pitch on stage!

經過兩階段篩選評審,兩家今年InnoVEX法國科技館的參展新創 - Adok與Hoomano,成功躋身TTA x TIEC Pitch on stage前八強。他們將於5/30(四)下午於InnoVEX上台,為評審與投資人們呈現他們的創新產品與服務。非常恭喜他們!

今年電腦展InnoVEX展區的FRENCH TECH SPACE也看得到他們的創新科技喔!

After two stages of selection, Adok & Hoomano rose up to be among the Top 8 startups to pitch in front of a jury and investors at InnoVEX on 5/30 (Thursday). Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Adok and Hoomano!

You can check their amazing technology at the FRENCH TECH SPACE at InnoVEX / COMPUTEX this year !

更多資訊More info👉

Finalist for Pitch on Stage in TTA x TIEC #1 Pitch and Match @ InnoVEX 2019Selected teams will be notified with more details by email individually, appreciate your interest and wish you continued success. *Please note there're 7 startups has been selected to attend InnoVEX Pitch Contest Semi-final o...

energysquare - Charging made easy

【2019 InnoVEX法國科技館新創公司介紹 French startups @ 2019 InnoVEX French Tech Space - Energysquare】

來一窺究竟進化版的無線充電!Come and discover the wireless charging technology of the future!

Energysquare的Power by Contact®為突破性的無線充電技術,適用於筆記型電腦與其他行動電子裝置。
Energysquare’s Power by Contact® is a breakthrough wireless charging technology for laptops and other portable electronic devices.

利用接觸式充電 (conductive charging) ,該專利技術能夠讓使用者一次為數個裝置充電,速度更是與一般有線充電器無異。只需要將裝置放上充電平台即可充電—就是如此簡單。
Using conductive charging, this patented technology allows users to charge multiple devices at a time at the same speed of using a normal charger. Simply place the devices freely on the charging area to start charging – as simple as it could be.

🏆獲獎紀錄 Awards and recognitions🏆
2019 CES 最佳創新獎 (CES Best of Innovation) – 智慧能源Smart Energy類
2019 Bercy – IMT Innovation Prize
2018 Challenge Paris CES Saclay Las Vegas Jury Prize CCI
2017 CES 創新獎 (CES Innovation Awards)

看更多介紹 Get to know more➡️
Energysquare攤位號碼 Booth Number:A0905

From May 29th to 31th, see you at TWTC Hall 1 InnoVEX French Tech Space!

Using a patented conductive wireless charging, energysquare simplifies the way we use our devices. Integrate our tech, enhance your products !

2019台北國際電腦展 法國科技館新創雲集 | 科技新視野 | 商情 | 經濟日報


Money UDN report: The 2019 French Tech Space at InnoVEX zone of Computex Taipei has a very strong delegation of high-profile startups, showing diverse aspects of la French Tech. Only three days from May 29th to 31st at TWTC Hall 1, come meet these amazing startups and discover their innovative tech and products!

點我看報導 Click me for the article ➡️ :

2019台北國際電腦展(Computex Taipei)將於5月28日至6月1日盛大舉行。今年主辦單位於臺北世界貿易中心展覽一館擴大辦理創新與新創展區InnoVEX ,展期自5月29日至5月31日, 為全球及國內新創團隊與創新技術打造國際化舞台。法國科...

Messages from Global Pavilion Representatives

法國在台協會商務處Business France Taiwan很榮幸受到主辦單位-台北市電腦公會(TCA)的邀請,在InnoVEX國家館的影片中宣布法國科技館將再次參與2019年台北電腦展。

Business France Taiwan is honored to be invited by the organizer Taipei Computer Association to be a part of the video of global pavilions this year at InnoVEX, announcing the participation of la French Tech.



This year, the exhibiting companies not only have plenty of awards and recognitions already, but also are from diverse domains, including AI, electronics, virtual reality etc. We will tell you more about our exhibitors' innovative products and solutions in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned!

From May 29th to 31st, we invite you to come visit the French Tech pavilion at InnoVEX, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1. Rendez-vous at the French Tech pavilion, see you there!

Many international startups join InnoVEX as a part of the country pavilion delegation. Joining this year are startups from: Canada, France, Korea, Netherland...

法國科技館前進巴塞隆納世界行動通訊大會 | 科技新視野 | 商情 | 經濟日報

法國科技館前進巴塞隆納世界行動通訊大會 | 科技新視野 | 商情 | 經濟日報報導

La French Tech at Barcelona, it's now! Report by Money UDN.

世界行動通訊大會(Mobile World Congress, MWC)早已成為全球行動科技、服務與數位內容領域不容錯過的年度盛事,2019年將在2月25-28日於西班牙巴塞隆納舉行。協助法國企業全球發展的官方機構Business France(在台灣為法國在台協會商務....

法國科技館前進 MWC,展現法國新創能量


Mobile World Congress 2019 is coming in less than two weeks in Barcelona, Spain. Of course La French Tech will be there again to exhibit amazing French innovations and technologies!

了解更多To know more➡️

協助法國企業在世界各地發展的官方機構 Business France 每年都會在各大展覽設立法國科技(La French Tech)館,2019 年 2 月也將前進世界行動通訊大會(Mobile World Congress,MWC),預計有超過百家法國中小企業與新創公司在法國科技館...

【2019 台北國際電玩展】法國 XTR4L1F3 讓遊戲開發者更容易將玩家聚集在一起! - INSIDE


Taipei Game Show 2019 which took place end of January was a blast. Huge thanks to INSIDE for interviewing XTR4L1F3 and publishing this detailed article about their Open Source game development server platform! Through XTR4L1F3, social-related, multiplayer and location fuctions can all be easily integrated into a game.

「社交性」其實佔了遊戲體驗相當重要的一部分,但對於小型獨立開發者來說,要開發社交功能可謂難如登天;而法國遊戲軟體 XTR4L1F3卻提供了獨立遊戲開發者簡單易用的社交開發軟體。 標籤: 台北電玩展, 手遊, 遊戲產業, 獨立...

Antegods Code Update: Setting up the database architecture for our multiplayer game

➡️看看遊戲開發者可以怎麼運用 XTR4L1F3 / Look at how a game developer can use XTR4L1F3:

Our code intern Wouter has his head in the clouds, but with good reason. He has been thinking through the systems that will be needed to store Antegods player data in the cloud so that all their progress is tracked and available online.

160家法國科技新創 明年一月齊聚CES | 科技新視野 | 商情 | 經濟日報


160 startups of La French Tech powered by Business France will be back in CES Las Vegas in January 2019 to exhibit more innovative products and services! And France will once again be one of the most visible European countries of the expo!

點文章看Business France精選的26間法國新創

Read more about the 26 La French Tech startups selected by Business France ⬇️ :

Photos by Eve Gesbert.

極具指標性、創新前線的美國拉斯維加斯電子展(CES Las Vegas),明年一月將再度盛大舉行,預計有17 萬名的參觀者將造訪,在 3,900 個參展商的攤位中發掘國際市場最新商情與科技。2019 年法國科技(La French Tech)將再度出擊,透過 Oran...

Bureau Français de Taipei - 法國在台協會

法國氮化鎵半導體公司Exagan成立台灣艾斯剛有限公司 做為銷售與產品應用中心
French GaN semiconductor company Exagan established Exagan Taiwan Ltd. to become their sales and application center.

【French Tech - 法國科技】艾斯剛選擇台灣作為首個法國之外據點 / Exagan a choisi Taiwan pour ouvrir sa première filiale à l’étranger ! 📱 🌱🚗🌱🖥💡 🔌
La société française, l’une des principales innovatrices de la technologie des semi-conducteurs au nitrure de gallium (GaN) permettant des convertisseurs électriques plus petits et plus efficaces pour les smartphones ou encore les systèmes d’alimentation de recharge des véhicules électriques, a posé ses valises dans le parc industriel de Nangang. Pour cette première à l’étranger, le PDG M. Dupont a fait le déplacement à Taiwan. Le directeur du BFT, M. Guidée, a souligné que cette implantation de la société grenobloise et toulousaine est une belle illustration de la dynamique des échanges franco-taiwanais dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies !


像是法國無人機初創公司 Sterblue 便打造一款無人機軟體,結合團隊在結構工程、航太營運與電腦科學專長、助風力發電一臂之力,可近距離檢測電線、電塔與風機等大型設備,並在短時間內拍攝高畫素圖像,最後搭配人工智慧來分析潛在的問題與缺陷。
Drones can now be used to monitor wind turbines. French company Sterblue empower drones to check potential problems and take high-resolution images, using AI to analyze defects.

無人機應用越來越廣泛,除了能用在空拍技術、軍事、救災、醫療與快遞,現在還可以幫風力發電廠「健檢」,找出風機微小的瑕疵與縫隙。 風機維修與保養作業目前主要依靠人工進行,不僅要算上人力成本,風力發電停止運.....


The National Assembly of France starts to regulate ICO and cryptocurrencies.


當智慧型手機和「手指」結合 ?國外研發智慧型手機用的「手指」機器人 - 電腦王阿達

法國大學博士 Marc Teyssier 與一批研究人員,最近研發出一個機械手指的手機配件MobiLimb,模擬手指能作出的動作。
Put a finger on your smartphone. MobiLimb is the creation of French researchers lead by Marc Teyssier. Its objective is to give more feel to your "digital" experience. Creepy but so funny!

覺得手機滑起來總是很孤單嗎?冷冰冰的手機,無法和自己有更多的互動?近期國外有團隊研發了一款智慧型手機使用的機器人,但它的造型相當擬真,使使用「手指」為靈感設計而成。不過即便科技發達,實在很難讓人想像 .....

AI 畫的畫作要上佳士得拍賣了,起拍價1萬歐元! | T客邦

AI 畫的畫作將登上佳士得拍賣,起拍價1萬歐元!人工智慧藝術的背後是一個名為Obvious 的組織,總部位於藝術之都巴黎。
AI painting to the Christies auction from the price of 10000 euros. The initiator of this new use of Artificial Intelligence is called Obvious, and it's located in Paris, the capitale of Art.

Obvious 將14世紀到19世紀期間的15000幅人類藝術史最棒的作品作為訓練資料,而機器學習後由人工智慧來做畫。你可能會問「誰會買機器畫的畫?」 事實是,在今年二月,Obvious的這個B...

雷諾開發「超炫自動變形卡車」!空氣力學優化省油13% | ETtoday車雲

New technology by Renault Volvo for trucks, that helps fuel economy up to 13%!
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Volvo 旗下的 Renault 卡車近期正針對重型卡車能源效益的提升進行一連串的研發工作,現階段已經打造出一部 Optifuel Lab 3 原型車,其油耗預計將比現行市售的 Renault 卡車再降低 13%



Mondial de l'auto in Paris starts tomorrow ! For every car lover.

▲法國雷諾尚未量產的純電動車ZOE RS,今年巴黎車展近距離與民眾接觸。(記者李盛雯拍攝) 匯流新聞網記者胡照鑫、李盛雯/巴黎報導 世界五大車展之一,兩年一度的2018巴黎車展即將開展,不用買票進展埸,在象徵法國的凱旋....

Ubisoft @ 2018 台北電玩展 Taipei Game Show Day1 Ft. 老皮、呱吉、開水小姐、喜天、瘋兔女孩、聖父


The gigantic and crazy booth of Ubisoft at the Taipei Game Show 2018 ! This huge exhibition show attracted 350 000 visitor this year ! Ubisoft is one of the biggest exhibitor, and it's a French videogame company, the one that made Farcry, Assassin's Creed, Mario + Rabbids, The Crew, Just Dance, and many more.

【立即加入 Ubisoft SEA 粉絲團 】 We love games, and so do you. Like Ubisoft page NOW!

InnoVEX 2018 Highlights - Full Version

InnoVEX 2018的展後影片,展現法國科技的厲害之處!
雖然只有短短兩分鐘,今年參展的法國新創Digitsole, Tempow, Go Touch VR, Nahimic, A-Volute, Team8和R-PUR都有出現,感謝主辦單位與大家的支持!😎

InnoVEX 2018 at Computex highlights, featuring la French Tech power ! 2 minutes video, with Digitsole, Tempow, Go Touch VR, Nahimic, A-Volute, Team8 and R-PUR. That's pretty amazing. Thank you ! 😎

InnoVEX is the special startup exhibition of COMPUTEX. InnoVEX 2018 was held from June 6 to 8 and hosted 388 startups from 21 countries & regions. Covering t...

電玩展獨立遊戲「Indie Game Award」揭曉:Old Man’s Journey 獲得最佳遊戲

Do you know that Indie Games are on the rise in Taiwan?

每年一月舉辦的台北國際電玩展,其中的Indie Game Awards獨立遊戲大獎匯聚各國優質獨立遊戲,鼓勵各國獨立遊戲開發團隊積極拓展國際市場。2018年的Indie Game Awards有十餘國86款遊戲報名參賽,最後台灣團隊獲得最佳創新、最佳劇情等獎項,而大獎最佳遊戲則頒給了奧地利Old Man's Journey遊戲的開發團隊。

Indie Game Awards held during Taipei Game Show every January is an event that encourages independent game developers to enhance their visibility and to promote their games internationally. In the 2018 edition, "Old Man's Journey" (created by Austrian team Broken Rules Media) won the Grand Prix. Congratulations to them ! Among the other winners, we could spot creations made by teams from the USA, Singapore, Australia, and of course, Taiwan. Those incredible indie games are : Luna, Cat Quest, Un-Destined, and Songbird Symphony.

為了鼓勵獨立遊戲開發者,並提供優質作品登上國際舞台的機會,台北電玩展(TGS)今年也舉辦了獨立遊戲專屬的「Indie Game Award」,一共吸引世界各國 86 款遊戲參賽,最終由 22 款遊戲入圍決選,25 日電玩展開幕公布了最終得獎...




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