I’m going to miss this Rhine River.. especially seeing all the women picking flowers from the riverside to take home. So cute. ❤️ #cologne #köln #flowers #blumen
Luxembourg butterfly garden 🦋 #butterflies #luxembourg
Bonne journée Matilija poppies 🍳
#nice #matiljapoppy #treepoppy #flowers
Who can tell me the name of this pretty flower? Growing in Nice, France late May. Many thanks ❤️
#flowers #floweridentification #flower #france #nice
Day 2/100 days of ikebana (anywhere, anytime with any materials)
Where: In the tiny bathtub of my tiny tokyo apartment
Time: Evening bathtime but there was a large earthquake that happened
Materials: cherry blossoms and tulips
Normally I watch Korean drama while in the bath. Today I’ve decided for the first time in my life to try ikebana in the bath. Now that I think about it I’m surprised I never did this before given how much time I spend in the bath. I often make flower baths with bath salts and petals but never thought to arrange here.
I’m using cherry blossoms and tulips so that as I arrange the extra delicate petals will fall into the bath where I am sitting.
I have the feeling this can be a new ritual to me, because I also think bathrooms are one of the best places to put flower arrangements. They make the room smell wonderful. Although perhaps only small arrangements can fit.
As I was making this and thinking about baths from previous times, I remembered a most fabulous bath experience in India where I’d travelled with my ikebana teacher for an ikebana conference. We were staying together in this most beautiful hotel and I had bought so many roses which I filled the entire bath with. We were in hysterics and took many many photos. I hope one day again to experience another flower bath in India. This flower bath was filled with dark bright rose petals so totally the opposite to this arrangement. But all flower / bath combinations I think can be good. I hope this inspires you to make a flower bath tonight...
As I was writing this too, in the bath we experienced a very large earthquake. Wow. I am surprised.
I have gotten used to the earthquakes here, but this was a big one. I hope everyone is doing ok.
#ikebana #sogetsuikebana #sogetsu #flowerarrangement #tokyo #100daysofikebana #bath
Huge fan of outdoor ikebana now 🌸 Now starting to think about picnic ikebana-ing.... 🍓
#tokyo #ikebana #sogetsuikebana #sogetsu