Special Treat at the New Catfish Drop! New Year Celebration - Kerr Lake - Satterwhite Point - Diamond Lou joining DJ Jay Rogers - BoHo's Party Place - Catfish Artist Christy Stainback - Face Painting - and Family Fun!
This event could not have happened without
1- The blessings of the Vance County Commissioners, Core of Engineers, EMS, Rescue Squad, Vance County Sherriff Office, and North Carolina State Parks
2 - Pyro Shows East Coast and Chris Senter for allowing access to the shoot site.
3 - The hard work of State Parks Superintendent - Bill Stanley and the great park staff, Christy Stainback, Fred's Towing, Charles, Chris, Scarlett Chase and Charli Bowman, Anthony Haywood, Jimmy Perkinson, and Marcus Barrow.
4 - And we want to PERSONNALLY thank new Commissioner Valencia Perry for her words of encouragement and support! Those calls and visit alone meant more then she will ever know!
To all coming, remember . . . THIS IS OUR TEST RUN! We may experience a hiccup or 2 BUT we see this growing and getting better and better every year.
Let's do this!