EntsPay is a new student-run Online Payment and ID Ticketing System for student-run events in Ireland! Easily pay for your ticket by credit/debit card, then use your University/College ID card as your ticket, no need for cash or paper tickets. Our easy-to-use Online Payment system allows you to securely pay for tickets by credit/debit card, while the event organiser has access to a live-updated li
st of all payments received. We work personally with each event organiser to try and customise everything to their needs, and our admin fees are also cheaper than Eventbrite. Our innovative ID Ticketing means you can use your University/College ID card as your ticket. When paying for a ticket, we ask you for your student number, and this means that we can check your ticket by just scanning your University/College ID card at the door. We currently supports ID's from UCD, DCU, NCI, NUIG & Trinity, and for others we can send out printable tickets by email. We provide the scanners and also assist with setting up and using them to check tickets. We are currently working with UCD Musical Society for their production of Legally Blonde in UCD's O'Reilly Hall from 15th to 20th February, consisting of 7 shows and up to 700 people expected at some shows. Tickets are currently available from entspay.com/legallyblonde