Come and setup with us in 36 seconds! 🎉 Instabooth is super minimalistic & classy. Guests are always WOW’d by our setup, quality of prints & technology.
Favors are an inexpensive way to thank your guests and personalize an element of your wedding in a way that represents you and your fiance. Whether you’re getting married in a rustic outdoor venue or a grand hotel ballroom,” ( we have you covered with our beautiful “unlimited custom prints!”
Did you know our booth gives your guest the option to text themselves the photos they just took! 😍
Get your free quote today!!
#1stbirthday #schooldance #quinceañera
#highschoolgrad #collegegrad #preciousmoments #pricelessmoments
#instaboothri #instabooth #photobooth #ri #newengland #wedding #party #pictures #events #specialevents #photoboothlife #rhody #partyplanning #customphotobooth #riweddings #ribridal #bridalshowerdecor
#bridalexpo #RIbridalandweddingexpo
#freetickets #freeregistration
#partyfavors #weddingfavors
Tons of fun + memories that will go right on the fridge.
Photos make perfect party + wedding favors, your guest have fun and walk away with memories of your special event!
Your guest decide ✨
Check out how sleek our GIFs are!
#1stbirthday #schooldance #quinceañera
#highschoolgrad #collegegrad #preciousmoments #pricelessmoments
#instaboothri #instabooth #photobooth #ri #newengland #wedding #party #pictures #events #specialevents #photoboothlife #rhody #partyplanning #customphotobooth #riweddings #ribridal #bridalshowerdecor
#bridalexpo #RIbridalandweddingexpo
#freetickets #freeregistration
#partyfavors #weddingfavors
We had so much fun last night in #Misquamicut our booth is so easy to use! On one side you take photos, boomerangs or GIFs + on the other side while pictures are being taken you can text/email yourself photos. Our live gallery allows you to see all photos taken throughout the event...
Free quotes available!
#1stbirthday #schooldance #quinceañera
#highschoolgrad #collegegrad #preciousmoments #pricelessmoments
#instaboothri #instabooth #photobooth #ri #newengland #wedding #party #pictures #events #specialevents #photoboothlife #rhody #partyplanning #customphotobooth #riweddings #ribridal #bridalshowerdecor
#bridalexpo #RIbridal&weddingexpo
#freetickets #freeregistration
#partyfavors #weddingfavors #misquamicutcountryclub
Did you know that #INSTABOOTH also offers BOOMRANGS as an option when taking pictures! 🙌🏽 #YASSSSSSS
#instaboothri #instabooth #photobooth #ri #newengland #wedding #party #pictures #events #specialevents #photoboothlife #rhody #partyplanning #customphotobooth