Check out this winter-themed balloon scavenger hunt while it lasts at the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Hilliard Branch! Hope your holidays have been joyful and have a Happy New Year!!! You can celebrate at the library on December 30th with a Noon Year’s Eve celebration! #balloontwisting #balloonpolarbear #scavengerhunt #eatplaycbus #whatshouldwedotodaycolumbus #columbusmoms #balloonsnowflakes #balloonreindeer #ballooncandycane #balloonevergreentree
Balloons at Benny's Pizza Pub & Patio tonight from 5:30-8:00! Here’s a little preview of the sights and sounds you’ll experience! It would be “beary” nice to see you there!
The Engineering Technology Event at Columbus State Community College received this balloon hoop this morning! Being married to an engineer, I can appreciate the awesomely unique way engineers show up in the world! #thankanengineer #columbusstate #balloondecor #balloonhoop #engineersrock
Come on out to Sunday Funday in Worthington! Oktoberfest is the theme and fun will be had!
Sedgie the Hedgie adores playing with toilet paper rolls! The backing up is hilarious! Enjoy the cuteness! #sedgiethehedgie #hedgehogsofinstagram #simpletoys
Happy 70th birthday, Marcia! You are a uniquely fun lady!!! The world needs more of you! We had a blast at the Care Train of Union County fundraiser at Benny's Pizza Pub & Patio last night! Mark’s music with RMT always brings the fun! #ageisjustanumber #balloontwisting #balloonwalker
Every morning before shows, #sedgiethehedgie gets his feet cleaned in the sink. He also checks himself out in the mirror. A load of laundry isn’t always churning in the background, but he wanted you to be able to hear his adorable sniffing. #hedgehogsofinstagram #magicalhedgehog #hedgehoginmirror #morningroutine
I relish stepping out of my car at the Delaware Library’s Ostrander Branch. This is the view and symphony you experience. It’s lovely! #delawarecountydistrictlibrary #natureismagical #beautyisoutthere #mindfulness #katyoberlecreative
May the 4th be with you! Use The Force however it benefits the world! #balloontwisting #Maythe4thBeWithYou