祝大家 年初七
人日快樂 🎂
身體健康 💪🏻
Happy Human Birthday ! 😄🫶🫰😘
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #NFD #AFCA #candle #CandleHolders #HappyNewYear #rose #龍年 #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #蠟燭台 #蠟燭 #玫瑰 #年初七 #人日快樂
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Mong Kok Flower is so lively!🫶👍
旺角花墟好熱鬧啊! 🫶👍
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Merry Christmas 🎄💕 😘!
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #NFD #AFCA #candle #CandleHolders #ChristmasEve #MerryChristmas #ChristmasWreath #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #蠟燭台 #聖誕節 #平安夜 #聖誕花環 #聖誕快樂
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如果餐桌面不大, 做個小型鮮花蠟燭台也可以, 一樣有聖誕氣氛!
If the dining table is not large, you can also make a small flower candle holder, which will still create a Christmas atmosphere !
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #NFD #AFCA #candle #Christmas #CandleHolders #rose #hydrangea #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #聖誕節 #蠟燭台 #玫瑰 #綉球花
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這個聖誕花環用上鮮花, 其中有玫瑰, 繡球花, 小蘋果, 滲出淡淡的花香, 就算慢慢變乾成為乾花, 也會有另一種味道!
聖誕花環真的可以一物幾用, 放在餐桌上做裝飾之外, 還可以加上不同的蠟燭, 營造出不同的感覺及氣氛!
This Christmas wreath uses fresh flowers, including roses, hydrangeas, and small apples, exuding a light floral fragrance. Even if it slowly dries into dried flowers, it will have a different flavor!
Christmas wreaths can really be used for multiple purposes. They can be placed on the dining table for decoration. Adding different candles will create different feelings and atmospheres!
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #NFD #AFCA #candle #Christmas #ChristmasWreath #rose #hydrangea #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #聖誕節 #聖誕花環 #玫瑰 #綉球花 #小蘋果
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這個聖誕花環用上鮮花, 其中有玫瑰, 繡球花, 小蘋果, 滲出淡淡的花香, 就算慢慢變乾成為乾花, 也會有另一種味道!
聖誕花環真的可以一物幾用, 放在餐桌上做裝飾之外, 還可以加上不同的蠟燭, 營造出不同的感覺及氣氛!
This Christmas wreath uses fresh flowers, including roses, hydrangeas, and small apples, exuding a light floral fragrance. Even if it slowly dries into dried flowers, it will have a different flavor!
Christmas wreaths can really be used for multiple purposes. They can be placed on the dining table for decoration. Adding different candles will create different feelings and atmospheres!
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #NFD #AFCA #candle #Christmas #ChristmasWreath #rose #hydrangea #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #聖誕節 #聖誕花環 #玫瑰 #綉球花 #小蘋果
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好耐無出post了, 今年我騎上了驛馬, 有成半年時間周圍去. 11月時剛去了日本, 現在為大家分享一下“河口湖紅葉迴廊🍁”美美的風景啊!
I haven’t published a post for a long time. This year I rode a stage horse and traveled around for half a year. I just went to Japan in November. Now I would like to share with you the beautiful scenery of the "Kawaguchiko Maple Leaves Corridor🍁"!
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #Japan #kawaguchiko #MapleLeaf #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #日本 #河口湖 #紅葉 #紅葉迴廊
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Let’s take a nature education class today!
Look how zucchini grows! After reading it, you will fully understand its growth process!
In addition, it also solved my long-standing myth. It turns out that the black and withered part at the end of the zucchini is not a leaf🍃! (I always thought it was ! 😅)
So what should it be? 🤔
另外亦解開了我多年的迷思, 原來節瓜的尾部黑色枯了的部分不是葉子🍃!(我一直以為係㗎!😅)
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #vancouver #canada #planting #zucchini #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #種植 #節瓜
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在住處附近有一間社區中心, 旁邊原來有一個公園, 其實是一個樹林🌳, 樹林雖然在路旁, 但行入去是非常清幽, 聽不到車聲, 十分寧靜!多頭玫瑰🌹亦開得十分燦爛!
There is a community center near the residence. There used to be a park next to it, but it was actually a forest🌳. Although the forest is next to the road, it is very quiet when you walk in. You can't hear the sound of cars, so it is very peaceful ! The multi-headed roses🌹 are also blooming brilliantly !
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #rose #vancouver #canada #tree #forest #park #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #玫瑰花
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好耐冇update 喇!
近來在外國小住, 見到好多花草樹木, 我會不時跟大家分享, 希望大家喜歡!
之前去過UBC的Rose Garden, 平時在香港只見到切花, 種在地上的🌹玫瑰花較少見到, 在這裡有好多品種, 見到都好開心😍!
Long time no update!
Recently, I lived in a foreign country and saw a lot of flowers and trees. I will share it with you from time to time. I hope you like it!
I have been to the Rose Garden in UBC before. I usually only see cut flowers in Hong Kong. It is rare to see 🌹roses planted on the ground. There are many varieties here, so happy to see them😍!
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #rose #vancouver #canada #ubc #rosegarden #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #花課 #花籃 #玫瑰花 #玫瑰園
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今年香港花展🌺的主題是繡球花, 雖然三月才展出, 但在香港各大公園已可率先賞花. 這天來到天水圍公園👀看花, 除了有繡球花之外, 還有魯冰花, 以前只聽過這個名字, 但未曾見過, 今日終於可以見到真身!另外還有平時插花用的飛燕草, 紅掌, 石竹等, 今日終於見到它們成棵種在泥上的模樣, 甚是有趣;公園內還有其他花草植物, 在花展前, 可先去這公園觀賞!😉
The theme of this year's Hong Kong Flower Show 🌺is hydrangea. Although it was only exhibited in March, you can enjoy the flowers in major parks in Hong Kong. This day, I came to Tin Shui Wai Park to see flowers. In addition to hydrangeas, there are also lupine flowers , I have only heard of this name before, but I have never seen it. Today I can finally see 👀 the real body! In addition, there are delphiniums, anthuriums, dianthus, etc. that are usually used for flower arrangement. Today, I finally saw them planted on the mud. It is very interesting. There are other flowers and plants in the park. Before the flower show, you can go to this park first. watch! 😉
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #香港花展2023 #hkflowershow #繡球花 #魯冰花 #飛燕草 #紅掌 #玫瑰海棠 #新幾內亞鳳仙 #天水圍公園
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The theme of this year's Hong Kong Flower Show 🌺is hydrangea. Although it was only exhibited in March, you can enjoy the flowers in major parks in Hong Kong. This day, I came to Tin Shui Wai Park to see flowers. In addition to hydrangeas, there are also lupine flowers , I have only heard of this name before, but I have never seen it. Today I can finally see 👀 the real body! In addition, there are delphiniums, anthuriums, dianthus, etc. that are usually used for flower arrangement. Today, I finally saw them planted on the mud. It is very interesting. There are other flowers and plants in the park. Before the flower show, you can go to this park first. watch! 😉
今年香港花展🌺的主題是繡球花, 雖然三月才展出, 但在香港各大公園已可率先賞花. 這天來到天水圍公園👀看花, 除了有繡球花之外, 還有魯冰花, 以前只聽過這個名字, 但未曾見過, 今日終於可以見到真身!另外還有平時插花用的飛燕草, 紅掌, 石竹等, 今日終於見到它們成棵種在泥上的模樣, 甚是有趣;公園內還有其他花草植物, 在花展前, 可先去這公園觀賞!😉
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #blooming #插花 #香港 #訂製 #花禮 #手工禮物 #興趣班 #工作坊 #學插花 #香港花展2023 #hkflowershow #繡球花 #魯冰花 #飛燕草 #紅掌 #玫瑰海棠 #新幾內亞鳳仙 #天水圍公園
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祝大家 新年快樂😄、兔年吉祥👌、身體健康💪、心想事成👍!😘🫶🫰
Happy Chinese New Year ! 😘🫶🫰
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #NFD #AFCA #candle #插花 #香港 #訂製 #手工禮物 #工作坊 #兔年 #新年快樂 #兔年吉祥 #身體健康 #心想事成
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Boxing Day 當然要有box喇!但此盒不同彼盒, 係花盒呀!我好喜歡做花盒, 因為我多數將前後面做到不一樣, 即是一盒兩款, 係超值的花品啊!😉🫶🏻🫰🏻
Of course Boxing Day must have a box ! But this box is different from another box, it is a flower box! I really like making flower boxes, because I usually make the front and back different, that is, one box with two styles, it is a super value flower product! 😉🫶🏻🫰
#mysweetheartfloralngifts #flowers #hongkong #floraldesign #floral #gift #flowerarrangement #handmade #soywax #Christmas #christmastree #christmaswreath #boxingday #NFD #AFCA #candle #插花 #香港 #訂製 #聖誕節 #聖誕禮物 #手工禮物 #聖誕樹 #聖誕環 #工作坊 #手作 #蠟燭 #禮物 #香薰蠟燭 #花盒
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