I am a trained celebrant working with families to create a person focused individual service for all of life's occasions. I offer a bespoke service and listen carefully to ensure all my ceremomies are from the heart and reflect what is important to the family or individual. I am happy to include some spiritual elements if required or can offer a more life focused service. Funerals- I am able to ta
ke services at the crematorium or anywhere else apart from churches. People are often choosing to hold ceremonies at places that are more personal to their loved one such as a woodland, a local hall or even their own home. I work closely with families to offer a dignified but deeply personal service that allows them to say goodbye to their loved one in a way that is right for them. Weddings- a special day that should show the personalities and love between the couple getting married. We would meet to plan the detail of the ceremony to ensure your service reflects who you are and what is important to you. I am not a registrar so the legal bit needs to be done in advance or a registrar must be present. Baby namings- often parents would like to share the arrival of their baby with family and friends but don't feel a christening is right for them. I can plan a ceremony with you that will welcome your baby in to your family and allow you to celebrate with those you love.