Batarang for a YouTube fan film
I was hired for a Batgirl YouTube fan film called “Batgirls Last Laugh.” Here is the progress on the Batarang that they requested that I make for the film. #batman #batarang #batgirl #nightwing #fanfilm #batgirlslastlaugh #props #costumes #cosplay #foam #leds #gregariousgeek
I have been hired to work on a YouTube fan film #batgirlslastlaugh here is a sneak peak at a work in progress batarang for the film. #batgirl #batman #nightwing #batarang #fanfilm #props #costumes #led #foam
I recently saw some robot inspired shoes online and decided to try to make my own, but Voltron styled. Here is the drawing of what I would like for it to look like. Of course I will be making a Blue Lion shoe as well.
May the 4th be with thee! #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #kyloren #kylorenfaire #renaissance #renaissancerey #renaissancefaire #costume #cosplay
Making of the Kylo Ren-Faire sword. #kylorenfaire #starwars #renaissance #renaissancefaire #renaissancefestival #kyloren #3dprint #3dprintingprops #cosplay #costume
Anyone watching the #cupheadshow on #netflix ? What do you think? #cuphead #mugman #cosplay #cupheadcosplay
One of my commissions won at a costume contest! This was a fun commission, adding all the detail into this “Real Ironman Suit!” Lol #ironman #commission #commissions #marvel #disney #avengers #realironman #gregariousgeek
“Round one. FIGHT!” #mortalkombat #raiden #cosplay #costume #mk #raidenmortalkombat #videogame #koreanbell #mkx #gregariousgeek special thanks to @elevated_images__ for taking the wonderful video!
Raiden wins! #raiden #raidenmortalkombat #mortalkombat #mortalkombatmovie #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #videogames #costume #mortalkombatx #raidenmortalkombat #videoedits
My apartments nerdy Xmas tree #nerd #3dprint #sewnornaments #nintendo #starwars #babyyoda #grogu #mario #supermario #xmastree
“Test your might.” #ledeyes #glowingeyes #etsyshop #etsy #gregariousgeek #mortalkombat #raiden #leds #eyes