Eclipse DJ Services will be at The Wagon Wheel in Nanton Alberta Saturday October 26th for a Halloween themed costume party, and we want to see you 🫵 there! Get your masks and costumes ready!
#party #Halloween #halloweendecor #halloweendecorations #haloweencostume #halloweencostumeparty #scary #scarystories #eclipsedjservices #nanton #dj #djlife #pumpkin #pumpkins #carving #pumpkincarving #candlelight
The 1 year anniversary barn burner was a huge success. A big thanks to all the families that had us out! We hope to see you again soon.
Book your 2024 / 2025 wedding or event now!
#lightshow #eclipsedjservices #albertadj #party #weddings #anniversary #calgaryandarea #youwantus #ceremony #DJLife #reception #weddingdjs #weddingdjsetup #dj #greatparty #goodtime #calgary #denon #dancing #serato #nanton #weddingdj #langdon #like #follow #new
You can catch Eclipse Dj Services at The Wagon Wheel this Saturday! We're on after The Stompin' Cory Three Fingers Band! Show starts at 6pm!
We'll turn your wedding into a party!
Book now for your upcoming event!
#wedding #party #dj #crowdsurfing #eclipse djservices #albertadj #receptions #calgaryandarea #calgarydj #calgary #Cochrane #lightshow #youwantus #djing
Come check us out at The Wagon Wheel this Saturday in Nanton, Alberta!
With special guest Stompin' Cory Threefingers on at 6pm!
The calm before the storm..
See us in Nanton, Alberta tomorrow night at The Wagon Wheel! Starting at 8pm.
#nanton #wagonwheelpub #dj #party #alberta #pub
What’s the best song to line dance to?
Comment below!!
@eclipse_dj_services We’re out of this world! Book now for your special event or party.
#eclipsedjservices #outofthisworld #alien #dj #albertaentertainment #lasershow #party #mj #billejean #numark #smoke #booknow
Eclipse DJ Services is Back! 50s, 60s, and more tonight only The Wagon Wheel
#eclipsedjservices #albertaentertainment #50s #60s #nanton #dj #smoke #lights #yahoo #partytime #bar
Summer 2022 is here! Book your wedding or special event event with us today! #EclipseDJServices #wedding #longview #alberta #DJ