How was your Dunolly pool party?
Did you have fun?
We love as a family putting on such an event, but are to flat out to get some photos. So if you can share some photos you have would be awesome.
Massive thanks to everyone who came.
Special thanks to Wheelie bean mobile coffee café coffee café for your amazing service all day.
Also The Little Produce Boxfor not only cooking for our son’s birthday, but the bbq for everyone else to enjoy.
Dimondz Dimondz for all the help and fairy floss and popcorn.
Drew Garraway for loaning us the trailer and Santa costumes.
Geoff Killmaster for all the help setting everything up and pe***ng all the castles and stuff down.
Mayor Liesbeth Long CGSC and the Central Goldfields Shire Council for allowing us to put on such an awesome event for the community to enjoy.
And to all the stall holders who came out to make this possible.
Thanks so much