F Modelling Tips

Beauty Tips

Portfolio is a set of 10 professional photographs that helps you in getting the best assignments. Keep it simple. b. c. e.

Before going for a shoot get trained in camera facing techniques , poise and posture, expressions and other modeling techniques or contact us, our professional fashion photographers will train you in the required aspects. For such training and to make port folio we offer various packages

At the beginning of your fashion modeling career, your portfolio should include: At least two head shots, two

fashion shots, one full-length shot showing the proportion of your body (feet to knees, knees to thighs, thighs to waist, waist to shoulders, shoulders to the top of your head). You can wear anything that makes you feel comfortable and flatters your figure. A portfolio consists of about ten 9"x12" photos. Every portfolio needs a mix of commercial and editorial shots, location and studio. You will also need at least one great body shot and one B&W head shot with minimal makeup. MODEL'S BEHAVIOURAL ATTRIBUTES
Positive in attitude
Self reliant
Must have a poise
Move in style
Excellent at carrying oneself
Knowledge of self
Know the best angles


ADVERTISING AGENCY creates advertising campaigns for clients, selects models. ART DIRECTOR artist who creates layout for ads, illustrates model's poses. BLOCKING the actual physical movements by actors in any scene. BLOW UP enlargement photo from a negative or slide. BOOKER person at agency who sets appointments for models. BOOK OUT when you tell your agency that you are unavailable to work for certain day(s). BUYOUT advance payment for future use of a print ad or a commercial for a specific period of time. CASTING choosing models/actors for a specific job
CATALOGUE MODELING posing for mail order items for major retailers. CATTLE CALL several agencies send many models of the same general type to a casting session. COMMENTARY script used to describe clothes for a fashion show. COMMERCIAL promotional advertisement on TV, radio or other media. COMMISSION a percentage of model's fee required as payment to agency. COMPOSITE CARD card with 3 5 photos of model and their details to promote and distribute to prospective clients. CREATIVE DIRECTOR ad agency employee who determines the model type. FADS an overdone fashion; passing craze. FASHION COORDINATOR puts fashion shows outfits together in retail stores. FIT MODELING modelling the original sample garment to test for sizing clients chose a model whose measurements match the sample size exactly. FORMAL FASHION SHOW, RUNWAY SHOW invited audience, stage, music; models walk down runway to show designer clothing. FREELANCE modelling for many clients without agency representation. FULL :LENGTH SHOT head to toe photograph. HEADSHEET agency sheet, poster, or book of models they represent that goes to prospective clients. HIGH FASHION extreme, chic, sophisticated model type. ILLUSTRATION MODEL poses for artists. INFORMAL FASHION SHOW in stores or restaurants, walk around, no runway
LINE UP Position of model and garment in a fashion show. LOCATION assignment site outside the studio. MARKET WEEK 4 6 times per year when seasonal clothing lines are shown to buyers. MODEL BAG a large tote in which you carry all your makeup and working essentials. MODEL RELEASE contract in which the model gives permission to use the photo as the client specifies. MODEL AGENCY represents model for employment and receives a percentage of the bookings. MONOLOGUE a scene performed by one person for a client, that reflects a particular mood and demonstrates your acting talent. OPEN CALL casting when the client sees all models suitable for the type requested. PORTFOLIO casebook which show the model at his/her photogenic best and samples of their work (tearsheets). PRINTWORK photography taken for catalogue and mail order, books, brochures, ads for magazines or newspapers, magazine covers, commercial photography for household products, business products and services, glamour products. PROOF intermediate stage of photo development from which you can chose best poses. PUBLIC RELATIONS creating an image of a product or service in the eyes of the public, mainly through newspaper articles. RESIDUALS additional money paid when a piece runs in repeat. ROUNDS calling on prospective clients for photography and television. RUNWAY a narrow raised platform on which the model shows the clothing. SCOUT to look for prospective models from other, smaller agencies, other locations. SHOWROOM WORK manufacturer's showcase of a clothing line to buyers using live models when the seasonal clothing designs are being shown. SLATE to state your name on camera before your commercial audition. SPEC SHOT photographer's idea of a comp, which he/she hopes to sell to the client. SPOKESPERSON model chosen to explain the features of a product/service. STATS Statistical information of a model, including measurements, size, height, etc
STOCK PHOTOGRAPHER one whose work is not for a specific client or job, but whose photos get listed in a general catalogue by number for any client to select. STORYBOARD artwork that shows each scene of a commercial. STROBE light unit used by a photographer. TESTIMONIAL celebrity declaration to the value of a product/service; improvisational endorsement of a product or service that the actor has officially tested, used and approved. TEST SHOTS; TEST PHOTOGRAPHY free or low cost photos used to build a beginning portfolio 3/4. SHOTS photo from head to mid thigh. TRADE SHOWS industry promotional display of products/services usually in a hotel or convention centre. TRANSPARENCIES the slide forms of a photograph. TRUNK SHOW informal modeling of one specific designer line, usually in a store or small boutique. USAGE additional fees for higher exposure, like a billboard or national use. WEATHER PERMIT a location job that is dependent on fair weather, may be cancelled the day before or that morning. MODEL'S KIT BAG

For Women

Bras - skin-coloured, white and black
Panties - skin-coloured, white and black
Body stocking - to match your skin tone
B**b tube - any colour
Tights - black and skin-coloured
Hair and make-up bags
Nail care bag - emery boards, clippers, buffer, polish
Hygiene necessities - tampons, deodorants, razors
Your wardrobe should include jeans, T-shirts and two basic outfits - casual and formal. Take along saris with matching blouses and petticoats since they are requested for frequently. Pastel shades work best. Accessories - scarves, headbands, hats, gloves, sunglasses, prop spectacles, belts and jewellery
Shoes - high-heeled black and neutral courts, flat black pumps

For Men

Underwear - white and skin-coloured briefs with athletic support
Socks - various colours and styles
Shoes - white trainers, classic black shoes
Trousers - various colours and seasonal fabrics
Jeans - classic blue and black
Make-up - foundation and powder to match your skin tone
Hair products - spray, gel, brush, comb, etc. Hygiene necessities - deodorant, eye drops, contact lens solution, razors, etc. What men require for editorial and fashion modeling
Shoes - trainers, black and brown dress shoes, black and brown casual shoes, cowboy boots and sandals
Shirts - dress shirts, sports shirts, casual shirts in a variety of colours
Trousers - various colours and fabrics, including denim
Swimwear - boxer-style shorts and self-coloured briefs
Accessories - prop spectacles, watch, gold band, etc

How to Apply to a Modeling Agency

Most agencies have a “Christmas File”. That’s a private file kept by one of the bookers that they put the truly awful pictures into. Pictures that are sent by people who want to be accepted by them as models. Some are so bad that they are good for a chuckle, or even a hearty belly laugh, and what better time to break them out than the holidays. Then there is the “round file”: the trash can. The great majority of all model submissions end up there. A lot of people, quite honestly, would be consigned to the trash no matter what they did, but some of them don’t have to be. At least it’s possible to give yourself a fighting chance. If you don’t want to end up in one of those files, pay attention. Here’s what people do wrong, and what you should do right.

1. What Should be in the Application:

a. The agency wants to know what you look like, what your height and stats (for women, bust/waist/hips, for men, suit jacket and waist size) and location are. They also want to know your age. You should include eye color, hair color, dress and shoe size as well, since they may help. If you are currently represented by a real, booking agency somewhere, say so. They do NOT want to know that you have dreamed of being a model your whole life, that you were third runner up in a local beauty pageant, or which high school plays you were in. They aren’t interested in how many callbacks you received at some model convention. Do not tell them you are a graduate of modeling school. They also don’t want to know about all the websites you appear on, and don’t care that some “model exposure” site showcased a picture of you. If you have extensive professional modeling or acting experience, say so. Very briefly. If the basics interest them, they may want to know a lot more about you. But they will ask. Don’t force it on them at the beginning. It simply wastes their time and yours, and you may include things that will hurt you, not help. Include contact information. At a minimum, your telephone number. If you want to include your address and email address you can, but you must have your telephone number. Don’t ask them to contact someone else about you. They want to talk to you (or, if you are a minor, your parents). The worst thing you can do is say “for further information please call my other agent at . . . .”

d. If you are not a citizen of the country you are calling, explain what your visa status will be. At some point you will have to have the legal right to work, and the agency needs to know if you do then, or if it’s a problem that needs to be taken care of. If you don’t live near where the agency is, explain what your plan is. Briefly. Sooner or later you are going to have to go see them. Tell them about that. If you don’t plan to move, don’t bother sending an application. f. Include the right kind of pictures. (1) Nobody wants to see pictures you happened to have lying around of your vacation, your prom, or snapshots taken of you and your friends at a bar. Get something specifically tailored for this purpose. If that means getting a disposable camera and taking a trip to the drug store, do it. At least it will look like you tried. (2) No matter how much they say it isn’t so, the best possible pictures to send are shots of you appearing in prestigious, paid modeling work of the kind the agency does. Shots from Vogue or a national ad campaign beat snapshots every time. (3) But most of you won’t have those. If you don’t, call and ask the agency what they prefer. Some (mostly fashion agencies) will want only simple Polaroid-style snapshots. Others (primarily commercial agencies) would prefer well-developed composite cards or similar professional pictures. It all depends on the culture of the agency. Still, paying lots of money for those professional pictures may not be a good investment. It’s wise to try an inexpensive approach first. Only after that hasn’t worked, and you are still determined to pursue modeling, should you make an investment in professional pictures. g. If you do get pro shots done:

(1) Make sure they are in the style the agency wants to see. Unless the agency specializes in glamour, glamour-style shots are usually a bad idea. If it’s an editorial fashion agency, lifestyle/commercial/”real people” shots are a bad idea. If it’s a commercial print agency, high fashion, editorial style shots are a bad idea. Know who you are submitting to and what they want to see. If they have a website, use it as a guide to what you need. (2) The shots need to minimize what the agency will see as your weak points. It isn’t enough that they be “good pictures” in the style the agency uses. They have to be pictures that are good at marketing you. That could be very different from the typical pictures a test photographer takes. For example, if you are 22 years old and applying to an editorial fashion agency, you shouldn’t have pictures that make you look more sophisticated. Go for a youthful look. If you are shorter than the preferred height, get shots that make you look taller, or thinner, or whatever overcomes the natural inclination of the agency to see you. The most common problem for fashion models is that they don’t look “editorial” – the term “too commercial” is applied to pretty girls that don’t have distinctive, edgy looks. If professional pictures are used, they have to overcome that “too commercial” natural impression. That’s not easy to do, and for many pretty girls, cannot be done. (3) If you are having shots done to take to an agency, quality, style and type must be correct for the agency. "Good pictures" isn't enough. The best way to select a photographer is to use photographers recommended by the agency you are submitting to, or by another similar agency in the same market. Particularly for commercial models, the chance of getting free pictures that are of the correct type, style and quality is near zero. Relatively few people know how to shoot them, and almost none are willing to do it for free. Don't waste your time on "TFP/TFCD" shoots unless you are certain the photographer is very well qualified to produce commercial test pictures.

2. How to Submit Your Application:

Every agency has a preference on how you should submit to them. Some have open calls (the best way). Many do not. Some take email submissions, others do not. Some are happy to make appointments, most will not until they have seen something from you they like. The first thing is to find out what a particular agency prefers, and give them that. Virtually all agencies will take regular postal submissions. Go see them:

If the agency has open calls, or allows models to personally drop off pictures, do that if possible. Pictures are good, but seeing you in person is better. There are lots of examples of people who would have been turned down from their pictures, but who were accepted when somebody actually laid eyes on them in person. On the other hand, if the agency does not have open calls or accept walk-ins, don’t do it. It’s just annoying, and nobody wants to start off that way. Send them a mail application:

If you don’t live where they are, or they won’t accept walk-ins, the best thing to do is sent them a postal mail application. It should include pictures and the information described above. If you want to get the pictures back, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Make sure you write your name, contact information and stats on the back of every picture so if it gets separated from the cover letter they can still tell who you are. Email:

Before you send an agency email, check with them by phone, or on their website, to see if they will accept it. Some will not. Very few agencies prefer email, although these days many will accept it. Most would rather get pictures and stats in regular postal mail. Here’s why:

a. Many models don’t know how to send an effective email. They send pictures in formats the agency can’t read, they send pictures that are so large they clog the system and won’t fit on the screen. They send pictures so small nobody could tell what the model looks like. They send pictures only, with no contact information except a return email address. (Yes, that’s a problem. Agencies want to know where you are.) They send emails with no pictures and request the agency email for them if interested (fat chance!). People with AOL send pictures as attachments. AOL won’t let you send pictures to non-AOL subscribers as attachments, so the email arrives with text only. Or they do things like say, “I’ve been hearing wonderful things about your agency and would love to work with you.” Then the message header shows that it was sent to 47 agencies around the world, including four well-known scams. Or they have the message enclosed in another message, sometimes three or four layers deep. After clicking on all those other emails to get to the message, the pictures damned well better be wonderful. Or they ask the agency to go to some goofy site with six popup ads per page, and the agent has to wade through pages of pictures of the model’s boyfriend, puppy and prom night, plus read all about her favorite foods, her best friends and the poetry she likes to write. Somewhere on the site there might actually be pictures of the model and her stats, but it takes time to find it. Long before that happens the agent is on to the next email. Agencies get lots of spam and viruses. Publicly accessible agency email addresses are harvested by the spammers, and show up in lots of people’s computers, so it’s not unusual for an agency to get hundreds of spam messages, and several to hundreds of viruses every day in their email. They don’t want to pay someone to go through all that, so they use automated virus and spam filters to get rid of most of their email. Lots of model submissions look like spam, and are deleted before they are ever read. Some of them with attachments are treated as viruses. Nobody wants to open attachments from someone they don’t know. Email inboxes get clogged. It’s very common for agencies to get so many submissions (and spam, and viruses) that their inbox gets full, and they never see your email. d. It’s harder to file your submission and show it to other people. No, it’s not impossible, of course. Emails can be forwarded (but see above . . .), or put in a different directory that is accessible to others for review. But pieces of paper are easier to deal with. They fit in file folders that can be passed around. Yellow stickies can be added to them. For all the talk of the “paperless office”, for most people paper is still easier to deal with. You don’t want to make it harder. Except when time is critical and somebody at the agency is expecting something from you, it is almost never a good idea to send email. Use the post office. If you absolutely have to use email, do it right:

a. Include pictures embedded in the body of the message, or by link to the pictures. The link should be to the pictures themselves, not to some website that the pictures are on. Make sure the pictures are the right size and format. They should be 450-600 pixels high, and in JPEG format only. Do not ZIP or STUFF anything. Do not embed it in some other document like a word processing document or .pdf file. If you don’t know what any of this means, or how to do it, find someone who does, or don’t send email! Send an email to each agency individually. It’s not that hard, and it matters. Nobody likes to get an email submission that is sent to everyone else he knows and some he doesn’t want to know. If you feel you absolutely have to send the agency a link to your website, make sure it is the same as what your submission should be: simple and to the point. Don’t make anyone wade through extraneous information or click on lots of pages to find what they need. Put it on the first page. Put nothing else on that page. Telephone:

For the most part, the telephone is for asking questions. You can use it to find out if the agency has open calls, how to send submissions, what they want to see, what their requirements are. You might be able to make an appointment to come in to see them, but at most agencies you won’t be able to. Call during business hours. Every agency gets calls from “aspiring models” who leave messages at odd times of the night, usually asking for a return call. They get ignored. If you can’t call the agency when it is open for business, you can’t be a model. Call for yourself! (Or, if you are very young, have your parents call for you.) If you have your cousin, some “manager” nobody has ever heard of or, worse, your boyfriend call for you, you are already at a serious disadvantage. The agency then wants to know why you aren’t calling for yourself (are you not able to? Are you not interested enough?) and if they have to deal with some meddlesome intermediary in working with you. Don’t give them that impression.

3. What Happens Next:

At most agencies, nobody will contact you unless they are interested in you. In fact, within minutes after they look at your submission they will have forgotten it, unless they are interested, or if it goes into the Christmas File. Usually if you call and ask if they have gotten it, or what they plan to do with it, they won’t know. Nobody logs and tracks those things. There are too many of them to remember or keep track of. If you don’t get a response in a reasonable time (a couple of weeks), you probably aren’t going to. At that point you can think about trying again, but by doing something differently: get different pictures or go see them instead of just making a mail submission. If after all that you still aren’t getting a response, it’s probably time to forget that agency. Beauty Tips
Modelling Tips

Random Tips For Beauty Care
The basic purpose of make-up is to give you a glowing and radiant look. Don't be too conscious about yourself. Few random tips for basic beauty care are follows. Just think how many times have you looked into a magazine and wished to have the hair/skin/make-up that the model whom you became envious. You curse yourself for having missed the appointment with the beautician. Don't think too much, just follow some simple tricks. Common Make-up Mistakes
The basic purpose of make-up is to give you a glowing and radiant look. And the worst mistake is applying too much powder to the face. This gives the skin a very artificial matte look. Powder only where needed - the sides of nose and centre of brow and chin (if these areas shine). Using a cream-powder foundation instead of a sandwich technique of liquid plus loose powder, will help give you a lasting dewy fresh look. Before Make-up
If you use make-up regularly, it can affect the delicate skin of your face. However, a few precautions can help maintain the radiance of your face. Before applying make-up, wash your face, blot dry, put on your sunscreen and let it set for a minute or two, put on your antioxidant cream and finally apply your makeup. Sunscreen and cream is best applied when the skin is still moist, which helps the creams to pe*****te better. However, applying moisturizer to damp skin will act as a good foundation for makeup to go on more uniformly. Don't use too much moisturizer. Try gently blotting the face with a tissue to absorb any excess. Fuller Lips
The most obvious way to get nice fuller lips is recreate shape outside the natural lip-line, however, that is a back dated idea. Instead, aim for a natural-look. Start by applying a light coating of a waxy lip-balm to provide a smooth texture. Now use a lip-pencil, one shade deeper than your natural lip-colour, to line the outer border. Round the points at the bow area of your lips using short light strokes. Next brush on a shimmering colour or gloss in the same shade, bringing the colour just short of the border. To make lips look fuller
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick
Line the extreme edges, till the corners
Fill with lipstick color. Get a touch of gloss, on middle of lips only. To make lips look thinner
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick
Line the extreme edges, till the corners. Fill with lipstick color. To make lips looks wider
Use a liner that perfectly matches lipstick Choose a lipstick and lip liner of matching shades- opt for lighter colors, darker ones can make lips appear smaller. Define the lips using a lip pencil. Don't go outside the natural lip line. Fill the area with lip liner, to hold lipstick longer.vv
For natural touch
Use a neutral colored pencil
Fill the insides with gloss blended with a few strokes of lip brush. The look you get- shimmery and moist. Pores On Nose
Pores look larger when they are clogged with the oil and sebum secreted by the skin. Removing the dead skin on a regular basis is the best remedy for this. Various methods that help include
" Use pore strips once a week for bet results. " Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin. " Exfoliating with retinol products and Retin-A too helps. " Another option is a series of glycolic acid peels. Any of these options cleans out the pores so they are less noticeable. " If the problem still persists, consult a dermatologist for a treatment called microdermabrasion. Night cream
Night creams come highly recommended as they aid your skin to heal itself from the day´s assaults. A treatment cream containing soothing ingredients and antioxidants helps revitalise the skin. What´s more, heavier and more moisturizing creams work best at night. However, if your skin is too oily a night cream would only worsen your problem. Exfoliation
Exfoliation sloughs away dull, dead cells and bringing radiant younger ones to light. However, the question is - how often should one exfoliate. If you do it too often, you skin may turn sensitive. The key is to exfoliate based on your skin´s resilience. " If you have healthy skin, that is well moisturised you can exfoliate three to four times a week. " Dry skin that´s not particularly sensitive can be exfoliated two or three times a week to get rid of flakes and scaly patches. " Women with very sensitive skin or conditions like rosacea, eczema or adult acne should limit exfoliation to once or twice a week. When choosing an exfoliating product, opt for a gentle scrub with synthetic beads, since "natural" ingredients like walnut shells or ground peach pits are often too harsh for skin. You can also go in for lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or retinol. Stretch Marks
The main cause for stretch marks is a rapid gaining or losing of weight, particularly during pregnancy. The skin stretches too quickly and loses collagen or elastin fibers, leaving a thinner skin. This can be treated at its early stage with strong Retin A. You could also consult a dermatologist if it is really bad. However, don´t fret too much, for they fade away with time. Scaly Skin
Scaly patches of skin can be a disappointment if you are planning to bare your skin. These spots are ´eczema´, which presents itself in a number of ways, including itching, rashes and thickened brown patches of skin. People who suffer from hay fever and other allergies may be at greater risk of developing eczema. Keep the affected areas well moisturized using a thick moisturizing cream. You can also try experimenting with a lotion containing AHAs to slough off the thickened skin. Avoid picking or scratching at the patches as this can lead to bleeding and scarring. Visit a dermatologist if the problem persists. Shaving Underarms
If you have a rough feel after you shave, it is most likely due to ingrown hairs. These occur when the just-shaved hair begins to grow, but curls back around and grows into the skin. You can avoid this problem by gently exfoliating the area every day with a grainy scrub. Also, moisturise daily with either a body lotion or lotion-based deodorant. If it still continues to itch, try waxing instead of shaving. Both of these hair removal methods leave hair softer and more flexible, and less likely to grow back into the skin. However, trying to extract an ingrown hair can lead to an infection. SOME IMPORTANT TIPS WHILE INTERACTING WITH ANY AGENCIES :

i) If anyone says a HI , then revert back to them ASAP as a Hi,Hello,Hw r u , etc ... but NOT like "Wassup" or " Hey ! Who's dis ?"
[ It sounds very rude,snobbish,attitudish,unprofessional and casual]

ii) NEVER call or denote them by the following colloquial casual dialects like DUDE,BUDDY,YAAR,BRO,DEAR,etc. but showing utter respect as SIR / MAM.
[ It sounds very rude,snobbish,attitudish,unprofessional and casual ]

iii) Agencies checks how the models could comprehend their demands or requirements,they should be LITERATE in English & should reply to the point but not bluntly. For E.G. : If any agency asks for your swuimsuit pics or Bodyshots,make sure you mail them ONLY those , not a mail in which all your pictures are there,like ethnic,casual,Bodyshots,Swuimshots,Formals,etc.As the juries might think that you dnt understand BASIC ENGLISH ,and you have given the juries to figure out the reqd pics from your folios.Always remembr,they have to check innumerable folios daily,so they dnt hv tht much time 2 go thru and choose the demanded pics.So,even if you are highly qualified person,but for your lack of comprehending and shortcuts,you might be landing in their black/bad books as an ILLITERATE model.Because they need not only muscular but WITTY models.Because its you who need to prove the famous proverb wrong tht MUSCULAR MEN HAVE CIRCULAR HEADS.SO,simultaneously increase your wits and brains along wid ur pectorals,abs,chest,torso,Lats and arms. iv) Never use any morally derogatory or discrimnatory terms or words or any abusive slangs or foul-mouthing 2 anyone,even if anyone is doing fr u.Because,no agency or fashion magnets or anyone frm the film or fashion fraternity will like 2 work wid such models.They sumtimes might run a SCAN or look your profile in FB or Orkut to c hw u describe urself or hw u interact wid ur frndz.And through their tenurity,they cn easily make out a psychic character report about ur behavorial conducts. v) NEVER malign the reputation or even dnt try 2 jeopardise any of ur ex-company's shoot or meeting experience to the new company ... as they might think,tht if u dnt get selected from them,u might also blacklist their company too , to others.Thats a STRICT NO-NO.Always say good and sugary sweet words for your ex company or any people ( even if u dnt like them ). vi) ALWAYS be puctual in sending mails within time.
[ Or else it sounds very unprofessional,impuctal,not serious and casual ]

vii) If you could not so,then be APOLOGETIC to them and b TRANSPARENT but NEVER EVER GIVE THEM ANY LAME EXCUSES.
[ It sounds oppurtunist and melodramatic as THERE IS NO MARKET FOR UR SORROWS AND EXCUSES,SO NEVER ADVERTISE IT ]
Here a popular eg. : The famous Bollywood Dance Choreographer SAROJ KHAN turned up to the dance floor to teach her students and went to shooting eeven after hearing tht she lost her son that day itself and she said " SINCE I'M COMMITTED TO MY PROFESSION,SO I CAME TO COMPLETE MY WORK AND THEN I'LL BURRY MY SON"


WELCOME All ....




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