Black Events Matter, 24-7-365
On 11 December 2024, at JN Bank, we hosted a round table with key industry voices to highlight the impact of events on the Black experience economically, socially, and culturally.
A time was had, but most importantly, we laid the foundations to come together to have an open and honest conversation about the Black event professional's experience in the UK.
We aim to create a thriving community for Black event professionals, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where shared values and interests encourage collective growth.
Culture drives the entertainment industry, and as Black event professionals, we are key voices in influencing the direction and enabling meaningful change.
Shout-out to our sponsors for supporting an important conversation and their continuous contributions to the Black experience; economically, socially, and culturally
💷 JN Bank UK
📰 The Voice National Newspaper
🥃 Las Olas
🍰 The Indulgent Sugar Plum
This is just the beginning. Continue this journey with us as we shake up the industry.
There is so much more to come...