Hello all! We would like to bring to your attention that the Holy Month of Ramadan is approaching. This significant period involves fasting from dawn to sundown for Muslims worldwide. Consequently, numerous families within our community require essential items to sustain them throughout the month. This year, Stardust Helping Hands and Inspiring Events NB are collaborating on this special project. We are seeking donations to support this initiative.
If you wish to contribute financially, please use the following Venmo link: https://venmo.com/u/Inspiringevents-NB.
We are specifically seeking the following donations:
Food Items: canned goods, rice, pasta, and other non-perishable items.
Self-Care Items: body washes, soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pads, tampons, hairbrushes, and other self-care products with minimal fragrances due to allgeries