Greetings, Free Earthers. 🌍
We are thrilled to unveil the new brand image for 2024, which encapsulates the heart and soul of the Free Earth Festival. It's a tribute to our deep-seated love and admiration for the ancient tribes and their profound connection with Mother Earth.
Their communion with the planet and their reverence for every leaf and stone is a testament to the sanctity of our natural world. We draw inspiration from their timeless understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature.
In a scene dominated by complex designs, we find solace in the raw and unadorned. Our design language is fundamentally primitive, drawing its roots from the rich history of ancient art forms. It's flat, stripped of unnecessary embellishments, allowing the essence to breathe freely. And it's fresh, constantly evolving like the Earth itself, embracing new ideas while staying firmly grounded in tradition.
Lastly, we are overjoyed to announce the resurrection of the legendary Samothraki Dance Festival logo! As the custodians of these two transformative festivals, we pay homage to our roots as the pioneers of the Psytrance festival scene. The Samothraki Dance Festival, a cornerstone in the history of psychedelic gatherings, has lit the way for countless seekers of
enlightenment. This revived logo is a beacon, illuminating our connection to a festival that has left an indelible imprint on the global psychedelic community. 💫🌿
Visual Branding By: Panagiotis Gkoros.
Free Earth Festival
~ Manifesting Collective Awakening ~