We are so excited to announce that Bethel Music is coming to Ontario!
Join Bethel Music for a night of worship and ministry with Jenn Johnson, John Wilds and David Funk.
Tickets go on-sale Monday, August 12th,
however you can get your tickets first by being apart of our exclusive mailing list
pre-sale starting this Friday, August 9th.
Simply use the code: BETHEL on August 9th at 10:00am to get your tickets!
Join us as we magnify, exalt and lift up the name of Jesus, come with anticipation and expectation for Jesus to move in power, for hearts to be healed, and to see a city unified as we worship the only One worthy.
Ottawa - Oct 24 - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bethel-music-fall-worship-nights-in-ottawa-tickets-970583610707
Toronto - Oct 25 - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bethel-music-fall-worship-nights-in-toronto-whitby-tickets-970748182947
Niagara - Oct 26 - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bethel-music-fall-worship-nights-in-niagara-tickets-970768704327