Dutch magicians visiting Blackpool

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Dutch magicians visiting Blackpool Een Facebook pagina voor alle "dutch magicians" maar natuurlijk is iedereen welkom, ook onze Belgische vrienden!

Het complete programma, ook te vinden in de BMC app.

Het complete programma, ook te vinden in de BMC app.

Kijk nou… onze Miki Dark !! 🔻

Kijk nou… onze Miki Dark !! 🔻


A sensation on TV shows worldwide, Miki Dark has over 500 million views online across all social media platforms.

Famous for setting Simon Cowell’s head on fire during the 2023 season of Britain’s Got Talent, Miki promises an even scarier fate at Blackpool 2024, where he’ll be sentencing someone ‘live on stage’ for crimes against magic.

Miki thinks there are plenty of suspects attending Blackpool Magic Convention 2024.

Could it be you???

16th - 18th February 2024

De kaartverkoop gaat weer beginnen…

De kaartverkoop gaat weer beginnen…

Welcome to the WORLDS LARGEST MAGIC CONVENTION - Amazing Gala Shows featuring World Class Performers, Star Lectures, Extensive Dealers Hall and much more!


We have had a touch of snow in Blackpool overnight 😂


News about Blackpool 2024 OUR FIRST HEADLINER FOR 2024 MAC KING At the end of this year's convention we announced our first headliner for 2024 to give you all a taste of what's come! Mac King wi

Volg je dit YouTube kanaal al? Craig Petty in gesprek met Mark Mason.

Volg je dit YouTube kanaal al? Craig Petty in gesprek met Mark Mason.

Mark Mason Talks Blackpool | Talk Magic Dealer Special more information on magic products make sure to visit the Magic TV website! 👇👇👇https://www.ma...

Aftellen voor Blackpool boordevol shows, lezingen, dealers en ontmoetingen. In de galashow op zondag o.a. wereldkampioen...

Aftellen voor Blackpool boordevol shows, lezingen, dealers en ontmoetingen. In de galashow op zondag o.a. wereldkampioen Laurent Piron (hij geeft ook een lezing op zaterdag in de Arena om 13.30 uur). Marcel Verbakel interviewde Laurent en zijn compagnon Hugo Van Der Plas over zijn act. Het interview is voor NMU en MagicClub leden te lezen op de Informagie.

In 2022 werd Laurent Piron (België) wereldkampioen goochelen op het FISM Canada. Hij won de Grand Prix met zijn act "Paperball". Marcel Verbakel (hoofdredact...

Da’s wel heel handig, de Blackpool Magic app kun je nu downloaden.

Da’s wel heel handig, de Blackpool Magic app kun je nu downloaden.

De app is online! Bedankt weer Maurice!

De app is online! Bedankt weer Maurice!

Het programma is online gezet!(Bedankt Maurice!)

Het programma is online gezet!
(Bedankt Maurice!)



The Blackpool Magic Convention Beginners Guide

It’s nearly that time of year again! Once Christmas and New Year are over and done with, magicians start their own countdown. They countdown to a weekend in February, to visit a seaside town in the UK, whilst it’s freezing cold.
But, the thing they are really counting down to is the worlds largest magic convention - This is the Blackpool Magic Convention.
If you have never been before, hopefully this guide will tell you everything you need to know about the convention!

So, when is the convention?
The convention happens every February, generally on the weekend of the school half term holidays. Or, you could say it’s the second to last weekend of February. This year, the convention runs from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th February 2023. The dates for the following year are announced in the programme which is given to you upon arrival - handy to book it into your diary, and rebook your accommodation for next time too!

How do I get involved?
Over the recent years, we’ve really got involved with social media and have an active and busy community online.
You can Like us on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/blackpoolmagic
Follow us on Instagram -
We also have a community group on Facebook where attendees can chat and make plans, as well as get excited about events within the convention. Just search on Facebook for “Blackpool Magic Conventioneers”

Where is the convention?
The entire convention is held within the Blackpool Winter Gardens (http://www.wintergardensblackpool.co.uk). It is entirely self-contained with amenities available, so thee isn't too much trailing about to do. The Winter Gardens consists of several exhibition spaces all under one roof.

Where should I stay?
Well, the beauty of Blackpool is that it has literally hundreds of Hotels and B+Bs to chose from! If you want to stay as close to the action as possible, you should try to find a B+B on Albert road. These rooms generally range from £20-40 per night, depending on entirely where you stay. Most magicians try to stay on Albert Road as it is a 5 minute walk from The Winter Gardens (WG), and is where the Convention HQ is situated - The Ruskin (but more about that place later!). The accommodation is cheap and cheerful, and you really do get what you pay for, but usually you get a reasonable bed, a slightly below average shower and a greasy fry up for breakfast.

If you aren't sure on where to stay, this link will help as a bit of a guide to some of the hotels in the area (but they aren't necessarily on Albert Road, but they may only be a street or two away) http://www.hotels.uk.com/attractions-uk/The+Winter+Gardens.htm

Great stuff, now tell me about the tickets…
Okay, so there is a couple of ways you can do the convention. You can come just for a day, and buy a ticket for that day. Alternatively, most people buy what is known as the Gold Registration. This option offers the best value for money. You get entry to all three days, and tickets to all three of the evening Gala shows. Make sure you book your tickets in advance! That way you are guaranteed entry. The last thing you want to do is travel all the way to Blackpool and get to the desk and risk there being no tickets available.

We also offer a VIP registration, however the number is extremely limited and sold out in a matter of weeks upon launch. You are able to select the exact seat you would like for the Gala shows when booking, which means you know exactly what to expect, rather than it being a lottery of sorts.

Should I book on my own?
It depends really, you will meet loads of people at the convention, but try to book in with a friend. This way you will have someone you know sat next to you during the evening Gala shows. You could also do a room share on your B+B to save money further. Blackpool Magic Convention is an extremely social and friendly event, so even if you attend by yourself, you are bound to make brand new friends.

How do I get tickets?
It's dead simple really, just visit the website www.blackpoolmagicconvention.com - you can even purchase Gold registrations on the door, but these are extremely limited. The only way to guarantee a weekend Gold Registration is to book in advance. You can also purchase individual day tickets and show tickets online, and on the door if you are unexpectedly free on the convention weekend.

When is the best time to get to Blackpool?
That is down to personal preference really. Personally, I always arrive the day before the convention starts - this gives me chance to get to my accommodation, unpack, catch up with friends and get a bite to eat before it all starts. The Blackpool Magicians Club hold a jumbo auction on the Thursday afternoon at the Winter Gardens, and also you are able to register on the Thursday! Registration desks are open from 9am until 5.30pm Thursday to Saturday, and 9am-5pm on Sunday.

I’ve booked my tickets and the convention is only a few days away - now what?
To collect your registration, you just need to bring a recognised Photo ID. This could be a driving licence or a passport, a National photo ID card or Student ID. You can bring a photocopy of these documents if you like and they will be accepted, but you MUST bring some form of ID otherwise your registration cannot be released.

If you are catching the train, you should book your train tickets in advance to get the cheeps deal on the seats. There is three train Stations in Blackpool, you want to be aiming for Blackpool North Train Station. This one is only a 5-10 minute walk away from the Winter Gardens and Albert Street. There are great connections by train to Blackpool from Manchester (usually with a connection at Preston). There is also a train from Manchester Airport for our International delegates to conveniently, and affordably transfer to Blackpool. Trains from Manchester to Blackpool usually take take about 75 minutes. You can plan your route to Blackpool via train, by using http://www.nationalrail.co.uk

If you are driving, you will find Blackpool at the end of M55 and is easy to drive to from most areas of the UK. There is plenty of parking available in Blackpool, some car parks are better than others. Generally speaking, in the council run car parks, 96 hours parking is approximately £20. In private car parks however, it can be £20 per day. Make sure you check the charges upon entry to the car parks.

Most people will have parked in the Coral Island Car Park previously. This is now however a building site,so you will need to find an alternative moving forwards.�For a list of local car parks and the charges, visit this link: �https://www.blackpool.gov.uk/Residents/Parking-roads-and-transport/Parking/Car-parks/Blackpool-car-parks.aspx

Blackpool has plenty of fine places to eat which are great to grab a quick bite. It’s well worth checking out restaurant vouchers on the MoneySavingExpert website (http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/deals/cheap-restaurant-deals) they WILL come in really handy for you for places like Bella Italia, Pizza Hut etc. Print them off, and take them with you. I’ll go into more detail about eating places later on in this guide
One thing that I’ve done in the past to coincide with the convention, is sign up for a free trial of TasteCard. This will give you 2for1 deals on many chain and some indecent restaurants in the area.

There are a few things that are well worth taking. First of all, take some kind of rucksack or satchel. This will be essential as somewhere to store your programme of events, and somewhere to put all the goodies that you buy! In your small bag (be aware, bags are subject to spot checks in the interest of security), you should also carry a pen and notepad, a deck of cards (someone is bound to want to session with you at some point!), a drink, some energy tablets , indigestion tablets and some Paracetamol. The last three will be essentials for survival! Blackpool is a long, action-packed weekend so taking care of your health and well-being during the weekend is important.

I’m here! Now what do I do?
The simple answer is to head to The Ruskin! The Ruskin (http://ruskinhotel.com) is the convention HQ, and is where most of the big acts will stay - it is also a Hotel with three bars, so plenty of room to get a drink and session. Most people will head here on Thursday evening to catch up with old friends. If you don’t know many people, don’t be afraid to talk to new people there. Magicians are generally a nice group, and you will make new friends pretty quickly. After a few drinks and a bit of sessioning, head back to your hotel for a decent nights sleep - you will need it!

Morning! It’s Friday, I’m up, have only a little bit of a hangover and I’m ready to start!
Great stuff, get up, get your breakfast and head up to the Winter Gardens. Events are on from 9am. Whatever you do, DON’T FORGET YOUR REGISTRATION DETAILS!!! You take this to the registration desk and exchange it for your lanyard. This is your ticket - keep it on you at all times. This is how you get in to the convention. If you don’t have it, with you, they wont let you in, simple as! (Also, please note that lanyards and wristbands are non-transferable. This means don’t share it with your friend who is too tight to buy their own registration - we have a strict policy when it comes to registration sharing). There will be some morning lectures and shows, and you will be able to grab a coffee before the dealers hall gets too busy.

Ooooh, the Dealer Hall, that sounds fun!
It is, its two huge rooms full of magic suppliers from all over the world. Generally they have about 160 different dealers there! TOP TIP - DONT rush in and spend all your money on day one! Just go for a wander round the dealer hall on day one, and maybe just by the essential refills you might need. Save your money, and use your notepad to write down the deals or the things you want to buy, you can then always discuss these things with your magic buddies in the bar and see what they think before committing your money and buying. Also, if you wait until Sunday late afternoon to buy from the suppliers from overseas, they generally offer deals to shift stock so they don’t have to fly home with it all! Don’t be afraid to try and haggle a little bit - but don’t push your luck and upset anyone!

What else is there to do today?
The best way to find out what going on is by downloading our app (released soon!). You can go and see some lectures, go see the close up shows and competitions, enjoy the atmosphere, and importantly try to make some friends! In the evening there will be a Gala show to watch too.

I’m getting hungry - when should I eat?
Okay, there is a certain way to do this. Ideally you should eat your evening meal as early as you can. The restaurants do get full really quickly as everyone wants to eat before the evening show. There are loads of chain restaurants on the shopping precinct, and loads of great independent family run restaurants too. You will find your favourite places to go soon enough, and don’t forget to get your vouchers to see what you can save some money on. Either before you eat of after you eat, you should head back to your hotel to freshen up, leave your bags and maybe have a quick nap. Then, get yourself back for the Gala Show!

Oooh, what’s the Gala Show?
The Gala show is a magic spectacular which happens each night of the convention. You can see the very best magicians from across the world, throughout three evening shows.
There are two showings of the Gala show each night. At 6.15pm and 8.45pm. This means that everyone has an opportunity to get a good seat, rather than some people being stuck up in the nosebleeds!

What do I do when the ‘other’ Gala show is on?No need to worry, extra ‘Fringe’ shows and lectures have been put on throughout these times in different venues within the Winter Gardens complex, so no matter what time your Gala Show is, theres something to do when the other one is on!

Show done, I had great fun! Now what?
Head down to The Ruskin! Have a few beers, and enjoy the social! Be warned though, it will be really busy there!! TOP TIP - order two drinks at once and double-park them. It will save you having to battle to the bar quite as often. It gets absolutely mental at the bar after the shows, and can be 5 or 6 people deep.

Morning… I have a hangover, but I’m up and I’m ready to go!
Great stuff, do it all again! The programme structure is pretty similar, with lectures and close up shows or competitions during the day, and then an Evening Gala show. Sit down with a coffee each morning and plan your day, there will be clashes in lectures so work out what you really want so see.

Repeat on Sunday too!

En nog een reden om naar Blackpool te gaan. We can’t wait…

En nog een reden om naar Blackpool te gaan. We can’t wait…


Gaetan Bloom is known as one of the most creative magicians in the world. But his strength lies in his knack for inventing magic that not only fools laypeople but absolutely destroys magicians.

Gaetan will be appearing on Kevin James and Friends, and will be part of the creativity megatalk. Join him at Blackpool Magic Convention 2023

Voor de Instagrammers onder ons….handig om te weten.

Voor de Instagrammers onder ons….handig om te weten.

We are BACK on Instagram!

Please go give us a follow for exclusive content during the convention weekend.

Vandaag in het AD, wellicht een leuke tip voor de donderdag.

Vandaag in het AD, wellicht een leuke tip voor de donderdag.

…en nog een reden om naar Blackpool te gaan…

…en nog een reden om naar Blackpool te gaan…


Kevin James, possesses the innate ability to create, develop and produce cutting edge magic effects and spectacular shows.

He’s one of today’s most innovative magicians and is known for creating several unique magical effects, such as the Floating Rose, Snow, Bowl-A-Rama, performed by many magicians and actors around the world.

Kevin is related to the legendary P.T. Barnum. They share a lot of the same likes. Kevin has worked with a diminutive assistant Antonio Hoyos for over 3 decades. P.T. Barnum had Tom Thumb. Kevin knows deep in his heart that P.T. would love his work if he were here today.

Kevin joins our star line up at Blackpool Magic Convention 2023. He will be presenting a mega talk on creativity alongside Gaeton Bloom, Rafael and Adrian Soler.

Not only that, but on the Friday night, there will be a special “Kevin James and Friends” in the Opera house - you don’t want to miss this!

Secure your registration now. Blackpool Magic Convention 2023.


En weer een reden om er in Blackpool bij te zijn. Dat gaat weer een mooie show worden met Rafael Rafael

En weer een reden om er in Blackpool bij te zijn. Dat gaat weer een mooie show worden met Rafael Rafael


Rafael is truly a many-sided artist!
He is an award-winning magician, inventor, comedian, illusionist and world traveler.

Magic and clowning inspired him at a very early age, setting up his first show at the age of 6.

He has appeared on stages all over the world, including Wintergarten Varieté in Berlin, The Orleans Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, Theater Carré in Amsterdam, Olympia in Paris and performances before the royal family in Monte Carlo.

An impressive list of prizes makes him one of the top magicians in the present magic scene. A few of his awards include: the prestigious “Magic Award” for best magician in Belgium. The Mandrake d’or in Paris and in 2005 Rafael won in Las Vegas, with his comedy ‘Magic dove Act’, the” Siegfried & Roy Golden Lion award”.

TV appearances include 7 times in “Le plus grand cabaret” ( FR2 / TV5 ) and "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" (CBS)

Catch Rafael at Blackpool Magic Convention 2023. He will be appearing in the evening Gala show, as well as being part of a very special Megatalk!

Weer een reden om er in Blackpool toch echt bij te zijn…

Weer een reden om er in Blackpool toch echt bij te zijn…


Léa Kyle is a 26-year-old professional magician from Bordeaux.

She discovered magic 7 years ago thanks to her companion Florian Sainvet, professional magician.

Lea was passionate about this art and became interested in all types of magic. One day, she discovered Quick Change, it was a revelation for her.

Passionate about sewing, she followed a year-long training in Haute Couture in Bordeaux.

This allows her today to make all of her costumes for her Quick Change Act.

Léa participated in 2018 in her first magic contest during the Villebarou International Festival, which she won.
�It was from that day that she was able to make a living from her passion and that she became a professional magician.

In 2019, she was selected to participate in the French Magic Championships in Mandelieu La Napoule.
She won the public prize, the first prize in general magic and the title of French Champion 2019.

Léa participated in the TV show Penn and Teller: Fool Us, in August 2020.�She managed to fool the duo with her Quick Change Act and won the FU Trophy.

In October 2020, Léa received a Mandrake d'or, a high distinction in the world of magic.

In November 2020, Léa Kyle participates in the show La France a un incredible talent on M6

Léa Kyle joins our star studded gala show line up at Blackpool Magic Convention 2023

Let’s start the Blackpool magic feeling….

Let’s start the Blackpool magic feeling….

Weten we het allemaal nog? Enkele jaren geleden op het terras van The Ruskin?Dit was mooier dan de gala-shows dat jaar! ...

Weten we het allemaal nog? Enkele jaren geleden op het terras van The Ruskin?

Dit was mooier dan de gala-shows dat jaar! En zijn kubus! Bizar!!


Magician Garrett Thomas jumps onto the large Las Vegas “Penn & Teller” stage with just his two hands, and a ring, putting his sleight-of-hand magic to the ul...




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