EARWAX始於 2011年初的 Deerhunter 台北演唱會。從樂迷出發的我們,身份轉換之後,更加殷切期盼一場用心籌備的演出,可以讓人永遠記得那個片刻,更加深刻永生難忘的時光。莫說改變人生,而是讓人生的美好確實一點一滴的增加。而無論是以樂迷或是主辦者的姿態參與任何演唱會或音樂祭,我們都深深感覺未來還有很遠很長的路要走,不只是單純的音樂活動,也希望有效的降低對生態的破壞、盡綿薄之力讓環境更健康。
EARWAX established with the Deerhunter Taipei Concert in the beginning of 2011. We strive to have the audiences to forever remember the moments; moreover, to reinforce an unforgettable lifetime exp
erience. It's not to change one's life, but rather to enrich the sense of happiness bits by bits. Whether being in the perspective of music fans or host in attending any concert or music festival, we deeply come into realization that there is still a long long way ahead of us to go, in terms of not only focusing on the music events, but also to promote an awareness of protecting the eco-system, and making a healthier and better living environment.