At the age of 50, I can tell stories about what trials and tribulations truly are, but instead, I will enlighten you.
Education is good, knowledge is great, but wisdom is given to those chosen by the creator. Strive to be wise.
It is great when you have a family of your own, just remember you came from a family too. Never forsake your parents, especially the ones that sacrificed everything for your happiness.
It is great to attain wealth and status, just remember one day, you will depart this physical world. While attaining wealth, you should attain the following as well. Good character, empathy, humility, kindness, love, and treat all living things with the same dignity as you would like to be treated.
God shines on you via the sun. God is the foundation in which you stand, the earth. God is the light at night via the moon. God is the water you drink, the Ganges. I can go on and on, but lastly, the very breath that you breathe is God, that is why you are alive. Touch the earth, bow to the sun, embrace all with love, because God is love, that love is dwelling within your physical body, we call it the soul.
Stay away from anything or anyone that interferes with your peace and personal growth. This life is yours, so it is your responsibility to protect it at all cost. Don’t engage in gossip, or involve where people’s name and character are being tarnished. Don’t allow yourself to speak bad about anyone.
I want to educate you about success. When you think of success, think about you first. You know why, everyone else is thinking about their own success.
My grandfather told me, you cannot save the world, so sometimes all you can do is watch, and that is exactly what I do.
Anyone that live to see 50 in these days should consider themselves blessed, and I am beyond blessed. However, don’t mistake blessed for luck. I am anything but lucky. I made my own luck.
Lastly, assuming you know the book by the cover is a grave mistake, there are a lot of people that cannot read. There are people that can read, but don’t understand. Metaphorically speaking. Think about that for a moment.
Today as I embrace this milestone, I just want to say, I am so proud of me for never giving up. I am proud of all my accomplishments, and still pushing the envelope until today. I thank my family for their love and support. I thank God for being the master of master (IYKYK). Grateful for the highs and lows, the light and darkness, the strength and weakness, and all else. I am who I am, I am me, I am blessed.
Happy 50th Birthday to me.