🤎 If you are guilty of this, tell me I’m not the only one.
It seems from day one we are conditioned to be looking to the next lily pad, the next milestone, instead of being present and appreciating the one we’re in.
This kind of perspective creates a conditioning of longing over gratitude, of wanting over wanting for nothing.
It’s not inherently bad to long or want something, something we don’t have, something others have that we do not.
It’s human.
While honoring those feelings and desires is so important, it’s not everything.
If it becomes everything — then we miss, well... everything.
We miss all that we have now, all that we’ve built, all that we’ve accomplished, all that the Divine has delighted us with...
We really miss it all.
What are you currently longing for? Can you share it with me in the comments?
I don’t want you to be ashamed. And in the very next sentence, can you name something you’re grateful for? Tell me, tell us.
I shared with you yesterday that and I are expecting our first child in March. After a year and a half of trying, miscarrying and longing, I know intimately well this game.
The longing game.
But all along, the thing that kept me sane, that kept me going, that brought me joy — was noticing everything that I did have:
A perfect partner
A home I’m obsessed with
Money to travel — ABROAD even
Not one but two businesses that I (yes, ME) built!
An angel from heaven dog
Two living parents
A massive list of best friends, truly
An abled body....
I could go on and on...
When it could have been easy to focus solely on what was missing, I would have missed everything.
Don’t spoil what you have — your past self would likely be totally envious of you :)