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Sweet & Lovely Co. We provide brides with romantic and sophisticated wedding florals that elude softness and a calm exp

Marriage is dying to thy self, how we serve one another has fruitful consequences, but when we only serve ourselves the ...

Marriage is dying to thy self, how we serve one another has fruitful consequences, but when we only serve ourselves the consequences aren’t always fruitful but fruitless. The most popular quote I’ve ever heard is that if we want to live a happy life than it is best we stay single, but if we want to meet Jesus then it be best to marry. In marrying and walking together along God we can find healing in our spouses, a hope for tomorrow because Jesus works in us from the inside out. Often as non believers we want to work on our selves on our own hoping for better results but the one thing I’ve learned is that I’m human, possibly broken and that a lot of what my spouse needs I do no have nor am I equipped. So if I may, I offer this piece of wisdom that often reminds me of my journey with God and the Bible. God knows my ugly and He also hears my prayers. My prayers have been to be the wife my husband desires, which only He knows because He sees his heart. To surrender my arrogance to thinking I know best and to just go along and see how my spouse changes as God created in me a new creation. We change people by how we love them not by what we tell them. Trust in Jesus, He knows us by name🤍 with love.

Gatherings… the symbol of love, connection, community, an entire thought planned out with intricate details and beautifu...

Gatherings… the symbol of love, connection, community, an entire thought planned out with intricate details and beautiful moments shared in one single day. An affair worth dressing up for, speaking of affairs I’m turning 40 this year, can you guys guess what colors I’ll be using for my all white party affair? On the other hand, weddings are forever my favorite 🤍 🤍🤍

I consistently continue to love flowers🖤some things never change…

I consistently continue to love flowers🖤some things never change…

Happy New Year Luvs!  Pray more, seek quietness, seek stillness, good health and absolute gratitude, most importantly th...

Happy New Year Luvs! Pray more, seek quietness, seek stillness, good health and absolute gratitude, most importantly this year I’m surrendering my need for perfection, my need to know what’s ahead, handing my goals and my heart to the big man upstairs, humbly serving, humbly sustained by His grace. We love you friends, may your new year be filled with joy & peace and lots of blessings! -the Davis’s | -S&L Co.

a season in which many would tremble and fear of loosing all they’ve built I say, walk in faith for what I have done for...

a season in which many would tremble and fear of loosing all they’ve built I say, walk in faith for what I have done for myself God can do so much better. Every time I wondered why something didn’t work out for me I always asked but why is it in my mind and heart to have? Why does my flesh want it so much, but too much of our lack of understanding is that the flesh is vain and fickle and sadly cannot be trusted always…yet as my heart positioned itself to the things that God desired instead of my own was the moment I came to realize that all I needed was to trust the slow and gentle sifting of my Father because He and not I would bring those things to come, not when I wanted but when He saw my heart was postured for Him and not the things of here below, oh beloved only you understand these words I say on to you today, trust your father with your heart and be patient for His timing for His work is perfect and indeed a sweet sweet positioning only He knows how to disperse, not one that is short lived but one that is ever lasting, for He shall be the reward a myst all that surrounds you and that NOW you know will never satisfy you, oh beloved let your heart not grow weary for He knows you by name and al good things come from Him. He is tender and excellent in all He does, be faithful for your portion has arrived and more is yet to come…God is so good, I don’t market and yet clients come, I don’t grow hungry because He provides, my spirit is not weary because it rests in Him. Lord I praise you in the public that others would know how great is your love and how true is your word. I am in awe of your goodness, what is mine is yours Lord and my heart yonder for what yours hungers, God Bless YOU if you’ve read this, may the spirit fill you and your families this season❤️. onfoetheseason

Happy Thanksgiving from the Davis Fam.🤍

Happy Thanksgiving from the Davis Fam.🤍

Light or moody? Sometimes I like my silence and my quiet space, sometimes I want to stay up late reading and watching mo...

Light or moody? Sometimes I like my silence and my quiet space, sometimes I want to stay up late reading and watching movies, and you won’t hear a peep out of me, I’m in my element when it’s quiet, my food looks poetic and my environment is a reflection of my soul. I like space, a lot of it, and yet my love language is quality time. When people show up, it makes me feel loved. But then there’s this other side of me that wakes up early in the morning, I sit in front of the sun and I worship and praise God and become alive and realize how we very moment every relationship good or bad has brought me to this place ans I regain my hope and indulge in heavy connecting and laughing and longing for friendship, fellowship, stewardship, I call my sister, my people, the people whom love me as I am and need no explanation about my my distance and just love me and I love them back, whole heartedly! I pray actively and passionately with them and for them and suddenly I feel an inner strength that moved me to share with as many my love Christ, my zest for every small and big blessing the Lord has done for me. So, who am I? Well I’m me, I’m an alpha female, who seeks nothing from anyone because I have it al in Jesus, yet know ans am humble enough to recognize God did not create us to be alone, and I push myself to new spaces that help me grow. And although bold in my nature, my aspirations seek meekness and Gods work. I’m a little bit of everything I was created to be, a creation in Gods like as a working progress, a perfection inHis eyes. No need to look around for approval, I am His. -rd

In the zone…creating.  I love using floral frogs, it’s so therapeutic 😌 I can’t remember when was the last time I made s...

In the zone…creating. I love using floral frogs, it’s so therapeutic 😌 I can’t remember when was the last time I made something just because I could, thankful for space to just spend time with the Lord in His word and making this little pretty, today was a good day🤍 How was your day?

Isaiah 40:8 NIV
8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever."

Wisdom comes with time, and time is filled with moments that make our hearts sing for love! This year makes 8 years bein...

Wisdom comes with time, and time is filled with moments that make our hearts sing for love! This year makes 8 years being part of peoples lives in some of their most important moments, we are so grateful for all the opportunities we’ve had doing what we love, being detailed oriented never felt so good! Loving flowers and wanting to serve people who believe in marriage and family is our absolute favorite! Cheers to this beautiful couple 1st year Anniversary! 🖤🖤🖤

Cafe + Literatura - Buenos Dias🤍

Cafe + Literatura - Buenos Dias🤍

a long time ago…🤍•for the petite bride, a small/med bouquet full of texture and muted tones.•Bleached Italian ruscus, si...

a long time ago…🤍

for the petite bride, a small/med bouquet full of texture and muted tones.

Bleached Italian ruscus, silk Ranunculus and Roses and other florals with a soft and airy off white draped ribbon.

Happy Sunday Luvs🤍•I sit here, looking at the ceiling, watching the window in my bedroom watching the sun set & just tha...

Happy Sunday Luvs🤍

I sit here, looking at the ceiling, watching the window in my bedroom watching the sun set & just thanking God for our wonderful family today. Soaking in the Joy of all of Gods goodness in my life. Having the sincere understanding that our creator LOVES family. That it is His desire to bless generations through children, through marriage & union. As I sit here I sit and am filled with pure Joy & awe of all that God has created for us to relish in, with the pure focus on creation, love, marriage, children, family & fullness. If you would have told me that in this, true Joy lied…I would have said that one you where old fashioned & that times have changed. I know, I’m here sitting like who was that person?!

Today after spending time worshiping & singing my heart out to God I understood that God wants all of us to experience his goodness, not through our own efforts but by His grace. All my life I have fought for everything I thought I needed, I have sweat blood & tears & yet never achieved the Joy there exists in my heart today. In the little time God has had time to renew my mind through the word and healed all my sorrows I can now see that walking under His guidance life is so much simple & sweeter. I could sit here & try to explain it, but it would be like potion fresh water into the ocean.

What I can say is this though, when we are done with all the wisdom of the world, when we finally see things for what they are & we begin to thirst for truth outside of our egos & our selfishness & our false sense of security & hidden insecurities that look like confidence because we wear masks to deflect our hearts so that the world doesn’t see us as weak. It is then that our hearts open to the truth that the Gospel has imbedded. It is good for the heart to be faint, it is good to experience sorrows, it is good to fail & break for it is in this space which man kind seeks God. Like a sick patient seeks a doctor. Anyway, I just wanted to say that there is something beautiful in loving our loved ones as they r even if sometimes it’s not perfect, & that through our own actions we can move others to ponder about the newness of our hearts.

Happy Saturday Lovers🥰 •Sometimes I want to make a space in my backyard that invites people in to eat and share the gosp...

Happy Saturday Lovers🥰

Sometimes I want to make a space in my backyard that invites people in to eat and share the gospel. Is it too wild that people could come together to enjoy a lovely meal while discussing the creator and all His works? I don’t believe so, but maybe it’s something that is much needed, an open conversation that invited curiosity and community…perhaps in another season, would you be interested? Drop a comment, it’s something in praying about input is always valued😉

Today I want to share of all the moments God made miracles appear in my life, I want to share how he has been my provide...

Today I want to share of all the moments God made miracles appear in my life, I want to share how he has been my provider even in times where it seemed impossible, I want to profess through my lips that Jesus came down to earth to claim each and one of us as His own. That God exists ans that He still speaks to His people.

Miracle 1
DESIE and I would pray when was little that we would meet a good husband for me and good daddy for him that would love us and never leave us and shortly after we met Jeff and we both agreed He was the one. 17 years later He is still our miracle and most beloved human that we both have been able to heal and grow with.

Miracle 2
When Jeff and I moved out into our first apartment I wasn’t aware of the meter that looked from the 60’s was still active and I accidentally moved it and not knowing it was active never checked to turned it off in a month, a month later a bill from Edison showed $700 bill, we where not in a position to pay that, in my fear I got on my knees and asked God to please help us pay it, and a week later I received a check foe the exact amount with a few scents off from an ex employer from a year back and a letter stating that they had accidentally withdrawn too much for my 401k contributions.

Miracle 3
In 2015 Jeff had shared with my that our home business had taken over our apartment and that maybe we needed a bigger space, and I once again asked God to help me bless my husband with a home. To guide me in timing and in funds and within one year every client we needed to achieve the funds to buy a home came! In 2016 we found our home after minutes of being posted exactly at the price cap we had asked God for. Our process wasn’t smooth but every step we took let us to everything we needed to make it a reality. This home has allowed our home to bless others and stay for a while or a little season and our family has grown tremendously! God provided!

Continue in comments

The pursuit of happiness… |•A conversation we all have had with wisdom or at least were on our way to have at some point...

The pursuit of happiness… |

A conversation we all have had with wisdom or at least were on our way to have at some point in our lives. I loved listening to this, it spoke so deeply to my heart. How does this conversation make us feel? For me it was an affirmation my heart has always yearned.

Comment: I would be happier if I had this “money, things, the right job, the right relationship”.

Wisdom: God calls us to be faithful even in the small things before He gives us more.

Comment: Even though we get what we want we are never happy. And if we experience it, it is always temporary.

Wisdom: Hapiness is not eternal.

Comment: Happiness is not Joy.

Wisdom: Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the spirit is love, JOY, peace, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

Wisdom: The second fruit is Joy and it is only attained if we are walking in the spirit. By spending time with our Savior.

Comment: the lie is that we’ll be happier if we chase and follow all our goals and achievements and things on our own, which only keep us away from God.

Wisdom: When we are seeking Him first, Jesus says first seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added on to you. Psalm 16:11.

What does all this mean? It means that the lie is the voice of something “I need to pursue other than God. A constant seeking for something that is not God. A lie that keeps us all in bo***ge for the next high of happiness that essentially keeps us in this hamster wheel from which we never quite know how to come down from.

Wisdom: Living in the present allows God to use me and this fill me with everything I need. Not searching for the future or the past but in what is now and what is His will for me today.

I look back at all the years of pursuit and all the triumph and goal reaching “I” made to finally feel “happy”. Yet never did because I was always looking forward into the future for the next big happy moment…and yet missing all moments God was creating for me. It is u til I stopped that I experienced wholeness and His peace. Thank you Father for setting me free and refining me and filling my emptiness. Jesus you complete me!

I am thankful for the events that unfolded in 2019 & the car accident that totaled our car.  God has a funny way of maki...

I am thankful for the events that unfolded in 2019 & the car accident that totaled our car. God has a funny way of making us grow closer together, we’ve never been a perfect couple and I surely haven’t been a perfect wife but I can attest that love is not enough.

Now before you get upset let me explain. Jeff and I came from totally different backgrounds, I came from a broken home where my mom was the boss & the only two male figures in my life where addicts and broken. My idea of marriage wasn’t the best, but that was my normal and frankly I didn’t know any better…Jeff came from a two parent house hold, a very disciplined father & a mother with a difficult background none the less Jeff understood unconditional love much better than I did. It was with Jeff that I learned kindness & to put others before myself. It was with Jeff that I learned to love myself less & to love him unconditionally. It was with Jeff that I learned not to run away & it was with Jeff that I fell on my knees & pleaded to God to help me be the wife Jeff desired me to be.

You see in my home (growing up) there has always been a coldness that lacks the love I needed, not because it’s a bad place but simply because we don’t know any better. We’ve yet to overcome vulnerability. For me accepting that I was being loved & that one day it wouldn’t fail was a lie from the enemy. I had grown to believe that I wasn’t deserving of a faithful husband that just wouldn’t give up on me. This feeling kept me from loving Jeff completely. It kept me hoping that it could end so that I could control my life again.

Sounds messed up doesn’t it? But I believe many out there have come from a similar background & that this post will reach many whom don’t know that one Jesus loves you, two that he wants to heal your pain, & three that he wants to set you free from the lie you’ve believed all these years. I’ve held back on a lot of my post worried another eighty followers are going to unfollow me but you know what? I don’t care, Jesus has saved me. The word that has taken me two years to read in its fullness has saved me, my marriage and my family. I am not ashamed, I 🤍 Jesus. May this bless you!

I am thankful for the events that unfolded in 2019 and the car accident that totaled our car.  God has a funny way of ma...

I am thankful for the events that unfolded in 2019 and the car accident that totaled our car. God has a funny way of making us grow closer together, we’ve never been a perfect couple and I surely haven’t been a perfect wife but I can attest that love is not enough. Now before you get upset let me explain. Jeff and I came from totally different backgrounds, I came from a broken home where my mom was the boss and the only two male figures in my life where addicts and broken. My idea of marriage wasn’t the best, but that was my normal and frankly I didn’t know any better…Jeff came from a two parent house hold, a very disciplined father and a mother with a difficult background none the less Jeff understood unconditional love much better than I did. It was with Jeff that I learned kindness & to put others before myself. It was with Jeff that I learned to love myself less and to love him unconditionally. It was with Jeff that I learned not to run away and it was with Jeff that I fell on my knees & pleaded to God to help me be the wife Jeff desired me to be. You see in my home there has always been a coldness that lacks nurturing love, not because it’s a bad place but simply because we don’t know any better. We’ve yet to overcome vulnerability and accepting to be loved. For me accepting that I was being loved & that one day it wouldn’t fail was a lie from the enemy, I had grown to believe and every day although married to a good man I daily thought of when it would all fall apart…it kept me from loving Jeff completely l. It kept me hoping that it would end so that I couldn’t control my life. Sounds messed up doesn’t it? But I believe many out there have come from a similar background and that this post will reach many whom don’t know, one that Jesus loves you, two that he wants to heal your pain, and three that he wants to set you free from the lie you’ve believed all these years. I e held back on a lot of my post worried another eighty followers are going to u follow me but you know what? I don’t care, Jesus has saved me. The word that has taken me two years to read in its fullness has saved me, my marriage and my family. I am not ashamed, I love Jesus.

There are things that are quite beautiful, so much that I just can’t help but to admire them with gratitude…The hubs and...

There are things that are quite beautiful, so much that I just can’t help but to admire them with gratitude…The hubs and I on one of our weekend dates walked into a shop just to get our weekend walk going and out I came out with what is the most pretty of scents. I’m definitely in a stage in life where oil based floral scents are my thing, not scandalous, just soft and beautiful. Needless to say, this purchase made me think of a woman in one of my favorite books.

“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume” (John 12:3).

So why did Mary pour expensive oil on Jesus’ head and feet? Because she loved Him so much she would give Him anything to show it, and she was preparing Jesus for His sacrifice for everyone on the cross (even if she didn’t realize it).

In the days of the New Testament, a woman’s hair represented her glory and honor. The apostle Paul referred to this in First Corinthians 11:15 when he wrote that a woman’s hair was a “glory” to her. For Mary to undo her hair and use it as a towel to wipe Jesus’ feet was probably the greatest act of humility she could have shown. She was demonstrating how deeply she loved and how greatly she valued Jesus. She didn’t throw a financial offering at His feet, but she possessed an attitude of worship as she gave Jesus the best gift she had to offer.

I can imagine the tears that streamed down Mary’s cheeks as she touched those precious feet. In total humility, she dried Jesus’ feet with the glory and honor of her hair.

If it’s true that what a person does with his money tells a lot about his priorities in life, Mary’s gift that day revealed that Jesus was her highest priority. What does our giving reveal about how much we love Jesus?

Give joyfully, none the less.

The Bride | 🌿🌿🌿

The Bride | 🌿🌿🌿

B L A N K 🌿🌿🌿 | hey darlings, in the middle of what appears to be sad stories in the news, absolutely catastrophic event...

B L A N K 🌿🌿🌿 | hey darlings, in the middle of what appears to be sad stories in the news, absolutely catastrophic events, natural disasters, JD taking a win. Saying yes to life and all sorts of other heavy hearted news, I wanted to share the greatest news. God is still good!

Testing Faith and Love

Dr. Luther teaches us this about suffering:

Luther reminds us that catastrophe and disaster are a test of our faith toward God and our love toward our neighbor.

Instead of fear and despair, disaster should provoke and strengthen our faith in God. Job is our example. After he had lost almost everything (including his ten children) his wife says, “Do you still hold to your integrity? Curse God and die!” But Job does not let disaster drive him from God. He responds to his wife, “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept evil?” [Job 2:9-10] Job’s disaster doesn’t silence his prayers but amplifies them; it doesn’t quench his faith but strengthens it.

Luther also notes that catastrophe is a test of our love, providing opportunities to love our neighbors. James writes, “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warm and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?” [James 2:15-16]

We rejoice that catastrophes provide us the opportunity to help our neighbors in time of need, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry and tend to the sick. Faith always works in love for the neighbor, keeping the law, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” [Leviticus 19:18] Faith looks upon the neighbor’s need as an opportunity to love and give.

Thus disaster provides the opportunity for us to confess our faith and God and to show our love for our neighbor.

living, laughing, and loving.

living, laughing, and loving.

The Saturday Word: Be present, no matter what your thoughts are nagging you about, silence them with the mere action of ...

The Saturday Word:

Be present, no matter what your thoughts are nagging you about, silence them with the mere action of being present. Where we are today has purpose, and it can still be enjoyed. When we find ourselves thinking too much about the future we rob our selves of the present joy and the pockets of simplicity that give us peace. What may not “feel” will be enjoyable can just be an opportunity to be present for what God has presented us with today. Don’t allow your thoughts to keep you from hearing from Him. Do you hear from Him? It won’t be loud, but it will be gentle as a whisper, being present may be just what we need. Everyone at one point or another desires to hear from God…He’s there, be still ans listen…

Well…H E L L O!!! I bet you’re probably wondering if you’re a new follower, who the heck is this person on my feed?! Unl...

Well…H E L L O!!! I bet you’re probably wondering if you’re a new follower, who the heck is this person on my feed?! Unless you’ve been here since it all started you’re like omg she’s alive! Lol in either case it’s so lovely to see the reaction you all (like ten of you, in reality) had after listening to the episode I had the pleasure of being part of on with a really fun gal, Aly who’s just such a joy to talk to! I don’t know what’s been going on here in IG since it’s been about three months (clears throat) lol. I know three months! So much has happened! I wish I could sit here and chat about it all, but in the mean time! Would you go listen to the podcast and let me know what you thought? I hope it blesses you and that as lovers of S&L Co. you can all see deeper into my heart and the way I conduct business and love people in general. I’ll be sharing little by little new things for 2022 that don’t necessarily involve flowers but they do great joy and fullness. As always, thank you for being here, our journey together is well worth coming back! With love Xx Roxy🤍 ps. The link to the episode is on my stories 😉

Some days I want to wear all neutral colors and other days I want to wear moody colors.  I think I feel the same about d...

Some days I want to wear all neutral colors and other days I want to wear moody colors. I think I feel the same about decor, anyone else struggle liking both? What do you guys think? Left or right side of this setup?

A few snips of our Christmas celebration, having children really fills the air with Joy.  Seeing their smiles, how they ...

A few snips of our Christmas celebration, having children really fills the air with Joy. Seeing their smiles, how they see things for the first time, their laughter and tiny little warm hugs truly makes this season magical. It helps to bake and have sweet treats that fill the air with beautiful memories and warm fuzzy feelings. So thankful to identify with loving family, closeness and love. Feeling so blessed to have had everyone come over and love on them, especially thankful to have the gospel in our lives. Nothing makes more sense than understanding unconditional love, peace and love to you and your families🤍🌲

This year I could not wait to start putting up all our minimal Christmas decor! I’ve been filling mixed emotions about h...

This year I could not wait to start putting up all our minimal Christmas decor! I’ve been filling mixed emotions about how I wanted to go about celebrating being with family and all the wonderful moments we have when we’re all together, I’ve always had a more mellow approach, BUT this year we’re switching it up! Xmas is taking place in our home and we’re cranking up the games and fun, because we’re grateful to laugh and enjoy being alive and in good health. I’m excited for Xmas so much! We not only get to celebrate as a big family, but we’ll be able to share about our purpose for why we are joyful, Christ! The gospel has brought me so much love and joy and healing, knowing that such a gift is a part of our lives really does renew our mind and hearts! Praying for all who are weary to know that this season is not just about presents or fancy decor or feeling pressured to live up to a materialistic approach, Joy can be from knowing that Christ died for us that we would be free🤍 I know we’ve all lost loved ones and that this season is ever so difficult, so my prayer for you who carries a weary heart for those we miss, know that you can go to God and be filled with hope that death is not the end. That we can TRUST HIM with our weary hearts. May He fill all who are weary with ever lasting love and joy and so much peace🤍, with love. -R



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About Us

Hi! I’m Roxy Davis, owner and lead designer for Sweet & Lovely Co. we’ve been in business since 2007 and our many hats have allowed us to work with thousands of people to love and celebrate with! We provide full event design, day of coordination, in house floral design, and exclusive deconstructed cakes. We love everything beautiful and great quality! We don’t hold back on the materials that we use and if you’re looking for someone to articulate all the uniqueness that you are with beauty and uniqueness you’ve come to the right place! To learn more about our services, please visit us at www.sweetandlovelyco.com or to see more of what we’re up to, stop by and say hi, via IG @sweetandlovelyco ! Hope to have the opportunity to connect and make a one of a kind event for you, family and friends! -Roxy Davis