New episode with Sport Psychologist & gravel cyclist, Erin Ayala.
She has a big goal at Unbound Gravel this year. Find out what the reason is for her goal & her tips for some goal setting in the new year. https://www.hearhersports.com/ #/ep182-erin-ayala-sports-psychologist/
With over a decade of research and clinical experience, Dr. Erin Ayala is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Mental Performance Consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is the founder of Skadi Sport Psychology ( ), a mission driven sport psychology practice that specializes in working with girls, women, and non-binary endurance athletes. Dr. Ayala is a published author of over 20 research articles and book chapters, and has been featured in Trailrunner Magazine, the New York Times, and other media outlets. Beyond her professional achievements, she is an accomplished endurance athlete, a lover of spreadsheets, and is likely reading 12+ books at any given time.
She loves books--> order your copy from our bookshop page https://bookshop.org/a/16267/9781590309230