It’s been awhile since I’ve shared any deep thoughts here, so I thought it was time to reflect on how the last year has impacted all of us.
Let me start by saying that as wedding professionals, we are often thought of as the magic makers, the organizers and the fixers.
We all sprung into action last March to help our clients navigate through the worst of times and mitigate huge financial losses.
We stayed up till 2am responding to emails and trying frantically to organize postponements. We comforted our couples and gave them a shoulder to cry on. We spent countless hours revising, re-revising and re-re-revising (if that’s not a word than I just made it one!) and for almost all of us we did not charge a single dime for any of that work.
We did it out of love, out of respect and basically out of pure human decency because that’s just who we are as a wedding community.
We all suffered a huge loss of income because of this. That’s a truth, there’s no fancy fun way of making it sound good. It’s been hard, and exhausting and I know I echo our colleagues feelings when I say we wouldn’t have done it any other way.
We are overjoyed to see weddings coming back this year. This is what we wanted, this is what we’ve been waiting for!
BUT sadly what we are also seeing is lots of demands, lots of unreasonable expectations, and lots of wasted time.
Sweet Cheeks alone postponed over 200 weddings last year..I still don’t know how we made all that happen! Our wedding planners got the daunting task of juggling multiple clients and orchestrating ALL their vendors for new postponement dates, it’s a miracle they are still standing! Our florists had to suck up some of the cost on flowers they had already ordered for events. Our photographers had already paid second shooters to assist them for wedding days.
The list goes on and on of all the ways we lost our income and our mental sanity.
We as a community are asking our current & potential clients for all the grace you can give us right now. We are asking for kindness, patience, understanding, and respect.
If you can find it in your hearts to give us that, we promise in return we will give you the wedding of your dreams💛