So, who has booked a hotel room under the special event price and have forgot to get their ticket/s yet?
The hotel has informed me that they are getting quite full and have asked me to verify ticket holders with the special room rates they have given out.
Remember the special price is for ticket holders only.
Once I have verified the names, anyone who does not have a ticket, their room will be put back onto normal hotel rates and then if you no longer require them, you will have to physically cancel them.
I do understand that some people cannot decide if they are going or not, and will book a room, just in case, but this can stop someone getting a room who is definitely going, which can be unfair.
However, if you are intending to get a ticket and need more time, just contact me and I will add your name to the list of ticket holders, just so it keeps your room secure.
I just need things to be fair.
In the meantime, tickets are available here:
Please also note, there is no extra charges on any of the tickets… No hidden charges when you get to the check-out… What you see is what you pay.
Also, an instalment plan is available to be taken over four full months (if taken before Nov 5th) and last payment needs to be by February 5th. Email me at [email protected] for further details.
Photo by Adam Dolphin