There are really times when I feel like giving up my De'Lish Delights Etc. business. 😞
But when I get feedback like these, it sparks my motivation again to press on, even when it's hard to do everything alone.
Yep, that's right. I have no help, no assistant. I bake and cook everything on my own. I market, I clean and wash everything up post cooking/baking myself.
That's what a small business owner does. And sometimes, there will be mishaps, and I'd cry and think about quitting especially when I end up losing more money instead of earning a little extra.
But when I get these affirmations from my customers, it recharges my tired mind and weary body, and gives me that much-needed push to keep going.
I will continue to fight for my dreams. Even when it's haaaaaard.
Thank you to my new customers for trusting me, and to my ever loyal and supportive old customers and friends who are so patient, understanding and generous with their affirmations.
Thank you for supporting my dream. ❤️❤️❤️