Tip the Velvet Burlesque Club

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Tip the Velvet Burlesque Club The official page for Tip the Velvet, Swedens oldest burlesque club. Here you will find updates about upcoming events and performances.

You can also book us for events and workshops.

🇾đŸ‡Ș 2024 - Vilket Ă„r! Tip the Velvet fick en helt ny styrelse och genomförde inte bara en utan tvĂ„ slutsĂ„lda burlesque fe...

🇾đŸ‡Ș 2024 - Vilket Ă„r! Tip the Velvet fick en helt ny styrelse och genomförde inte bara en utan tvĂ„ slutsĂ„lda burlesque fester!
Vi som tagit över hade aldrig gjort nĂ„got liknande, men vi tog oss an uppdraget för att vi Ă€lskar Tip the Velvet och det Ă€r fantastiskt att fĂ„ vara en del av det hĂ€r. ❀
Nu ser vi fram emot ett 2025 med Ànnu mer burlesque, skratt och kÀrlek!
Vi har nya planer pÄ gÄng som vi kommer dela med oss av sÄ fort vi kan!

Vad Àr era nyÄrsönskningar för Tip the Velvet?

✹ Gott Nytt År! ✹

🇬🇧 2024 - What a year! Tip the Velvet got a whole new board and had not just one but two sold out burlesque parties!
We who took over had never done anything like it, but we took on the assignment because we love Tip the Velvet and it's amazing to be a part of this!❀
Now we look forward to a 2025 with even more burlesque, laughter and love!
We have new plans in the making and we will share these as fast as we can!

What are your new years wishes for Tip the Velvet?

✹Happy New Year! ✹

🇾đŸ‡Ș God helg och God Jul frĂ„n oss pĂ„ Tip the Velvet! 💖🇬🇧Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from us at Tip the Velvet! 💖

God helg och God Jul frĂ„n oss pĂ„ Tip the Velvet! 💖

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from us at Tip the Velvet! 💖

🇾đŸ‡Ș HĂ€r kommer utvalda bilder frĂ„n “Creatures of the Night: Nocturnal Court”! Om ni delar foton, kom ihĂ„g att tagga vĂ„r f...

🇾đŸ‡Ș HĂ€r kommer utvalda bilder frĂ„n “Creatures of the Night: Nocturnal Court”! Om ni delar foton, kom ihĂ„g att tagga vĂ„r fotograf Tobias Walka ! 📾

Vi har Ă€ven lagt till alla bilder frĂ„n fotohörnan i en drive mapp som ni kan nĂ„ via denna lĂ€nken! Önskar ni att fĂ„ era bilder i hög resolution kan ni köpa dem av Tobias Walka för 300 kr!

Tack alla igen för en magisk natt! đŸ–€

🇬🇧 Here are our selected photos from "Creatures of the Night: Nocturnal Court"! If you share photos on social media, remember to tag our photographer Tobias Walka ! 📾

We have also put all the photos from the photobooth in a drive folder that you can access via this link! If you wish to receive your photos in high resolution, you can purchase them from Tobias Walka for 300 SEK!

Thank you all again for a magical night! đŸ–€

🇾đŸ‡Ș Åh, vilken natt! Bilder frĂ„n eventet kommer i veckan att publiceras pĂ„ vĂ„ra sociala medier & hemsida, sĂ„ hĂ„ll utkik!V...

🇾đŸ‡Ș Åh, vilken natt! Bilder frĂ„n eventet kommer i veckan att publiceras pĂ„ vĂ„ra sociala medier & hemsida, sĂ„ hĂ„ll utkik!

Vill ni hjÀlpa oss att göra Tip the Velvet Ànnu bÀttre? Svara pÄ vÄr enkÀt om festen!

🇬🇧 Oh, what a night! Pictures from the event will be published this week on our social media & website, so keep an eye out!

Would you like to help us make Tip the Velvet even better? Answer our survey about the party!

🇾đŸ‡Ș HjĂ€lp oss göra Tip the Velvet Ă€nnu bĂ€ttre! 🇬🇧 Help us make Tip the Velvet even better!

🇾đŸ‡Ș  IkvĂ€ll samlas alla nattens varelser pĂ„ Bellmans Salonger! Vi ser fram emot en kvĂ€ll med fantastiska upptrĂ€danden, da...

🇾đŸ‡Ș IkvĂ€ll samlas alla nattens varelser pĂ„ Bellmans Salonger! Vi ser fram emot en kvĂ€ll med fantastiska upptrĂ€danden, dans och gott sĂ€llskap!

KvÀllens artister Àr Lady Rivet, Yvette Les Fesses, Kiki Chérie, Briar the Vaudevillain, Foxy, Ribflare Faboylous, Feriah Fangs, Amanita Thorn & Gita von Winlandt!
Vi kommer ha pÄ plats, redo att fÄnga kvÀllen med sin kamera!

Sponsorer: , .se, &

Det kommer vara ett livligt event och ljudvolymen kan bli hög, framförallt nÀra scenen, sÄ hörselskydd kan vara skönt om du Àr kÀnslig för ljud.

Är ni lika exalterade som vi Ă€r?

🇬🇧 Tonight all creatures of the night gathers at Bellmans Salonger! We look forward to an evening of fantastic performances, dancing and good company!

Tonights artists are Lady Rivet, Yvette Les Fesses, Kiki Chérie, Briar the Vaudevillain, Foxy, Ribflare Faboylous, Feriah Fangs, Amanita Thorn & Gita von Winlandt!

We’ll have at the venue ready to capture the night with his camera!

Sponsors: , .se, &

It will be a lively event and the volume can get loud, especially near the stage, so earplugs might be nice if you’re sensitive to sound.

Are you as excited as we are?

Biljetter finns hÀr! Tickets here: https://simplesignup.se/event/220015

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎃 Uppdatering: Det var ett misstag pĂ„ biljettsidan som visade att vi var fullbokade, men det finns faktiskt 15 biljet...

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎃 Uppdatering: Det var ett misstag pĂ„ biljettsidan som visade att vi var fullbokade, men det finns faktiskt 15 biljetter kvar! đŸŽŸïž

Vi har ocksĂ„ precis fĂ„tt tillgĂ„ng till lokalen och upptĂ€ckt att den redan Ă€r dekorerad med tidigt julpynt! 🎄✹ Men oroa er inte – vi kommer att lĂ€gga till vĂ„ra egna kusliga detaljer för att hĂ„lla Halloween-stĂ€mningen vid liv. Det blir en unik blandning av julmagi och Halloweenrys!

🇬🇧 🎃 Update: There was a glitch on the ticket website showing that we were fully booked, but there are actually 15 tickets left! đŸŽŸïž

Also, we’ve just accessed the venue and found it decked out in early Christmas decorations! 🎄✹ But don’t worry—we’ll be adding our own spooky touch to keep the Halloween spirit alive. It’ll be a unique mix of holiday haunt and Halloween chills!

Biljetter finns i bion! Tickets in bio!

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎭 Ny tĂ€vlingsform för drĂ€kttĂ€vlingen! 🎭SĂ„ hĂ€r gĂ„r det till:✹ AnmĂ€lan & Foto: FrĂ„n 20.00 till 21.45 kan tĂ€vlande anmĂ€l...

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎭 Ny tĂ€vlingsform för drĂ€kttĂ€vlingen! 🎭
SÄ hÀr gÄr det till:

✹ AnmĂ€lan & Foto: FrĂ„n 20.00 till 21.45 kan tĂ€vlande anmĂ€la sig vid scenen. Vi tar ett foto av varje tĂ€vlande för att fĂ„nga deras fantastiska look!

✹ Presentation & Röstning: Efter första akten presenterar vi alla tĂ€vlande pĂ„ scen och delar ut en QR-kod som gĂ€ster kan skanna för att rösta. GĂ€sterna röstar genom att vĂ€lja ett foto av sin favorit. Röstningen Ă€r öppen till slutet av andra akten!

✹ Fyra SpĂ€nnande Kategorier:
KvÀllens Tema (huvudpriset!)
Publikens Val

De 3 första kategorierna utses av vĂ„r jury, medan Publikens Val bestĂ€ms av era röster. Om publikens favorit redan har vunnit sĂ„ vĂ€ljs personen med nĂ€st flest röster sĂ„ att vi Ă€ndĂ„ fĂ„r fyra unika vinnare! 🏆

Det hĂ€r Ă€r ett nytt upplĂ€gg vi provar, och vi tar gĂ€rna emot era tankar och idĂ©er! Lycka till alla tĂ€vlande! đŸ–€âœš

🇬🇧 🎭 New Costume Contest Format for Creatures of the Night! 🎭
Here’s how it will work:

✹ Sign-Up & Photos: From 20:00 to 21:45, contestants can sign up by the stage. We’ll take a photo of each contestant to capture their amazing look!

✹ Presentation & Voting: After the first act, we’ll present each contestant on stage and share a QR code for voting. Guests can scan the code to vote for their favorite by selecting a photo. Voting is possible until the end of act two!

✹ Four Exciting Categories:
Theme of the Night (our big winner!)
Public’s Choice

The first 3 categories will be chosen by our jury, and the Public’s Choice will be determined by your votes. If the public’s top pick has already won, the next person with the most votes will be selected, so we end up with four unique winners! 🏆

This is a new format we’re trying out, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! Good luck to all contestants! đŸ–€âœš

🏆Priser sponsras av - Prizes sponsored by:
Grothica, Lilla Legend ( on instagram) & Mshop.se!

Biljetter finns hÀr! Tickets here: https://simplesignup.se/event/220015

🇾đŸ‡Ș  Bara en vecka kvar! ïżŒ Har du köpt biljett? Biljetter kan inte köpas i dörren, sĂ„ skaffa dina biljetter nu! Förbered ...

🇾đŸ‡Ș  Bara en vecka kvar! ïżŒ Har du köpt biljett? Biljetter kan inte köpas i dörren, sĂ„ skaffa dina biljetter nu!

Förbered er pĂ„ en kvĂ€ll av dans, gott (och vĂ€lklĂ€tt!) sĂ€llskap och sĂ„klart fantastiska framtrĂ€danden av vĂ„ra talangfulla artister: Lady Rivet, Amanita Thorn, Yvette les Fesses, Kiki ChĂ©rie, Gita von Winlandt, Briar the Vaudevillain, Feriah Fangs, Ribflare Faboylous & Foxy! ïżŒ

🇬🇧 Just one week left! ïżŒ Have you bought your ticket? Tickets can’t be bought at the venue, so get your tickets now!

Prepare yourself for a night of dancing, good (and well dressed!) company and of course amazing performances by our talented artists: Lady Rivet, Amanita Thorn, Yvette les Fesses, Kiki ChĂ©rie, Gita von Winlandt, Briar the Vaudevillain, Feriah Fangs, Ribflare Faboylous & Foxy! ïżŒ

ïżŒBiljetter i bio! Tickets in bio!

Photo: Salty Punch by Tobias Walka at "Once upon a time"

🇾đŸ‡Ș  Bara en vecka kvar!   Har du köpt biljett? Biljetter kan inte köpas i dörren, sĂ„ skaffa dina biljetter nu!Förbered e...

🇾đŸ‡Ș Bara en vecka kvar! Har du köpt biljett? Biljetter kan inte köpas i dörren, sĂ„ skaffa dina biljetter nu!

Förbered er pÄ en kvÀll av dans, gott (och vÀlklÀtt!) sÀllskap och sÄklart fantastiska framtrÀdanden av vÄra talangfulla artister: Lady Rivet, Amanita Thorn, Yvette les Fesses, Kiki Chérie, Gita von Winlandt, Briar the Vaudevillain, Feriah Fangs, Ribflare Faboylous & Foxy!

🇬🇧 Just one week left! Have you bought your ticket? Tickets can’t be bought at the venue, so get your tickets now!

Prepare yourself for a night of dancing, good (and well dressed!) company and of course amazing performances by our talented artists: Lady Rivet, Amanita Thorn, Yvette les Fesses, Kiki Chérie, Gita von Winlandt, Briar the Vaudevillain, Feriah Fangs, Ribflare Faboylous & Foxy!

Biljetter finns hÀr! Tickets here: https://simplesignup.se/event/220015

Photo: Salty Punch by Tobias Walka Harmonik Distortion at "Once upon a time"

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎃 Glad Halloween frĂ„n Tip the Velvet! 🎃Idag firar vi inte bara allt kusligt, utan Ă€ven en speciell milstolpe – det Ă€r...

🇾đŸ‡Ș 🎃 Glad Halloween frĂ„n Tip the Velvet! 🎃

Idag firar vi inte bara allt kusligt, utan Ă€ven en speciell milstolpe – det Ă€r 16 Ă„r sedan Tip the Velvet-Facebookgruppen skapades! đŸ–€âœš Genom Ă„ren har vi vuxit tillsammans, skapat oförglömliga kvĂ€llar, fantastiska upptrĂ€danden och ett levande community av underbara mĂ€nniskor som Ă€lskar burleskens konst.

Tack till alla som har varit en del av denna resa – lĂ„t oss fortsĂ€tta att hĂ„lla magin vid liv i mĂ„nga Ă„r framöver! Och med bara lite mer Ă€n en vecka kvar till Creatures of the Night: Nocturnal Court ser vi fram emot att göra denna Halloween-sĂ€song minnesvĂ€rd. 🌕🩇

Glad Halloween, och hĂ€r Ă€r till fler fabulösa kvĂ€llar! đŸŸ

🇬🇧 🎃 Happy Halloween from Tip the Velvet! 🎃

Today, as we celebrate all things spooky, we’re also thrilled to mark a special milestone – it’s been 16 years since our Tip the Velvet Facebook group first came to life! đŸ–€âœš Over the years, we’ve grown together, creating unforgettable nights, amazing performances, and a vibrant community of incredible people who love the art of burlesque.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey – let’s keep the magic alive for many more years to come! And with just a little over a week until Creatures of the Night: Nocturnal Court, we can’t wait to make this Halloween season one to remember. 🌕🩇
Happy Halloween, and here’s to more fabulous nights ahead! đŸŸ

Biljetter finns hÀr! Tickets here: https://simplesignup.se/event/220015



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Tipping the Velvet!

Tip the Velvet Burlesque Club in Gothenburg was founded by Kandi von Kane and Swedish Siren in 2009.

Tip the Velvet burlesque club has existed since 2008, making it the oldest burlesque club in Sweden still operating. The inspiration came from The Hootchy Kootchy Club in Stockholm with their q***r, normbreaking view of the burlesque artform. But the producers have always strived for a mix of political neo-burlesque and more classic burlesque, pin-up and fandance.

We organize between two and four clubs a year, and for the past four years, Bellmans Salonger in Gothenburg has been our venue.

The Velvet Vixens are the clubs resident dancers and is a fairly loosely organized troupe of women, men and non-binaries. Several members have come and gone through the years. Many Gothenburg based burlesque performers start their journey here, and some, like Thistel and Evilyn Frantic, have gone on to international careers. Out of the original lineup, Styx, CIA, Dixie Dazzle and Ruby Sparxx still remain.