Magus Katrisse

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Magus Katrisse Eclectic Witch, Esoteric Artist & Crafter.

I made a new tiktok today. The other tiktok is a mixed content but this new one will be centered around nature, herbs, c...

I made a new tiktok today. The other tiktok is a mixed content but this new one will be centered around nature, herbs, crafting and such things.

1 Followers, 30 Following, 91 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Kat Pasket

Here is my latest podcast that just dropped. Come give a look see.

Here is my latest podcast that just dropped. Come give a look see.

In this episode I speak with Magus Katrisse about her experience with fake "Black Magican" E.A. Koetting and Become A Living God.


Magus Katrisse Presents:

For a long time I have been considering making different crafts and such things and opening a small business. Not even for financial ventures but because I am good at being creative and thought it would be fun to make things and share them with other practitioners and spiritual people. After deciding what my inventory will be besides the spell jars…I decided to make my idea more official. Everything sold in the store can be used in your practice or just to keep around for manifesting different things. While lots of others already have some metaphysical stores, mine is different because I have some unique ideas and most of the herbs and products used come from the land where I live. So there is no wholesaling items and turning some profit. Everything is grown and hand selected here or locally and any supplies that arent made by hand are also obtained through local businesses.

I have started making the first products which are spell intention jars. The last 4 I made were quite potent and I gifted 2 of them. I intend to start with those products and then move onto the next few ideas.

The cleansing sprays are cool because even the water I use is from a natural mountain spring and not city tap.

Please give a like and share of the page

When I get all the store products made, I might consider doing a raffle next year and allowing an Occult Hive Reader/Fan to win a gift basket.

Thank You

Magus Katrisse

Occult Hive Crafts

Just designed a new insignia for Occult Hive.

Just designed a new insignia for Occult Hive.


Dear Witches of Walmart and Tyrs Sword…you were right about Tess Marie aka Lilith Sagitarius and Michelle Lopez. None of us knew her and she showed her true colors not to mention that I also concur that she is not some super psychic. She gave lots of incorrect interpretations and tried creating false links between her dreams and my practice. She tries to adapt the things she says to the things you say.

She is a scam artist afterall and she took advantage of Nora in regards to that gift card. I also had a long dream about her last night and I had already unfriended her and Wala…one hour later Tess marie has us all blocked the minute she was discovered as being a poor actress.

Acting like some victim even though none of us even said anything to her about the doubts we have all been having. It would seem like our feelings about her have all come to be correct. Trying to even post about being backstabbed when literally none of us have even confronted her yet about our doubts and feelings.
I bet Naqam Kalulu probably isn’t even the as***le she said he was.

She didnt unfriend us because we did something bad to her. She ran because she did something bad to us and didnt want to be discovered.

I am still doing the reading on her still but dang the dream jar really is letting me see into the minds of others. Crazy.

Also the line about you having friends…just because someone accepts your friend request and you are on their list a few weeks…doesnt make you someones friend.

To have a friendship you actually have to connect and get to know someone.

You’re not just friends because a button was clicked.

If I do not know you do not call me your friend. I never called you my friend. You were a new distant associate. Friendships have to be built and pretending you lost friends that you were the one to both lie to and turn on unprovoked…to always look like some victim… this act of yours has grown tiresome and I don’t even fu***ng know you.

Perhaps I will even unblock your haters now because I dont think they were even lying about you.

I do not know why someone would think that just because I was respectful towards you and had a friendly conversation…that I was faking a friendship or pretending to like you. You used manipulations to try to create trauma bonds with nora. You manipulated her into giving you gifts that you tried to exploit a second time. You lied about the cause of your harrassment so we would feel sorry for you.

I find it interesting that I dream about your mental instability and being a backstabber and a fraud and then one hour later you act exactly like you did in the dream.

As I have always said…Beware of False Prophets!


I don’t know who needs to hear this but not now nor have I ever tried to hurt or curse or injure anyone in our community in many years. The last time I casted against a practioner it was a protection. It resulted in some serious actions taking place. I am not a satanist. I am not strictly a lhp practitioner. I do not even call myself that and honestly, I do not waste my energies or my magick battling people from the internet because I think that is a complete waste. Speaking my truth and sharing my stories may hurt people but sometimes it is important to be genuine and honest even if it causes conflict and opposition. To stand in the face of evil and not allow further abuse to take place is called setting and enforcing healthy boundaries. Sharing my experiences and observations to protect others from harm is called compassion. I wouldnt expect a bunch of edgelords to know anything about honesty, integrity and compassion but I do hope one day they do shadow work and stop waging wars within themselves and on their environment. I am a grey path practitioner and I see the world and all its colors. I wield both hands and I personally would never be so disrespectful as to beg some entity or fan to do my bidding in petty human affairs. For one they usually would not even accept such a request and two I think its silly to try to hurt someone just because you do not like them. That is super childish behavior. The reason your spells and curses to counter mine havent worked is because I never sent anything at you to begin with. That is not the person that I am and that is not how I conduct myself. Now I do in fact do spells and such things but I am more interested in building and repairing this community rather than destroying and dividing it. I suppose people have different goals but those are mine. You can keep your little witch wars and drama and stalker pages and play these silly games but it would be nice if you could learn youve just been playing this game by yourself this whole time. The thing is that while people have given me many reasons to retaliate, I strongly believe that these individuals having to be themselves, live their lives and experience their karma is already a punishment. I do not need to wish Ill of them because the enviornment will do as it wilt in due time without me having to interfere in any way. People always get what they deserve. Whether it be this lifetime or the next.


Saturday, November 18, 2023: You may find the theme of the day is figuring out how to manifest your spiritual principles in daily life.

Dream & Protection Jars

Dream & Protection Jars


I am being defamed and harrassed because of my dislike of cults and they are trying to create false links between me and other women they do not like. They are trying to lie and say that my story is in relation to some women I do not even really know and acting like I am in some weird brigade of women against one loser. However the facts are that I will never be silenced about my disapproval of cults whether they be heavens gate, balg or other organization. Anyone who manipulates, Scams, Grooms and Harms others is trash. I ended friendships and associations and even deleted many followers that were associated in different cults and organizations that I do not approve of further. I decided to come forward with important information and people did not like that. They created a false link to other women to fool the masses into thinking I came forward because of some stranger.
This is a manipulation. I knew the individuals I have spoken of for years. These women they are pretending im in league with i have only known of for a few weeks and I have never even met them. They want their followers to think this is about some weird revenge that some ex gf has reached out to employ me to help her but it isnt whatsoever.
I really do not care about some beef between a former and current girlftiend of some cult leader. or some girls drama with her ex boyfriend.

Everytime a new person comes forward they always want to pretend theres some connection to the other people they do not like or have some beef with, even if none of the people are even friend or assocated in any way.

I made some posts and other people decided to use my photos and voice for their own campaigns. Some of the time i even asked for my content to not be used in that way. These people just felt like I was a powerful speaker. I made one singular post talking about nora,bonnie and I being the divine feminine and that was only because EA Koetting lied about both Bonnie and my desire for him and I was utterly disgusted by the misogyny.

I decided to believe Nora's story because she presented facts that you wouldnt know about EA unless you really knew him as well as presented pics and videos proving their relationship.

Just because I decide to believe her story about the relationship existing but being short lived, doesnt mean I am on some weird bandwagon of mayhem or revenge.

I am not interested in EA and Paula breaking up. Honest to all the gods I do not care about such petty things.

What I do care about is all the harm that comes to the community because of groups like these.

I care about the lies, the stalking,the slander, the threats, the curses, the fear mongering, scamming clients, selling of misinformation,not sending clients the products and services they pay for, not paying their community partners or writers their royalties, as well as defaming anyone who pulls their support. Not to mention the books and talks and forums coerce unaliving and a client did follow through with the ritual and instructions given to them.

I can not stand any organization that harms others intentionally and that includes cults, political parties, governments etc.
-Magus Katrisse


“Just like the Wind that hits the Ocean, you have to be willing to make Waves when there is friction in order to balance and level things out.”-Magus Katrisse


Real Magicians do not waste their time trying to flex on others.

Kind people do not need to talk about how kind they are.

Nice people do not have to prove how nice they are.

Powerful people do not need to say they have power because it radiates and manifests without words being spoken.

If you have to convince people that you are or arent the way people say…then you have not have earned the respect of people around you.

Characters speak for themselves.

Real Magicians can cast spells without rituals and without even speaking because we ARE Magick.


Belial and Lilith told me to not engage with people who are beneath me. So you can continue your feeble attempts to slander and fat shame me for whistle blowing on a cult and their groomed minions. I literally do not care about the opinions of actual bullies. Stalking me…is also flattering because you want to see what a real magician looks like and the frauds you suck the c***s of are threatened by it. Harrassing cult survivors is not a good look. Take all of my photos and leave your silly little comments. Your behaviors are embarrassing and lying about me is not going to change anything. Oh btw your cult has been reported to the FBI so please continue with your crimes against people. Youre just thickening the case file and helping them with the investigation. I am fat but you are criminals. Enjoy the pathetic games you only play with yourself.

For those who do not know I am being stalked and harrassed for whistleblowing against a cult that constantly commits crimes. So they are trying to discredit and bully me as well as their victims.

My Magick wont be wasted and the Authorities are actually involved and your little spells and posts on social media are not going to protect you this time from being held accountable. Theres too much evidence and the more you come after the victims the more things you will be charged with. Your groomed minions are rightful to hide behind their fake profiles and fake pages and fake photos. They are cowardice like you are. Also you should know…the FBI and the Police Departments can see everything you do and track you and see things you remove regardless of the information you share. They also can work collaboratively with Organizations internationally so being in another country doesnt prevent an arrest. Good luck with all of that. 💋💋💋

Happy Halloween to all my Friends, Family, Fans and Associates.

Happy Halloween to all my Friends, Family, Fans and Associates.


So I want to do a compilation of different video ideas. I will share them below and you may send them to the page or my email for submission. Each submission should be between 2-5 minutes.

Video 1

What brought you to your current path

Video 2

If you ever have been victimized by Zeraphina Angelus, EA Koetting or their Become A Living God merchandise cult or any other Occult Public Figure/Business, what was your experience? We want to hear and share your story.

Video 3

What are some book recommendations that have elevated you on your path ?

Video submissions can be emailed to [email protected] or by sending them to this Page.

Please make sure your face is is seen and is in good lighting. Also make sure the audio is clear with no other sounds in the background. I hope to hear from someone of you too.


There are frauds in the community who are balg simps that are actively trying to force the removal of my projects because paula cannavan will stop at nothing to silence those who expose the truth about her.

Here are some of their crimes/offenses:

-Victim Blaming
-Trying to trigger victims of abuse with their assault photos
-talking fans into attacking their victims with either trolling or magick
- bullying
- plagarism
-literally selling over priced items and not giving them to the buyer
- manipulation
-fake lawsuits

These are just some of the things and now they
Think they can continue their reign of terror and lies and scams and scandals by removing all their victims and all who know them from social media.

I have literally dedicated 10 years for free to everyone to give a space where spiritual people could learn and connect in a safe and educational environment. I have fought against people that would harm us and exposed every single person that I knew was trying to fool and exploit and manipulate you all. Deleting my pages will not cause me to be silent and I will never stop fighting for you all.

You all deserve to be able to trust your community leaders and you should be able to trust the content and rituals you are purchasing. I really will suggest you all follow my newest page magus katrisse in case these losers are successful. I have only ever wanted the best for all of you and we need to fight against these people that want to dominate and destroy what little validity and authenticity that exists in this internet space.
Occult Hive Magus Katrisse


This is an oldie but a goodie. This was the first Podcast that I ever did for a Radio Show in Florida.

This is an oldie but a goodie. This was the first Podcast that I ever did for a Radio Show in Florida.

Paranormal discussion I did for the real paranormal activity network.

Spell WorkWhen it comes to doing Spells there is so many different ways to cast. Some people use Blood, Elements, Though...

Spell Work

When it comes to doing Spells there is so many different ways to cast. Some people use Blood, Elements, Thoughts, Words, Objects,Herbs, Energy or Food.

A common misconception is that a spell is automatically effective the first time or that the spell is instant and only needs to be performed once.

Often when it comes to more complicated spell work they are actually not instant and it is not always easy to know how long it might take to take affect.

When you cast a spell you are putting your intention, energy and other various items towards a specific goal. For larger spells this means that you will have to keep doing this spell continuously until it works. This could take 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 years…of course 3 is just a number I use as an example but spells often rebound or break because the practitioners energy has dissipated before it has completed. Sometimes the practitioner will cast in Anger and once their emotions and intentions change, their spell may subconsciously change as well. There are a lot of variables.

Another misconception is that anyone can cast onto anyone successfully.

Often people have protections and often people are protected be external forces. Just because you cast the spell doesnt mean it worked. Pretending you know it did when nothing in that persons life has changed to stroke your ego on Facebook, doesn’t make it so.

Something people need to know but dont want to hear is that people are not Magickally equal in skill or ability. While everyone has access to the same texts, what makes someone a powerful practitioner is the literal practice. Some people are also just born with gifts and some gifts cant be developed just because you wish to have them.

I am not saying any of this to discourage anyone in anyway but these are all important things that the avid novice needs to know.

Spells also and often create ripples that can affect you and your life. Sometimes the energy can even be chaotic.

You can actually cast a black cloud on yourself by having lower vibrational thoughts. Often people with depression will accidentally do this. This being because your thoughts and words give Your intentions and your intentions are how you get your spells and divination tools to work.

Spells take time and practice. There is a lot of trial and error but this happens with absolutely everyone. Everyone who has practiced has messed up spells before and that includes myself. For me I forgot some preventative measures for the ripple because I casted a curse in a moment of anger and I did not take the time to plan it properly. It worked but had a blow back that lasted years.

Just remember that all good things take hard work and it is called Spell Work for a reason!

-Magus Katrisse




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