⭐️⭐️⭐️ T O N I G H T ⭐️⭐️⭐️
It is a time for celebration as well as mourning over here at Gothess ~ Celebrating the very music which has been influential in the modern goth, techno, and EBM world. Mourning the loss of two equally influential artists that were taken from the world as of last week, Luis Vasquez of The Soft Moon & Juan Mendez of Silent Servant. Both latino artists and musicians who have inspired the dark music scene through their respective projects & contributions. We will forever be blessed by the music they gifted us and we will be playing some of our favorite tracks of theirs throughout the night. Prepare to dance, sweat and dissolve into a night of classic & modern EBM, industrial, new beat, electroclash, dark techno, darkwave, coldwave and more!
The four horsemen of the Gothessapocolypse return tonight and share the stage delivering you all the scratches that will soothe that winter itch. We will provide the lotion if you provide the skin... 😈 Come through and support a lineup of queer/trans BIPOC artists who will each be serving you a unique perspective on what it means to shine within such times of darkness.
👑 Featuring selections from DJ Q • DIE/ASPORA • DAZZLE • YOURS TRULY a.k.a. PRSPHNE ✨️
10p - 2a @ Mortimer's Bar | 21+ | $13 at door
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