☀️ New years bring new beginnings and fresh energy to all things. A new chapter lies ahead of me, and I am officially stepping out of the event world.
🤍I have come to know so many talented and inspiring people - met hundreds of clients that welcomed us into their wedding celebrations, and I am beyond grateful for all the support, encouragement, enthusiasm, and growth we have experienced over these last 8 years.
As always, I’ll be taking the plants and flowers with me on a new journey - and will convert this account when the time is right. If you want to keep in touch, send me a DM or text me.✌🏻
To the farmers, the wholesalers, the designers, the photographers, the venues and vendors, the accountants, and our clients. To my dear friends and family.
This has been a really incredible time in my life, and I want to thank YOU for being there.
If you are looking for florist for your event, please reach out to any of my talented peers:flora