Gather round, come all ye' silly buggas.
So Silly Crew will be serving up freshly tossed nonsense everyday over the most looked forward to weekend of the year - Balter Festival.
Live graffiti to the back drop of banging tunes? We got that. Want to relive your childhood and battle it out in the Beyblade arena? We got you fam. Wanna get cheered on for simply dunking a biscuit? Come on down. Wanna try your hand at an OFFICIAL Guinness world record for eating cream crackers (current record is 3 in 34 seconds)? Get officially silly.
We've got a wicked line up of super talented DJs, artists, and all round professional silly c*nts.
Find us in the main programme or cruising around with our BMX DJ chariot and wheelie bin sound system.
See you on the racecourse 😉