Chloe's Party bags are unique and made to order, catering for children aged 3-11. Party bags are priced at £2.00 each. A discount is available when ordering 30 bags or more. An example of what is Included in each party bag is a selection of the following:
Stationery, stickers, small toys, balloons, bubbles, hair accessories, sweets etc. An extra bonus item will be included to each party bag. Ther
e is a choice from:
A fun fact, a joke, a word search, a recipe or a colouring in sheet. If your child has a favourite character or you would like a theme to your order, please discuss this with us so we can do our best to cater for you. An example of current characters and themes used include:
Frozen, Minions, Spider-Man, Barbie, Hello Kitty, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Star Wars, Fairies, Animals & Pirates. Party bags may slightly vary within each order. The approximate amount of items per bag ranges from 5 -7 plus a bonus item (as mentioned above). Each bag will include one sweet item only. An alternative can be offered, e.g. a box of raisins. If you would prefer no sweets to be included in the party bags, we will replace it with another item from the list above. Free delivery is currently available in the following areas:
Hitchin, Stevenage, Letchworth, Codicote, St. Albans, Wheathampstead, Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield, Harpenden and other areas nearby (please enquire for the full list of areas covered). For other areas in Hertfordshire, a delivery charge will be added. If you would like more information, please contact by messaging us through the page. Thank you for visiting!